Brian Swager is a contributing editor of THE DIAPASON.

Bok Tower Festival
The eleventh International Carillon Festival at Bok Tower Gardens near Lake Wales, Florida, will take place February 10-18, 1996, featuring guest carillonneurs Gideon Bodden (The Netherlands), Gildas Delaporte (France), John Courter (Berea College, Berea, KY), Sam Hammond (Duke University, Durham, NC), and Bok Tower carillonneur Milford Myhre and assistant carillonneur William De Turk.
The Festival will pay tribute to the remarkable musical career of Ronald Barnes, who recently retired after completing 50 years as a professional carillonneur. His most recent post was at the University of California at Berkeley. Previously he served at Washington National Cathedral and at the University of Kansas.
There will be daily recitals at 3:00 p.m., displays of Mr. Barnes' satirical drawings of carillons, organ cases and other musical instruments, and displays/videotape presentations from the Anton Brees Carillon Library.
For detailed information, contact Bill De Turk, ICF Coordinator, Bok Tower Gardens, Lake Wales, FL 33853-3412. Phone: 941/676-1408. Fax: 841/676-6770.