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Carillon News

Brian Swager

News from Bok Tower

The Historic Bok Sanctuary in Lake Wales, Florida, announces its 18th International Carillon Festival, 8-16 February 2003, featuring guest carillonneurs Boudewijn Zwart (The Netherlands), Eddy Mariën (Belgium), John Gouwens (Culver Military Academies, Culver, Indiana), Dennis Curry (The Kirk in the Hills, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan), and resident carillonneurs Milford Myhre and William De Turk. Events will include daily recitals at 3:00 pm, a moonlight recital at 8:00 pm on Friday 14 February, carillon and art exhibits, and non-carillon concerts.

Until recently, the sanctuary was known as Bok Tower Gardens. Originally it was known as The Mountain Lake Sanctuary and Singing Tower, and the new official name is Historic Bok Sanctuary. An explanation follows:

Nearly 75 years ago, Edward W. Bok gave this incredible gift for the visitation of the American people. Mountain Lake Sanctuary and Singing Tower drew the praise of President Calvin Coolidge and the interest of the nation as it assumed the prestigious position as one of Florida's original tourism destinations. It has welcomed more than 23 million American and international visitors since its dedication in 1929.

In recent years, however, visitation has declined. The state's tourism industry has grown and changed, and the marketing of it has become more sophisticated. Research indicated that Bok Tower Gardens was not particularly well-known or well-understood by Florida residents or out-of-state visitors. However, the overwhelming majority of visitors were very satisfied following their visit and felt the integrity and quality of Bok Tower Gardens has remained impeccable for nearly 75 years.

A market evaluation process helped the sanctuary look at the value of its offerings and what relevance they have in today's world. Through various stages of research and analysis, they came to realize that Bok Tower Gardens provided its visitors with different types and levels of "personal enrichment." Visitors identified its "genuine qualities" as what they viewed as most valuable, especially in an increasingly fast-paced and artificial world, and they embraced the values and integrity of Bok and his gift. Many expressed an interest in learning more about Mr. Bok and the unique role he played in American history.

From the research of Visit Florida, the Tourism Industry of America, and other experts, they realized that they best fit the definition of Cultural Tourism and found it encouraging to learn that an increasing number of people are seeking the type of experiences that they offer--enriching experiences that elevate both mind and spirit. Baby boomers report a particular interest in heritage, cultural and educational experiences, and 85% of Florida's out-of-state visitors engage in some type of cultural/heritage activities while in the state. Research also suggests that as the world continues to get more high tech, there is a growing demand for experiences that are rooted in authenticity and integrity.

They feel that the new name, Historic Bok Sanctuary, and positioning provides a better framework of relevance so that people can better understand what it has to offer. The new name actually says who they are: a historic and cultural site, a gift from Edward Bok, and a sanctuary for man and nature.

Along with the new name, the new graphic identity represents the key offerings: Olmsted-designed gardens, a majestic belltower that holds the state's first and finest carillon, and a stunning Mediterranean Revival estate. Also, the positioning line "Florida's Higher Place" reflects the rare quality of this place and how it enriches visitors through a combination of beautifully landscaped gardens, the carillon music,  and historic structures and museum-quality exhibits. It is also appropriate because the tower is 205 feet tall and built on the highest point in peninsular Florida.

Anton Brees Carillon Library

Librarian William De Turk announces that the Anton Brees Carillon Library is now online! It is a part of Librarycom which is a web site for many libraries using LibraryWorld as their database program.

There are 6600+ items cataloged to date. The current search options are: Author, Title, Subject, Keyword. The company is working on adding the complete line of search capabilities, which will include Expert Search (Boolean search capabilities) & Browse the Shelves.

To access the Brees Library, go to <;

Type in the library name box: Anton Brees Carillon Library

Check: guest


Send items for "Carillon News" to Dr. Brian Swager, c/o The Diapason, 380 E. Northwest Hwy., Suite 200, Des Plaines, IL 60016-2282. For information on the Guild of Carillonneurs in North America, write to: GCNA, 37 Noel Dr., Williamsville, NY 14221.

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