The first annual Albert Schweitzer Organ Festival/USA took place September 11-13 at the First Church of Christ is Wethersfield, Connecticut, co-sponsored by the church and the Albert Schweitzer Institute for the Humanities, located in Wallingford, Connecticut. From audio tapes, six finalists were selected for the competition: (high school division) William Buthod, Tulsa, Oklahoma; Michael Lodico, Waynesville, North Carolina; and Frederick Teardo, Waterbury, Connecticut; (undergraduate college) Paul Jacobs, student of John Weaver, the Curtis Institute of Music, Philadelphia; Daniel Sullivan, student of Haskell Thomson, Oberlin College; and Charles Pouliot, student of Edgar Highberger, St. Vincent College, Latrobe, Pennsylvania. The jurors included Frederick Hohman, Diane Meredith Belcher, and John Rose.
The three-day festival began with a tour of the Austin Organ Company in Hartford, followed by a gala concert on Friday evening, featuring the three judges and David Spicer, minister of music at First Church of Christ, along with a quintet of brass players from the Hartford Symphony, the Festival Singers, and timpani. The program included works of Reger, Sharpe, Peeters, and Sowerby. Among the several invited guests in attendance were former AGO presidents Roberta Bitgood and Alec Wyton.
On Saturday, September 12, the high school competition was held from 9 am until noon, and the college competition from 2-5 pm. That evening contestants and judges were treated to a dinner prepared by Dana Spicer.
On Sunday morning, Frederick Teardo and Michael Lodico played prelude and postlude, respectively, at the 9:15 service, and Charles Pouliot and Paul Jacobs provided respective prelude and postlude at the 11 am service. Diane Meredith Belcher accompanied anthems at both services.
At 4 pm on Sunday, the awards were presented to the winners, and the two first place winners shared a recital. In the high school division, first place ($1,000) went to William Buthod; 2nd place ($500), Michael Lodico; 3rd place ($250), Frederick Teardo. In the college division: first place ($2,000), Paul Jacobs; 2nd place ($1,000), Daniel Sullivan; and 3rd place ($500), Charles Pouliot. In addition special awards from the Schweitzer Institute were given to Laurie Allen, chairperson of the festival; Nancy Anderson, coordinator; David Spicer, and all three judges.
After the awards ceremony, William Buthod played the Prelude and Fugue in c, S. 549, of Bach; Adagio (Symphony No. 5), Widor; Litanies, Alain; and an improvisation on "Yankee Doodle." Paul Jacobs played the Choral No. 1 in E of Franck; Trio Sonata No. 6 in G, Bach; Dieu parmi nous, Messiaen; and Sinfonia to Cantata No. 29, Bach.