Bedient Pipe Organ Company, Roca, Nebraska
Residence of Elaine Mann, Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin
In August, Gene Bedient installed and voiced Bedient Opus 82 at the home of Elaine Mann, Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin. Ms. Mann is organist at Grace Lutheran Church, Eau Claire, Wisconsin. She has written following the installation: “I just want you to know how happy I am with the organ. It is a dream come true.”
The intent was to design and build a small, encased organ with sensitive but not fragile suspended action, an ideal instrument for practicing. It features keyboards with natural playing surfaces of blackwood and accidentals of hard maple. The 30-note concave-radiating pedalboard has oak and maple playing surfaces. Wind is supplied from a small wedge bellows that is located in the top of the organ case.
8′ Rohrflute (58 pipes)
8′ Gedackt 8 (46 pipes; 1–12 common with Rohrflute)
Manual II/Pedal