Nunc dimittis: John Anthony, Ralph Kneeream, Roy Kroezen, Arnold Ostlund, Barbara Owen, Jack Steinkampf
Anna Lapwood at the console of the world’s largest organ, in Boardwalk Hall, Atlantic City, New Jersey An Interview with Anna Lapwood
Julie Zhu performs bellVoix in Burton Memorial Tower (photo credit: Meghan Wysocki) Great Lakes Regional Carillon Gathering University of Michigan
Christopher Houlihan, Jacob Gruss, Robert Bausmith, Nathan Ringkamp, Kimberly Marshall, Bethany Dame, David Hurd, and James O’Donnell Albert Schweitzer Organ Festival Hartford 2024: Young Professional Division Competition
The four-manual stage console in concert position (photo credit: Andrew Forrest / Létourneau Pipe Organs) Cover feature: Létourneau Opus 100
1873 E. & G. G. Hook & Hastings Opus 649 The First Presbyterian Church of Chicago: the Oldest Religious Organization of the City and its Leadership in Music during its First Century
1750 organ by Josef Gabler, Abbey of St. Martin, Weingarten (photo credit: John Bishop) In the Wind: Favorite Pipe Organs
Muller organ, Gay Street United Methodist Church Cover feature: Muller Pipe Organ Company, Gay Street United Methodist, Mount Vernon, Ohio
Example 1: Wagner, Parsifal transformation excerpt Forgotten Symphonies: Hans Fährmann and the Late German Romantic Organ Sonata
St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, Osterville, MA. Mice have harvested the black felt. (photo credit: John Bishop) In the Wind: the care of pipe organs