Muller Pipe Organ Company, Croton, Ohio, has built a new organ for Gay Street United Methodist Church, Mount Vernon, Ohio: three manuals and pedal, 40 ranks, 2,418 pipes. The organ includes some pipework from the church’s 1927 Votteler-Holtkamp-Sparling organ (three manuals and pedal, 25 ranks; which in turn utilized some pipework from the previous 1886 A. B. Felgemaker organ) and from the 1957 Holtkamp Job No. 1695 at Christ Episcopal Church, Cincinnati (three manuals, five divitions, 68 ranks), in a completely new tonal scheme. The electro-pneumatic mechanism and casework of the organ are new, and the recently updated console is retained.
Custom-built, quartersawn oak cases were designed to house the Great division and some Pedal pipework, including a façade of Great and Pedal principal pipes. The mirrored cases are placed on either side of the chancel, facing each other.
The new organ was dedicated during worship on December 3, 2023, and an inaugural concert was presented on May 19, 2024.
The organ is featured on the cover of the November 2024 issue of The Diapason:
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