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University of Rochester Press publishes John Near's Widor biography


The University of Rochester Press announces the publication of Widor: a Life beyond the Toccata, by John R. Near.

The book presents the most complete biography in any language of Charles-Marie Widor—one of the greatest organists of his time, a prolific composer in nearly every genre, professor of organ and composition at the Paris Conservatory, academician and administrator of the Institute of France, journalist, conductor, music editor, correspondent, inspired visionary, and man of deep culture.

An appendix constitutes the most complete listing ever compiled of Widor’s oeuvre. Each work is dated as accurately as possible and includes the publisher, plate number, dedicatee, and relevant commentary. Another appendix lists Widor’s complete published writings, other than the scores of press reviews he penned over several decades.

John Near is William Martin and Mina Merrill Prindle Professor of Fine Arts and college organist at Principia College. The book was released in February; 612 pp., cloth, $90.00.

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