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Nunc dimittis: D. DeWitt Wasson


D. DeWitt Wasson, 88, of Cornwall, PA, died June 23, 2009. He earned the Diploma in Sacred Music from Nyack Missionary Training Institute, the Bachelor of Sacred Music from Eastern Baptist Seminary, and the Master and Doctorate in Sacred Music from Union Theological Seminary. He
held church music positions in Virginia, Maryland, New York and

He was the organ music reviewer for THE AMERICAN ORGANIST, and edited the two
volume "Free Harmonizations of Hymn Tunes" published by Hinshaw Music and
the three volume "Hymntune Index and Related Hymn Materials" published by
Rowman and Littlefield. Prior to retiring to Cornwall Manor, he played fifty
organ concerts in Europe on alternate years and represented America in
numerous International Organ Festivals. He also had the honor of playing two
organ recitals at The United States Military Academy Cadet Chapel.

Founder and musical director of the Westchester Baroque Chorus and Orchestra
for more than thirty years, and dean of the Westchester County, NY chapter of
the American Guild of Organists from 1961-63 and 1985-87, he established a research collection of organ music at the
Westminster Choir College of Ryder University in Princeton, N.J.

D. DeWitt married Josephine Diener in June 1947. Until her death in January of this
year, they shared a wonderful life together, their love of music, and a
globe-spanning circle of friends. He and his wife had lived at Cornwall Manor since October 1993. D.
DeWitt Wasson was preceded in death by his wife. Surviving him are his sister, Vianna Walter; sister, Faith Buchino; and half sister, Ruthanne Wasson.

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