Washington National Cathedral, Washington, D.C., continues Sunday afternoon organ recitals:
November 19, Kipp Cortez;
11/26, Matthew Michael Brown;
February 11, 2018, George Fergus and Benjamin Straley;
2/18, Ryan Hebert;
March 11, Anthony Williams;
3/18, Jeremy Filsell;
April 1, Easter Day organ recital;
4/8, James Kealey;
4/15, Axel Flierl;
4/22, Jamila Javadova-Spitzberg;
4/29, Joseph Ripka;
May 6, Aaron Goen;
5/13, Jeremy Filsell;
5/27, Mark Thewes and Chad Pittman;
June 3, Chuck Seipp and Randall Sheets, trumpet and organ;
6/10, Robert Knupp;
6/17, Michal Markuszewski;
6/24, Tyler Boehmer;
July 4, Independence Day Concert.
For information: https://cathedral.org/music/organ/.