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Todd Wilson CD

Saint James in-the-City, Los Angeles, Murray M. Harris Organ
Saint James in-the-City, Los Angeles, Murray M. Harris Organ

Gothic announces a new organ CD: Saint James in-the-City, Los Angeles, Murray M. Harris Organ (G-49330-31, $19.98), featuring Todd Wilson performing on the 1911 organ, rebuilt and relocated to the church in 1995, the first commercial recording of the instrument.

The disc includes works by Franck, Widor, and Reubke, as well as Bruce Simonds, Gerre Hancock, and James Buonemani.

Todd Wilson is head of the Organ Department at the Cleveland Institute of Music and Curator of the E. M. Skinner pipe organ at Severance Hall in Cleveland, Ohio; he is also Director of Music at Cleveland’s Trinity Cathedral, and House Organist for the Aeolian organ at the Stan Hywet Home and Gardens, Akron, Ohio. He is represented by Karen McFarlane Artists, Inc.

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