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Tiffany Ng to the University of Michigan

Tiffany Ng has been appointed assistant professor of carillon and university carillonneur at the University of Michigan. She will teach studio carillon and other topics. An energetic advocate of contemporary music, she has premiered or revived two dozen acoustic and electroacoustic pieces by composers from Ken Ueno to Kaikhosru Sorabji, and collaboratively pioneered models for interactive “crowdsourced” carillon performances.

She has performed at UC Berkeley’s 2015 Campanile Centennial, the 23rd International Carillon Festival at Bok Tower Gardens, and the 2014 International Carillon Festival Barcelona. Previous appointments include visiting professor of music history at St. Olaf College, associate carillonist at UC Berkeley, and instructor of carillon at the University of Rochester.

Dr. Ng holds degrees in carillon, organ, musicology, new media, and English from the Royal Carillon School “Jef Denyn,” UC Berkeley, the Eastman School of Music, and Yale University. Her former teachers include Geert D’hollander, William Porter, and Joris Verdin. At the University of Michigan she will join Department of Organ faculty members Vincent Dubois (visiting artist), Joseph Gascho (harpsichord and early music), James Kibbie (organ, chair), and Kola Owolabi (organ and sacred music).

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