Schoenstein & Co. of Benicia, California, is building a two-manual, 14-voice, 16-rank organ for Mikell Chapel at the Cathedral of St. Philip, Atlanta, Georgia.
The organ, which replaces an electronic instrument, is in the symphonic style and includes a double expressive division within the Swell. The comprehensive Swell division is duplexed on the Great, which comprises an 8′ Open Diapason and 4′ Principal.
Schoenstein previously built a new console for the cathedral’s Aeolian-Skinner organ, and the new chapel organ’s console will incorporate many of the same combination action and playing aids to facilitate use for practice. Installation is scheduled for September.
For information:
8′ Open Diapason (61 pipes)
4′ Octave (61 pipes)
Stops duplexed from Swell
16′ Bourdon (ext 8′ Chimney Flute)
8′ Horn Diapason (61 pipes)
8′ Gamba (61 pipes)*
8′ Gamba Celeste (tc, 49 pipes)*
8′ Chimney Flute (85 pipes)
8′ Silver Flute (Chim Fl bass, 49 pipes)
4′ Gemshorn (61 pipes)
4′ Chimney Flute (ext Chimney Flute)
2-2⁄3′ Nazard (Chimney Flute)
2′ Fifteenth (ext Gemshorn)
1-3⁄5′ Tierce (TC, 42 pipes)
2′ Mixture III (166 pipes)
16′ Contra Oboe (ext Oboe Horn)
8′ Trumpet*
8′ Oboe Horn (61 pipes)
8′ Clarinet (61 pipes)
* Stops under double expression
16′ Sub Bass (27 pipes)
Stops duplexed from Great and Swell