Schoenstein & Co. is building an organ for the historic Dahlgren Chapel of Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. The instrument of three manuals and 19 ranks will be located in two matching cases on either side of the sanctuary and speaking directly down the nave. The organ has two enclosed divisions with a double expressive sub-division in the Swell. One of the two 8′ Diapasons in the Great and the 16′/8′ Pedal Diapason are unenclosed. The tonal design is along symphonic lines and includes, in addition to solid chorus work, two celestes, Oboe and Clarinet, high pressure Tuba Minor, and four 16′ stops. The third manual borrows solo and ensemble stops from the Great and Swell.
Installation is planned for January 2014, to coincide with completion of the chapel’s renovation. The director of music and liturgy is James A. Wickman. The organ consultant is Lynn Trapp, director of worship and music, St. Olaf Catholic Church, Minneapolis.
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