Schantz Organ Company, Orrville, Ohio, recently completed an organ for First Baptist Church, Mt. Holly, North Carolina, Opus 2339. The two-manual, 17-rank instrument occupies chambers surrounding the chancel of the rebuilt and modified sanctuary space. The 1924 sanctuary and its 1969 M. P. Möller organ were destroyed in a 2016 fire that left only the exterior walls of the building standing. The new edifice was designed by WKWW Architects with acoustical work by Scott R. Riedel & Associates.
Schantz has signed a contract with St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church, Norman, Oklahoma. This is in addition to a project already underway for St. Thomas More University Parish in Norman. This second project will consist of building an all-new mechanism for the console and pipes that were originally built by W. W. Kimball in 1928 for the north side of the Cook Convention Center, Memphis, Tennessee (KPO 7035). The organ will include 69 ranks of pipes playable from a five-manual console. A new façade will also be built as part of the project.
For information: schantzorgan.com.
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