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Saint John’s Abbey Organ Builders begins operations

Rendering of Saint John’s Abbey Organ Builders Opus 1, St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church, Leawood, Kansas
Rendering of Saint John’s Abbey Organ Builders Opus 1, St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church, Leawood, Kansas

Saint John’s Abbey Organ Builders, Collegeville, Minnesota, began operations in October 2023 as a continuation of Pasi Organ Builders, occupying a new 30,000-square-foot Abbey Woodshop along with Saint John’s Abbey Woodworking and Abbey Artisans. Under the artistic leadership of Martin Pasi, Abbey Organ Builders will be a fully functioning training workshop, building and maintaining organs with an eye toward cultivating future generations of organbuilders and technicians formed in traditional handcrafts. The first apprentice cohort will join the team early in 2024. 

Saint John’s Abbey Organ Builders has signed its first contract with St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church, Leawood, Kansas, for a mechanical-action organ of 45 stops over three manuals and pedal, to be completed in 2025. The tonal scheme for the instrument is inspired by 18th-century abbey organs of central Europe, filtered through Pasi’s distinctive personal style. It will be housed in a wide case with the Hauptwerk (Great) division in the center, flanked by two Seitenwerk (side) divisions in swell enclosures. The Pedal division will reside behind the main case, and the organist will be able to accompany and direct the choir from a reversed, detached console. 

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