Radio France, Paris, announces 2018–2019 organ events. Tours of the concert hall and organ occur: October 8, November 26, January 28, 2019, February 7, May 9, and June 3.
Programs featuring the Gerhard Grenzing organ:
October 28, Nicholas Bucher, with Marion Tassou, soprano, and Marianne Muller, viol de gamba;
November 21, Paul Goussot, silent film accompaniment;
December 19, Christmas concert; Shin-Young Lee, organ.
January 30, 2019, Hommage à André Isoir, with François Espinasse and Michel Bouvard;
February 27, Moussourgski, Pictures at an Exhibition, with Vincent Genvrin;
March 27, Yves Lafargue, organ, with Léa Desandre, mezzo-soprano, and Lise Berthaud, alto;
April 10, Thomas Ospital, organ, with Jean-Claude Gengembre, percussion;
May 15, Nathan Laube.
For information: www.maisondelaradio.fr.
Grenzing organ, Radio France, Paris, France (photo credit: Christophe Abramowitz)