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Quimby Pipe Organs, Inc. Opus 77

Quimby Opus 77, First United Methodist Church, Athens, Georgia
Quimby Opus 77, First United Methodist Church, Athens, Georgia

Quimby Pipe Organs, Inc., has completed their Opus 77 for the First United Methodist Church, Athens, Georgia. The four-manual, 68-rank pipe organ was created through the collaboration of Michael Quimby, president and tonal director, and T. Daniel Hancock, former president and designer, Quimby Pipe Organs; James F. Mellichamp, president and professor of music, Piedmont College, Athens, Georgia, consultant; Stephen Mitchell, director of music; and Janis Maxwell, organist.

The instrument is unusual in a number of ways. First, it has four enclosed divisions. Second, the 32′ and 16′ Pedal reed stops and all other manual 16′ reeds are full length. Third, the instrument contains certain features of the symphonic style of organ that were sought after in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Fourth, departing from the symphonic tradition, each division of the instrument, excluding the Solo, contains a completely developed Diapason chorus. One thing that sets these Diapason chorus ranks apart is the unusual use of substantial metal thicknesses incorporating antimony and trace elements for stability. 

Another feature is the chorus of trumpets and orchestral reeds, including the Tuba, French Horn, Oboe, English Horn, and Corno di Bassetto, all voiced by head reed voicer, Eric Johnson. Of particular interest are two contrasting solo reeds, the Tuba in the Solo division and the Hooded Trumpet in the Antiphonal division, voiced on twenty inches wind pressure and ten inches wind pressure, respectively.

Made of solid mahogany, in the Aeolian-Skinner style, with walnut drawknob jambs, coupler rails, and accents, the console incorporates the Virtuoso control system, provided by Integrated Organ Technologies of Alpharetta, Georgia. The solid mahogany case, designed by T. Daniel Hancock, and built by Southern Elegance Custom Cabinetry of Crawford, Georgia, incorporates design features from both the existing grillwork and the sanctuary, achieving an aesthetically elegant display. Located in the twin chancel façades are notes 1–21 of the Great 16′ Double Open Diapason and notes 1–12 of the Pedal 8′ Octave.

Quimby Opus 77 is featured on the cover of the October issue of The Diapason:

For information:

See the video of Bradley Welch from the inaugural recital:


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Cover Feature: Quimby Pipe Organs, First United Methodist, Athens, GA

Quimby Pipe Organs, Inc., Warrensburg, Missouri; First United Methodist Church, Athens, Georgia

Quimby Opus 77
Quimby Pipe Organs, Inc., Opus 77

First United Methodist Church of Athens, Georgia, is home to the newest instrument by Quimby Pipe Organs, Inc., of Warrensburg, Missouri. The four-manual, 68-rank pipe organ, Opus 77, was created through the collaboration of Michael Quimby, president and tonal director, and T. Daniel Hancock, former president and designer, Quimby Pipe Organs; James F. Mellichamp, president and professor of music, Piedmont College, Athens, Georgia, consultant; Stephen Mitchell, director of music; and Janis Maxwell, organist.

The instrument is designed primarily to fulfill its first job of leading worship and then to serve a variety of musical functions. The tonal design is not intended to copy any one particular school or period of organbuilding; however, Michael Quimby does draw his inspiration from the great builders of the past, such as Aristide Cavaillé-Coll, Father Willis, Ernest M. Skinner, and the Aeolian-Skinner Organ Company, as well as renowned English organbuilder T. C. Lewis, among many others. His goal is to build an instrument with its own identity and character that will embrace the needs of the client and to provide an instrument that not only serves as a recital instrument but can also be used in the wide variety of musical genres found in the worship practices of the twenty-first century.

The tonal concept of this instrument was carefully conceived and notably avoids the redundancies that are often found in large organs. Each stop is designed and voiced to provide sounds that not only work well within the ensemble but are also intriguing and beautiful on their own, making the organ tonally diverse, while at the same time cohesive and easy to register.

The instrument is unusual in a number of ways. First, it has four enclosed divisions. Second, the 32′ and 16′ Pedal reed stops and all other manual 16′ reeds are full length. Third, the instrument contains certain features of the symphonic style of organ that were sought after in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Michael Quimby and his team have striven to play a leading role in reviving and developing this style of building over the last two decades. Fourth, departing from the symphonic tradition, each division of the instrument, excluding the Solo, contains a completely developed Diapason chorus. This has proven to increase the versatility of the instrument in classical, romantic, and symphonic styles of music. One thing that sets these Diapason chorus ranks apart is the unusual use of substantial metal thicknesses incorporating antimony and trace elements for stability. Over the last twenty-five years Quimby Pipe Organs has discovered that using thicker metal allows the pipework to be voiced to its full potential—for stability in pipe speech and achieving the optimum in harmonic development.

Another feature is the chorus of trumpets and orchestral reeds, including the Tuba, French Horn, Oboe, English Horn, and Corno di Bassetto, all voiced by head reed voicer, Eric Johnson. Of particular interest are two contrasting solo reeds, the Tuba in the Solo division and the Hooded Trumpet in the Antiphonal division, voiced on twenty inches wind pressure and ten inches wind pressure, respectively. Over his many years of study Eric has developed a technique and sound that sets him apart as one of the premier reed voicers in the world today.

Mechanically, Quimby instruments feature the use of our version of the Blackinton slider windchest, distinguished by a pneumatic pallet design and absence of slider seals, allowing for the flue pipes in each division to speak without the “explosive attack” experienced by individual valves since each note shares a common note channel with the other ranks. The reed ranks, Solo, Pedal, and offset pipes are on electro-pneumatic, pouch-style windchests.

As with most instruments, the console is seen as the crown jewel of the installation. Made of solid mahogany, in the Aeolian-Skinner style, with walnut drawknob jambs, coupler rails, and accents, the console incorporates the Virtuoso control system, provided by Integrated Organ Technologies of Alpharetta, Georgia. The solid mahogany case, designed by T. Daniel Hancock, and built by Southern Elegance Custom Cabinetry of Crawford, Georgia, incorporates design features from both the existing grillwork and the sanctuary, achieving an aesthetically elegant display. Located in the twin chancel façades are notes 1–21 of the Great 16′ Double Open Diapason and notes 1–12 of the Pedal 8′ Octave.

It is with great gratitude that Quimby Pipe Organs wishes to thank all of those at First Methodist who made their stay in Athens an enjoyable one: Chuck Hodges, senior pastor; Dave Walton, business administrator; Bob Winstead, executive director of administration and project manager; Steven Mitchell, director of music; Janis Maxwell, director of youth music; Ron Young, facilities manager; and all those in the congregation who showed the love of Christ by supplying treats and meals throughout the installation.

On Sunday, August 1, Joe Russell, a student of both Alan Morrison of the Curtis Institute of Music and Ken Cowan of Rice University, began his tenure as associate director of music ministries and organist. Bradley Welch played the inaugural recital on Sunday, August 29, after a one-year delay due to Covid restrictions. The recital was live-streamed and is available on the church’s website:

Current associates of Quimby Pipe Organs, Inc., who took part in the construction and installation of this instrument include Michael Quimby, Eric Johnson, Chris Emerson, Dan Sliger, Brian Seever, Chuck Ford, Chirt Touch, Anthony Soun, Bailey Tucker, Mahoney Soun, Joseph Nielsen, Kevin Kissinger, Ruth Anne Parrott, Dwight Parrott, Joe Lambarena, and Jim Schmidt.

—Chris Emerson, Administrative Assistant, and Daniel Sliger, Project Lead


Builder’s website:

Church’s website:


Cover photo: Chris Emerson

Other photos: Chris Emerson and Daniel Sliger


Quimby Pipe Organs, Inc.

208 Marshall Street, P. O. Box 434

Warrensburg, MO 64093

GREAT–Manual II, unenclosed

16′ Double Open Diapason 61 pipes

8′ Open Diapason 61 pipes   

8′ Hohl Flute 61 pipes

8′ Violoncello 61 pipes

4′ Octave 61 pipes

4′ Stopped Flute 61 pipes

2-2⁄3′ Twelfth 61 pipes

2′ Fifteenth 61 pipes

1-3⁄5′ Seventeenth 61 pipes

1-1⁄3′ Mixture IV 244 pipes

16′ Double Trumpet (Swell)

8′ Trumpet 61 pipes

8′ Tuba (Solo)

8′ Tromba (Pedal)

8′ Hooded Trumpet (Antiphonal)

Chimes 25 tubes

Great to Great 16-UO-4

SWELL–Manual III, enclosed

16′ Contra Gamba 73 pipes

8′ Open Diapason 61 pipes

8′ Stopped Diapason 61 pipes

8′ Viola da Gamba (ext 16′ Contra Gamba)    

8′ Voix Celeste (CC) 61 pipes

4′ Octave 61 pipes

4′ Harmonic Flute 61 pipes

2′ Super Octave (from Mixture IV–V)

2′ Mixture IV–V 252 pipes

16′ Double Trumpet 61 pipes

8′ Trumpet 61 pipes

8′ Oboe 61 pipes

4′ Clarion 61 pipes


Swell to Swell 16-UO-4

CHOIR–Manual I, enclosed

16′ Gedeckt 73 pipes

8′ Geigen Diapason 61 pipes

8′ Chimney Flute (ext 16′ Gedeckt)

8′ Erzähler 61 pipes

8′ Erzähler Celeste (TC) 49 pipes

4′ Principal 61 pipes

4′ Night Horn 61 pipes

2-2⁄3′ Nazard 61 pipes

2′ Flageolet 61 pipes

1-3⁄5′ Tierce 61 pipes

1′ Mixture III–IV 191 pipes

16′ Contra Fagotto 73 pipes

8′ Fagotto (ext 16′ Contra Fagotto)


8′ Corno di Bassetto (Solo)

8′ Tuba (Solo)

8′ Hooded Trumpet (Antiphonal)

Choir to Choir 16-UO-4

SOLO–Manual IV, enclosed

8′ Harmonic Flute 61 pipes

8′ Gamba 61 pipes

8′ Gamba Celeste 61 pipes

8′ Corno di Bassetto 61 pipes

8′ English Horn (GG) 56 pipes

8′ French Horn 61 pipes


16′ Double Trumpet (Swell)

16′ Contra Fagotto (Choir)

8′ Fagotto (Choir)

8′ Tuba 61 pipes

8′ Tromba (Pedal)

8′ Hooded Trumpet (Antiphonal)

Solo to Solo 16-UO-4

Chimes (Great)

ANTIPHONAL–Manual IV, enclosed

8′ Open Diapason 61 pipes

8′ Lieblich Gedeckt 61 pipes

8′ Flauto Dolce 61 pipes

8′ Flute Celeste (TC) 49 pipes

4′ Octave 61 pipes

2′ Fifteenth 61 pipes


8′ Hooded Trumpet 61 pipes

8′ Tuba (Solo)

Antiphonal to Antiphonal 16-UO-4

PEDAL–10 ranks, unenclosed

32′ Double Open Wood Diapason (Resultant, 10-2⁄3′ stopped pipes and 16′ Open Wood) 12 pipes

32′ Contra Bourdon 56 pipes

16′ Open Wood Diapason 44 pipes

16′ Open Metal Diapason (Great)

16′ Bourdon (ext 32′ Contra Bourdon)

16′ Violone 44 pipes

16′ Gedeckt (Choir)

16′ Contra Gamba (Swell)

8′ Open Bass (ext 16′ Open Wood)

8′ Octave 44 pipes

8′ Bourdon (ext 32′ Contra Bourdon)

8′ Violone (ext 16′ Violone)

8′ Erzähler (Choir)

8′ Gedeckt (Choir)

4′ Super Octave (ext 8′ Octave)

4′ Solo Flute 32 pipes

2-2⁄3′ Grave Mixture II 64 pipes

1-1⁄3′ Sharp Mixture II 64 pipes

32′ Contra Trombone 85 pipes

32′ Harmonics VII (derived)

16′ Trombone (ext 32′ Contra Trombone)

16′ Double Trumpet (Swell)

16′ Contra Fagotto (Choir)

8′ Trombone (ext 32′ Contra Trombone)

8′ Trumpet (Swell)

8′ Fagotto (Choir)

8′ Oboe (Swell)

8′ Clarion (ext 32′ Contra Trombone)

8′ Fagotto (Choir)

8′ Tuba (Solo)

ANTIPHONAL PEDAL–1 rank, enclosed

16′ Bourdon 44 pipes

8′ Octave (Antiphonal 8′ Open Diap)

8′ Bourdon (ext 16′ Bourdon)



Great to Pedal 8

Great to Pedal 4

Swell to Pedal 8

Swell to Pedal 4

Choir to Pedal 8

Choir to Pedal 4

Solo to Pedal 8

Solo to Pedal 4

Antiphonal on Pedal 8

Swell to Great 16

Swell to Great 8

Swell to Great 4

Choir to Great 16

Choir to Great 8

Choir to Great 4

Solo to Great 16

Solo to Great 8

Solo to Great 4

Antiphonal on Great 8

Swell to Choir 16

Swell to Choir 8

Swell to Choir 4

Solo to Choir 16

Solo to Choir 8

Solo to Choir 4

Great to Choir 8

Pedal to Choir 8

Antiphonal on Choir 8

Solo to Swell 16

Solo to Swell 8

Solo to Swell 4

All Swells to Swell

Combination Action

Great Organ divisional pistons 1–8

Swell Organ divisional pistons 1–8

Choir Organ divisional pistons 1–8

Solo Organ divisional pistons 1–8

Antiphonal Organ divisional pistons 1–8

Pedal Organ divisional pistons 1–8 and 1–8 toe studs

General Pistons 1–12 (duplicated on toe studs) and 13–18 pistons only

Next Piston Sequencer: 3 pistons and 1 toe stud

Previous Piston Sequencer: 3 pistons and 1 toe stud

Set Piston

General Cancel Piston

Crescendo & Expression

General Crescendo pedal, 60 positions, three adjustable and one standard

Swell expression pedal

Choir expression pedal

Solo expression pedal

Antiphonal expression pedal


Great to Pedal - thumb and toe paddle

Swell to Pedal - thumb and toe paddle

Choir to Pedal - thumb and toe paddle

Solo to Pedal - thumb and toe paddle

Swell to Great - thumb and toe paddle

Choir to Great - thumb

Swell to Choir - thumb

32′ Contra Bourdon - thumb and toe paddle

32′ Contra Trombone - thumb and toe paddle

Sforzando - thumb and toe paddle

Manual Transfer - thumb and indicator light


Great Organ 14 ranks

Swell Organ 15

Choir Organ 14

Solo Organ 7

Antiphonal Organ 7

Pedal Organ 10

Antiphonal Pedal Organ 1


Total number of ranks 68

Total stops 97

Total pipes 3,867

Quimby Opus 77, First United Methodist Church, Athens, Georgia

Bradley Welch plays Toccata on "Amazing Grace" by Christopher Pardini on Quimby Pipe Organs Opus 77 at First United Methodist Church, Athens, Georgia. This was part of the inaugural recital on August 29.

Quimby Opus 77 is featured on the cover of the October 2021 issue of The Diapason

The organ comprises 68 ranks, 97 stops, and 3,867 pipes across four manuals and pedal. For information: 

Video and recording by Mark Maxwell.

Quimby Pipe Organs, Inc., restores E. M. Skinner Opus 323

Quimby Pipe Organs, Inc., is restoring the Skinner Organ Company Opus 323 organ at The Episcopal Church of the Messiah, Rhinebeck, New York. The organ comprises three manuals and 28 ranks. This video shows the process of the restoration in the Quimby shop; a slide show only, with no sound.

The pipe organ was built in 1920 and donated to the Church of the Messiah by Capt. Vincent Astor in 1921. The organ chamber contains three stories of pipes. The Skinner reputation was deservedly very high, and the company built organs for America’s finest churches and universities. This Skinner organ has all the essential elements: warm, rich foundation stops, accompaniment voices of great beauty (especially the Swell strings), and superb solo reeds (Tuba, English horn, and Flugelhorn).

A twenty-note tubular set of chimes, electrically operated from the console at both keys and pedals, was installed by the Skinner Company in July 1930, also a gift of Capt. Astor.   

In 2019, Quimby Pipe Organs entered into a contract with The Episcopal Church of the Messiah to remove the existing instrument so that restoration work can commence to the existing church building.  The pipe organ is undergoing a complete restoration, with completion in Spring 2021.

For information:

See also news of Quimby’s 50th anniversary:

The company’s anniversary is celebrated as the cover feature of the February 2021 issue of The Diapason:

Quimby Pipe Organs, Inc., Cover Feature

Quimby Pipe Organs, Inc., Warrensburg, Missouri

Fifty Years and Counting

Fate, luck, and surprising interactions with others fascinated with the pipe organ were the impetus for the founding of Quimby Pipe Organs, Incorporated, in August 1970. The same scenarios have continued over the years until the company reached its fiftieth birthday this past August 2020.  

I was exposed to pipe organs when I was a fourth grader, while my father was accomplishing his residence work on his doctorate in agriculture economics at Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma. I was encouraged by my mother to join the boys’ choir at First United Methodist Church, Stillwater, where Mrs. Ben W. Martin was minister of music. One trip looking into the pipe organ chambers of the 1929 Hillgreen, Lane & Company Opus 959 was all that was necessary to start a dream. This experience paved the way or caused the orange shellac to start to flow as is often quoted. It is said that everyone who is an organbuilder and who passionately loves the pipe organ has orange shellac flowing in their veins.  

To me it seemed obvious that an organbuilder should know how to play the instrument and have an understanding of the repertoire. I studied organ under Professors Dr. Frederick W. Homan and Dr. William E. McCandless at the University of Central Missouri, Warrensburg, where I completed bachelor’s and master’s degrees in music.  

Today I play the instrument for my own enjoyment and occasionally substitute. I did play for the First United Methodist Church, Warrensburg, for forty years, thankfully with a readily available substitute when I was required to be out of town working on pipe organ projects.  

Early influences

My formative years in pipe organ building were significantly influenced by Colin A. Campbell, a service representative for M. P. Möller, and Charles McManis, the legendary pipe organ builder in Kansas City, Kansas.

I started my adventures in organbuilding as a key holder with Mr. Campbell and subsequently was taught to tune before the age of fancy digital tuning devices. Of interest to pipe organ historians, I still have Mr. Campbell’s Peterson tuner, with tubes and only two pitch selections—he modified this function himself for fine tuning the pitch adjustment. Additionally, I learned to leather pouches and primary actions, restore reservoirs, loom cables for windchests and console connections, and to accomplish basic voicing techniques to correct speech problems, basic reed cleaning and regulation, and the basics of cutting up flue pipes, adjusting languids, and the proper use of toe cones. Considerable time was spent in learning how to quickly ascertain technical issues with tuning or on an emergency visit. Mr. Campbell was extremely fastidious regarding the quality of the work accomplished. Since cleanliness and precise order were virtuous in his eyes, he had no patience for instruments that were designed in such a way as to make tuning and maintenance difficult.

In the way that Mr. Campbell influenced my mind as a service technician, Charles McManis also influenced my mind regarding tonal design and flue voicing. He never abandoned voicing techniques such as nicking that were considered an abomination by builders of the Organ Reform Movement. He was never an advocate of voicing flue pipes resulting in a fluty timbre especially in principal chorus ranks. See his book, Wanted: One Crate of Lions—The Life and Legacy of Charles W. McManis, Organbuilder, OHS Press, 2008. In the course of completing my degrees I became intimately acquainted with his Opus 60, 1959, a two-manual electro-pneumatic instrument located in Hart Recital Hall, University of Central Missouri, Warrensburg, Missouri. Two other instruments of his design left a lasting impression on me as well—his two-manual organ installed in South Street Christian Church, Springfield, Missouri, and his three-manual organ installed in Saint John’s United Methodist Church, Kansas City, Missouri.


This decade was a time of steady growth for QPO with one employee and the active participation of my wife Nancy Elizabeth, since deceased. In 1972, First Christian Church, Warrensburg—upon the recommendation of the UCM organ faculty and Dr. Conan Castle, director of choral activities at UCM and director of music at First Christian—selected QPO to build its Opus 1, a two-manual, 21-rank instrument, on which Charles McManis provided input. Opus 1 retained four ranks from their 13-rank Kilgen (1919), along with the case. The instrument was dedicated in September 1973. Coming up in 2023, Ken Cowan will perform the fiftieth anniversary recital.

Additional work accomplished in the 1970s included the restoration of a splendid two-manual, 14-rank mechanical-action (tracker) instrument by an unknown builder; the relocation of a two-manual, 15-rank Pfeffer tracker; the restoration of a one-manual, 10-rank Kilgen tracker; and the relocation of Möller Opus 5818. Two other two-manual instruments were also built during this decade.


The 1980s proved to be quite beneficial to the growth of QPO. In 1982 we were appointed curators of the Auditorium Organ, the four-manual, 110-rank Aeolian-Skinner Opus 1309, located in Independence, Missouri, where Dr. John Obetz was the principal organist. This appointment was the launching pad for future work because of the credibility that it gave to a young firm.

From 1985 to 1987 the Auditorium Organ went through an extensive rebuild where the leather throughout the instrument had prematurely failed. The console was also failing due to the extraordinary amount of use that it endured. At this time, it was decided to completely revoice the instrument. The revoicing work was accomplished by John Hendriksen, former head voicer of Aeolian-Skinner, and Thomas H. Anderson, former head of the Aeolian-Skinner pipe shop, who built four new ranks. This project resulted in a long-standing relationship with both John and Tommy. John was not only an excellent flue voicer but was also an artist at knowing the potential of vintage pipework. He was able to change their character by scale changes, changing cut ups, or adding nicking. Through Tommy’s guidance, old pipework could take on a completely new purpose and look.

One of our most pivotal occurrences was being selected as the builder at First United Methodist Church, Fort Smith, Arkansas. Ms. Nancy Vernon, chair of the organ committee, after extensively researching our work, believed in QPO and felt that our young firm would provide them with the best instrument. 

In addition to these, fifteen new instruments along with six rebuilds were completed during this decade.


The 1990s proved to be a pivotal decade. In 1991, I convinced Eric Johnson, who apprenticed with L. W. Blackinton and Associates, to join QPO. Eric brought with him the Blackinton slider chest design, which incorporated a different pallet design, along with other features that eliminated the need for slider seals. These windchests exceeded my expectations and allowed our pipework to be voiced to its full potential by eliminating the explosive attack experienced when using individual pipe valves.

In 1997, Eric, Michael Brittenback, organist of St. Margaret’s Church, Thomas Brown, and myself, embarked on a journey to Europe, led by Jonathan Ambrosino, to study notable English organs of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, along with the works of Aristide Cavaillé-Coll. This fact-finding mission was in advance of building our Opus 50 (IV/71) at Saint Margaret’s Episcopal Church, Palm Desert, California, which was designed by Mr. Ambrosino. Also, on that same trip we were fortunate to have Stephen Bicknell and Jean-Louis Coignet offer their expertise. Todd Wilson recorded his CD Frank Bridge and Friends on the instrument at Saint Margaret’s (available on the web).

Ever since that trip, whenever possible, our instruments have an 8′ Diapason in each manual division with developed diapason and reed choruses. This was a radical shift in tonal design from the terraced diapason choruses of McManis. Our thoughts about solo and chorus reeds also evolved significantly. During this trip, Eric and I confirmed the significance of appropriate metal thicknesses for flues and reeds also. Years before I had noticed, quite by accident, how foundational timbre and balance in the overtone series was affected just by holding the body of the pipe. The English and French organs that we studied confirmed the need for heavier metal thicknesses. When I examined a spotted metal 8′ Diapason pipe built by T. C. Lewis, which showed no evidence of collapse, it prompted me to have the metal analyzed, which confirmed the addition of antimony and other trace elements in the metal.

During the 1990s we completed four four-manual, five three-manual, and thirteen two-manual instruments, along with over thirty rebuilds.


The first decade of the twenty-first century opened with the decision to expand our pipe shop and make and voice our own reeds whenever possible. This change made it possible to differentiate our reeds from that of other builders. Our head reed voicer, Eric Johnson, developed the chorus and solo reeds that we have become noted for their timbre and excellent tuning stability. The first instrument built with our new tonal philosophy was the three-manual, 55-rank organ located in Gano Chapel of William Jewell College, Liberty, Missouri. This organ was especially important to me as I was allowed complete freedom in the design of the instrument to express my own thoughts and creativity. This instrument still holds a special place in my mind, even with the passage of time.

In 2005, QPO was entrusted with the rebuild of the four-manual, 143-rank Aeolian Skinner Opus 150A located in the Cathedral of Saint John the Divine, New York City, following the fire of 2001. The instrument was removed in 2005 and then returned in the early summer of 2008. Its first public use following the fire was on November 30 of the same year. The work was primarily a restoration except for a new replica four-manual console built to AGO standards, solid-state conversion, and the addition of two ranks. All Ernest Skinner windchests from his 1910 Opus 150 remain, with the exception of two unit chests. This job remains the single most demanding and rewarding job to date.

Other notable new instruments include: First Baptist Church, Jackson, Mississippi (V/155); Dauphin Way United Methodist Church, Mobile, Alabama (IV/71); Canyon Creek Presbyterian Church, Richardson, Texas (III/58); Kirkwood Baptist Church, Kirkwood, Missouri (III/43); and First Christian Church, Jefferson City, Missouri (III/46).


All of the instruments built in the 2010s have proven to be emotionally satisfying to their owners and consultants, when involved. The most challenging projects in this decade were Fourth Presbyterian Church, Chicago, Illinois (V/143), and Dunwoody United Methodist Church, Dunwoody, Georgia (IV/100). 

When Eric Johnson and I first visited Fourth Presbyterian, we were astonished that the 1970 Aeolian-Skinner Opus 1516 was not able to effectively accompany congregational singing, even with a substantial Antiphonal division. Not much was heard past the fourth pew other than mixtures and the 32′ reed. The same issues accompanied its predecessor, the 1913 Ernest M. Skinner Opus 210. Leo Sowerby described the E. M. Skinner as a fantastic instrument for accompanying and softer effects, but devoid of a satisfactory ensemble. 

We were fortunate to develop a specification, with the assistance of Dr. John Sherer, that could lead congregational singing without being offensive, and, at the same time, perform the vast majority of pipe organ repertoire. The existing tone openings included one that spoke directly into the chancel and another, added by Goulding & Wood Pipe Organ Builders in their 1994 rebuild of the instrument, that spoke directly into the nave. The nave opening proved to be inadequate for optimal tonal egress, so we were able to create a larger opening by removing the solid decorative panels at the top of the case and replacing them with acoustically porous panels on which the original artwork was duplicated. We also designed and built a Positive division in a matching case in the balcony, opposite the main organ. By doing this, we achieved the satisfactory results we had hoped for. Dr. Sherer used the organ of Woolsey Hall, Yale University, as the demarcation point. Dr. Jan Kraybill’s recording, Live in Concert—The Quimby Pipe Organ of Fourth Presbyterian Church, Chicago (found at provides an excellent presentation. 

Dunwoody United Methodist Church did not want a new instrument, but the merger of two instruments from the past. Their desire was to create a new Romantic pipe organ. The instruments selected were 1912 Ernest M. Skinner Opus 195 and 1938 Casavant Opus 1600. The results exceeded my fondest expectations: that no one would be able to determine where repurposed original ranks were assigned in the new tonal specification. The hard surface chancel was a superb sounding board along with the high vaulted ceiling, making the acoustics of the room the best stop on the organ.

Other new instruments from this timeframe include the following: The Church of Saints Andrew and Matthew, Wilmington, Delaware (III/45); Central United Methodist Church, Concord, North Carolina (III/38); All Saints Episcopal Church, Southern Shores, North Carolina (II/18); Saint John’s Episcopal Church, Lafayette, Indiana (III/29); and First United Methodist Church, Athens, Georgia (IV/68).

Looking ahead

Despite Covid-19, the sixth decade for QPO looks to be very exciting. Work in progress includes the rebuild of Skinner Organ Company Opus 323 for Church of the Messiah, Rhinebeck, New York; tonal rebuild of the Schantz organ located in Trinity Episcopal Church, Indianapolis, Indiana; relocation and rebuilding of the IV/50 Skinner Opus 265, with Pedal 32′ Open Wood and Bombarde for Saint Bernard’s Catholic Parish, Madison, Wisconsin; a new IV/55 organ for First Presbyterian Church, Charlotte, North Carolina; and rebuild and enlargement of Austin Opus 1162 located in Hendricks Hall, University of Central Missouri, Warrensburg, Missouri.

To ensure our work continuing well into the future, we have instituted a succession plan, prepared for us by Stinson Attorneys of Kansas City, Missouri. Present associates of QPO are as follows: Melody Burns, Nancy Dyer, Chris Emerson, Charles Ford, Eric Johnson, Kevin Kissinger, Bryce Munson, Michael Quimby, Brian Seever, Dan Sliger, Anthony Soun, Mahoney Soun, Chirt Touch, and Bailey Tucker.

—Michael Quimby

The photos on the cover page, left to right, top to bottom: 

˜The Cathedral of Saint Paul, Saint Paul, Minnesota

Saint John’s Episcopal Church, Lafayette, Indiana

Saint Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral, San Diego, California

Photo caption: The Episcopal Church of Saints Andrew and Matthew, Wilmington, Delaware

Current Issue