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Pipes Alive! Organ recital series in West Hartford

Austin Opus 2761, St. John’s Episcopal Church, West Hartford Connecticut
Austin Opus 2761, St. John’s Episcopal Church, West Hartford Connecticut

Music at the Red Door presents its Pipes Alive! recital series at St. John’s Episcopal Church, West Hartford Connecticut.

Inaugurated in 2015, the concerts take place at 12:30 p.m. on the first Sunday of each month from January through June, organized by Scott Lamlein, Artistic Director of Music at the Red Door and Director of Music and Organist for St. John’s.

January 5,  Scott Lamlein 
February 2,  Cheryl Wadsworth 
March 1, Grant Wareham 
April 5, Zachary Schurman 
May 3, Horsley 
June 7, Benjamin Straley

For information: or

The pipe organ at St. John’s Episcopal Church, was built by Hartford-based Austin Organs Inc., Opus 2761, comprising 51 stops, 64 ranks, and 3721 pipes.

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