Piccolo Spoleto, the official outreach program of Spoleto Festival USA presents l’Organo organ recital series, part of the Charleston, South Carolina, arts scene since 1979. Recitals are at 10 a.m. except as noted:
May 29, Nigel Potts, Grace Church Cathedral (7:30 p.m.);
5/30, Charles Tompkins, St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church;
5/31, Joseph Peeples, St. Michael’s Church;
June 1, Maxine Thévenot, St. Matthew’s Lutheran;
6/2, Anthony Williams, Bethel United Methodist Church;
6/3, David Houston, Grace Cathedral;
6/5, Isabelle Demers, Summerall Chapel, The Citadel (7:30 p.m.);
6/6, Nathan Davey, St. Matthew’s Lutheran;
6/7, Andrew Yeargin, St. John the Baptist Cathedral;
6/8, Patrick Scott, Grace Cathedral;
6/9, Timothy Tikker and Julia Harlow, (Huguenot) French Protestant Church;
6/10, Mitchell Miller, Cathedral of St. Luke and St. Paul.
For information: www.piccolospoleto.com.