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At the Organ of Notre-Dame

At the Organ of Notre-Dame: Conversations with Stéphane Friédérich
At the Organ of Notre-Dame: Conversations with Stéphane Friédérich

Dr. J. Butz Verlag announces a new book, At the Organ of Notre-Dame: Conversations with Stéphane Friédérich (BuB 32), by Olivier Latry, English translation by Martin Setchell.

For more than 30 years, Latry has been one of three titular organists of the great organ of Notre-Dame Cathedral, Paris. In a dialogue with Friédérich, editor-in-chief of the magazine Pianiste, Latry shares the communicative passion that inhabits him. In addition to biographical details about the organist and teacher, this book contains information on historical and current topics in the fields of organ playing, organ composition, and organbuilding.

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