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OHS 2025 Pipe Organ Calendar

025 Pipe Organ Calendar
025 Pipe Organ Calendar

The Organ Historical Society offers its 2025 Pipe Organ Calendar (CAL2025, $30) featuring historic pipe organs to be included at the society’s 2025 national convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, photographed by Len Levasseur

Featured instruments spotlight builders such as A. B. Felgemaker Co., Carl Barckhoff, Derrick & Felgemaker, Hann-Wangerin-Weickhardt Co., Henry Pilcher’s Sons, Hook & Hastings, J. W. Steere & Sons, Robert Noehren, Schlicker Organ Company, Steiner-Reck Organ Co., Wadsworth & Bro., Wm. Schuelke Organ Co., W. W. Kimball Co., and others. 

For information:

The OHS convention will take place August 3–7, 2025, with visits to more than twenty venues. For information on the convention:


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