Northfield Noontime Organ Recitals presents their 14th season this summer on Wednesdays from 12:15 to 12:45 p. m.
July 7, Noah Klein, United Methodist Church, 1402 S. Maple St.
July 14, Richard Collman, St. Peter's Lutheran Church, 418 Sumner St., Northfield
July 21, Stephen May, with Mark Heiman on Scottish small pipes, All Saints Episcopal Church, 419 Washington St.
July 28, Theo Wee, First UCC, 300 Union St.
August 4, Joanne Rodland, St. John's Lutheran Church, 500 3rd St. W.
Some recitals will include a free-will offering to defray publicity expenses.
For more information, contact Richard Collman at 507/645-1357 or email rkcollman@msn.com
Other events of interest:
Cathedral of St. Joseph the Workman, La Crosse, WI