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Lewtak installation, Columbia, South Carolina

Lewtak organ, Seven Oaks Presbyterian Church, Columbia, South Carolina
Lewtak organ, Seven Oaks Presbyterian Church, Columbia, South Carolina

Lewtak Pipe Organ Builders, Inc., Mocksville, North Carolina, has built a new organ for Seven Oaks Presbyterian Church, Columbia, South Carolina.

The organ comprises 24 stops, 24 ranks, and 1,331 pipes on two manuals and pedal, and includes some pipework from the church’s previous eleven-rank W. Zimmer & Sons organ.

The Swell division features a slider-and-pallet wind chest, with pallets being fitted with balanced valves and pulled down by electromagnets. For several other ranks, in particular in the Pedal division, Lewtak had to build many more wind chests with other kinds of action. In total, because of the space limitations, there are thirteen new wind chests in this organ, some as small as twelve notes and as big as 64, with a variety of action types.

The Great division was placed centrally behind the front pipes, with the largest Pedal pipes occupying the space directly behind it against the back wall. The Swell is split into C and C-sharp sides and placed on two opposing ends of the organ chamber.

The new organ is featured on the cover of the July 2021 issue of The Diapason.

See also the Lewtak Pipe Organ Builders video:

RELATED: Read full info here

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