Létourneau Pipe Organs, St.-Hyacinthe, Québec, Canada, has signed a contract for the design and construction of a new organ for St. John’s Lutheran Church, San Antonio, Texas.
The instrument will be divided between the four corners of the church’s nave, with 35 ranks in the chancel chambers and the remaining 17 ranks within oak cases flanking the rear gallery. The organ will be playable from two consoles with three manuals each, with one in the chancel and the other in the gallery.
Over two-dozen ranks from the church’s M. P. Möller organs, Opus 6113 from 1933 and Opus 11700 from 1986, will be refurbished and incorporated into the new organ’s tonal plan as part of the project. Létourneau’s Opus 140 is expected to be complete in late 2025.
For information: letourneauorgans.com.
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