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John Near book on Widor performance practice

August 12, 2019
Widor on Organ Performance Practice and Technique, by John R. Near
Widor on Organ Performance Practice and Technique, by John R. Near

The University of Rochester Press and Boydell & Brewer announce a new book in the Eastman Studies in Music Series: Widor on Organ Performance Practice and Technique, by John R. Near (ISBN-13: 978-1-58046-944-9, $60).

Widor’s pedagogical writings, translated for the first time, offer guidance for interpreting his organ compositions as well as those of his followers in the French Romantic organ school. To complement the pedagogical material and bring a broader view of Widor’s involvement in things pertaining to the organ, his four most significant writings about the organ and organ playing are included in the appendixes.

For information: www.boydellandbrewer.com.