Editions du Centre de musique baroque de Versailles announces a new organ publication, Anonyme: Hymnes et séquence pour l’orgue, Manuscrit de Berkeley (Hymns and Sequence, Berkeley Manuscript) (€22), edited by Jean-Baptiste Robin.
The five organ pieces in this volume come from a manuscript in Berkeley, California, consisting of four hymns—Ave Maris Stella, Ave Verum, Pange Lingua, Veni Creator, and a sequence, Victimæ Paschali. There is a strong presumption that these organ pieces, first attributed to Lebègue and then to Boyvin, were composed, according to the analysis of the ornaments, in the tradition of Jacques Boyvin and Gaspard Corrette, perhaps in Rouen. Probably written for convents, the organ must have been a small two-manual instrument.
For information: boutique.cmbv.fr.
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