Historic Pipe Organs of the Keweenaw by Jan Dalquist has recently been published. The booklet began as the result of organ crawls by the local organists’ group known as Organists of the Keweenaw to some of the historic organs of the Keweenaw Peninsula, the northernmost tip of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula.
The crawls resulted in a catalog of photos and stoplists that Jan Dalquist had collected. This became the basis of an article published in the February 2007 issue of The Diapason. Over a few years changes occurred, with the loss of two of the working instruments and the move of two inactive ones to worshiping churches. This resulted in Anita Campbell’s article on the 1899 Barckhoff organ published in the October 2009 issue of The Diapason. It was through Ms. Campbell’s energy that grants were solicited and received, pictures taken, text and photos formatted, a printer contacted, and a publisher-distributor found for the 34-page booklet.
The booklet provides brief histories and photos of each church in which the organs are located, including the 1899 Barckhoff organ and an 1882 Felgemaker, with color photos of the organs, plus stoplists. The booklets were published and marketed by the Isle Royale and Keweenaw Parks Association.
The booklet is available from the Isle Royale & Keweenaw Parks Association, 49445 US Hwy 41, Hancock, Michigan 49930; $8.00 per copy, which includes postage. For information: 800/678-6925, or visit http://www.irnha.org/the.