Gail Archer presents recitals and other musical events:
October 15, Novara International Organ Festival, Novara, Italy; 10/22, St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church, Lancaster, Pennsylvania; 10/27, Church of San Giovanni Bosco, Bologna, Italy; 10/28, Festival Celesti Armonie, Fornovo, Italy; 10/29, Church of Saints Faustino et Giovita, Sorbolo, Italy; November 19, Concert for Ukrainian Relief: St. John's Episcopal Church, Waterbury, Connecticut;
December 2, Holy Rosary Catholic Church, Passaic, New Jersey; 12/3, Lessons & Carols, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, New York; 12/9, holiday choral concert, Barnard-Columbia Chorus and Chamber Singers, Columbia University, New York, New York; 12/30, St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church, Kailua (Oahu) Hawaii;
January 6, 2024, All Saints Episcopal Church, Kauai, Hawaii; 1/14, Cathedral of St. Mary of the Assumption, San Francisco, California; February 4, Holy Name Cathedral, Chicago, Illinois; 2/18, Royal Canadian College of Organists, London, Ontario;
March 3, Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, Portland, Oregon; 3/24, faculty recital, Vassar College; April 20, spring choral concert, Barnard-Columbia Chorus and Chamber Singers, Columbia University; 4/28, St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, Peabody, Massachusetts; May 18–19, Women of the West, Musforum conference, Arizona State University, Phoenix, Arizona.
For information: gailarcher.com.
Other upcoming events:
Peter Holder American concert tour