C. B. Fisk, Inc., has completed a comprehensive restoration of the Johannes Klais Orgelbau organ at Saint Peter’s Church, New York City.
The Klais organ was installed in 1977. On January 4, 2021, Saint Peter’s suffered a severe trauma in the form of flood damage from the rupture of a municipal water main. Hundreds of thousands of gallons of water surged into the building, causing major damage to the below-ground sanctuary and the basement-level black box theater, community spaces, and administrative offices underneath. A layer of fine muddy silt covered every surface. Mitigation efforts, including rapid dehumidification to prevent a mold outbreak, stressed all wooden furnishings, in particular the pipe organ.
The initial plan called for a thorough restoration of the instrument, and a strategy was developed to accomplish that. But after the organ had been standing in the Fisk erecting room for some months, the project was re-envisioned. A gradual evolution in the collective mindset followed—from that of simple restoration to one of reimagination.
Some new ranks were added, other moved around and revoiced, wind pressures were changed, upgrades were made to the key action, keyboards and pedalboard were replaced.
The organ is featured on the cover of the February issue of The Diapason.
For information:
Photo credit: Marco Anelli
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