First Presbyterian Church, Evansville, Indiana, announces its 2017–2018 season of musical events.
The First Friday Recital Series, featuring C. B. Fisk, Inc., Opus 98, begins at 7:00 p.m.: October 6, Benjamin Stone; November 3, Jamie Carini; December 1, Jinhee Kim; February 2, 2018, Stephen Smith; March 2, Brendan Conner; April 6, Leah Martin; May 4, Collin Miller; June 1, Katie Burk; July 6, Yumiko Tatsuda.
Silent movies with improvised organ accompaniment by Robert Nicholls will be presented at 7:00 p.m.: October 13, Metropolis (1926), and 10/14, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1920).
Choral events include: November 12, Harvest Hymn Festival (co-sponsored by the Evansville Chapter of the American Guild of Organists), led by Reverend Kevin Fleming and Robert Nicholls; December 10, Handel, Messiah, Part One, with the Choir School of First Presbyterian Church; April 29, Messiah, Parts Two and Three, with the Choir School.
For information: http://firstpresevansville.com.