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The Diapason new events page

December 9, 2021
Goulding & Wood Opus 47, Loyola University, Chicago
Goulding & Wood Opus 47, Loyola University, Chicago

The Diapason is pleased to provide a one-stop page at the website (www.thediapason) to keep up with many series of events for the organ, choir, harpsichord, and carillon in various areas of the United States and abroad!

Check it out here (link: https://www.thediapason.com/content/organ-choral-harpsichord-and-carillon-events), and check back often for updates.

You can also view events by date and time at our website (link: https://www.thediapason.com/events). Often, you’ll find events at these pages that have come to our attention too late for our print issue of the magazine.