Dexter Kennedy has completed two European tours as the 2014 Grand Prix de Chartres winner.
The first, summer tour comprised recitals at the Hallgrímskirkja in Reykjavik, Iceland; Chiesa San Pantaleone in Courmayeur, Italy, for the Aosta Valley Organ Festival; Basilique Saint-Nazaire in Carcassonne, France; Narbonne Cathedral, for Le Festival d’Orgue de Narbonne, France; Chiesa Santa Maria Assunta, Bibione, Italy; and the opening concert of the inaugural Echternach Orgelsommer in St. Willibrord Basilika in Echternach, Luxembourg.
The second tour in September included recitals at the Auditorio Manuel de Falla, Granada, Spain; St. Andreas Kyrka, Malmö, Sweden; Chichester Cathedral and Christchurch Priory, UK; and the Slovak Philharmonic Hall for the 51st Bratislava Music Festival.
Dexter Kennedy is a member of the inaugural class of The Diapason’s “20 Under 30.”
For information: www.dexterkennedy.com.