Daniel Hancock is appointed to the position of designer for Létourneau Pipe Organs, St.-Hyacinthe, Québec, Canada. Hancock practiced as an architect for a decade prior to his five years at Quimby Pipe Organs, Inc., Warrensburg, Missouri, where his responsibilities included sales, design, administration, and tonal responsibilities.
He has an interest in aspects of design and organbuilding that extends to the playing of the instrument, its repertoire, and the tonal architecture of the organ. As an organist, he is active in service playing, improvisation, and, occasionally, concertizing. He possesses an interest in the history of the pipe organ—particularly in the North American context—and is committed to the advancement of the pipe organ in today’s global culture.
He has served in leadership capacities for the Organ Historical Society, the Associated Pipe Organ Builders of America, and local chapters of the American Guild of Organists.
For information: letourneauorgans.com.
Other recent appointments:
Colin MacKnight to Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, Little Rock
Simon Johnson to Westminster Cathedral, UK
Nicholas Quardokus to Grace Church Cathedral, Charleston, SC