Christ Episcopal Church, Bradenton, Florida, announces its music calendar for 2018–2019:
November 25, Mozart, Mass in F Major;
December 8, Advent Lessons & Carols (morning) and Sarasota Young Voices (evening);
February 10, 2019, Stephen Hamilton;
2/11, Richard Benedum, lecture on Mozart’s The Magic Flute;
March 3, Mozart, Mass in C Major;
3/10, Gail Archer;
3/17, Sarasota-Manatee Bach Festival.
An Advent recital series is presented on Thursdays at 12:15 p.m.:
December 6, Julane Rodgers, harpsichord;
12/13, James Walton;
12/20, Richard Benedum.
A Lenten recital series is also presented on Thursdays at 12:15 p.m.:
March 7, Cynthia Roberts-Greene;
3/14, Michael Edward Stuart;
3/21, James Guyer;
3/28, James Johnston, organ, and Nancy Donaruma, cello;
April 4, Nancy Siebecker;
4/11, Ann Stephenson-Moe.
For information: www.christchurchswfla.org.