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Christ Cathedral, Garden Grove, Rededication events

Hazel Wright Pipe Organ, Christ Cathedral, Garden Grove, California
Hazel Wright Pipe Organ, Christ Cathedral, Garden Grove, California

Christ Cathedral, Garden Grove, California, has cancelled the Rededication Weekend for the Hazel Wright Pipe Organ (May 15-16-17, 2020) and all of the monthly organ recitals that followed.

The next scheduled concert will be Christmas at the Cathedral with the Choirs of Christ Cathedral on Friday, December 18, 2020.

The Rededication Weekend for the Hazel Wright Pipe Organ has been rescheduled for January 3-4-5, 2021. The artists and special guests for the weekend:
David Ball
Steven Ball
Michael Barone
Diane Bish
David Crean
Paul Jacobs
Hector Olivera
Frederick Swann
The Pacific Symphony Carl StClair, conductor

The weekend events include: 
Sunday, January 3, 2021
5:00pm Celebration dinner
6:45pm Carillon recital with Steven Ball
7:30pm Hazel Wright rededication concert
with Frederick Swann, Paul Jacobs, Hector Olivera
Post-concert champagne "Meet the Artists" reception

Monday, January 4, 2021
10:00am Hazel Wright Organ demonstration with Crean, Ruffatti & Swann
11:45am Carillon recital with Steven Ball
12:30pm Chef-made gourmet box lunch
1:15pm David Ball recital on the Fred Swann Organ
2:00pm Book & CD signing with David Crean, Fred Swann & David Ball
4:00pm Masterclass with some of our featured artists of the weekend on the Fred Swann Organ

Tuesday, January 5, 2021
6:45pm Carillon recital with Steven Ball
7:30pm Concert with Paul Jacobs and the Pacific Symphony on the Hazel Wright Organ

The cathedral's Fratelli Ruffatti organ is featured on the cover of the April issue of The Diapason: Four manuals, 263 pipe stops, 265 pipe ranks, 16,000 pipes. 
The organ was removed from its chambers starting in December 2013. The work, supervised by Piero Ruffatti, was accomplished by six workers from the Ruffatti factory plus cathedral organ curators Brian Sawyers and Scott Clowes. All pipes were cleaned and repaired as necessary, and the chests restored. No changes were made in the specification. Although the entire organ remains in place as before, all visible woodwork portions have been painted white to blend with changes in the cathedral interior. Most exposed wooden pipes were also painted white.

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