The Cathedral of St. Philip, Atlanta, Georgia, continues Sunday concerts at 3:15 p.m. followed by Choral Evensong at 4:00 p.m.:
January 7, Chase Loomer;
1/14, Alvin Blount;
1/21, Gail Archer;
1/28, Karen Black;
February 4, Alan Lewis;
2/11, Robert Poovey;
2/18, Clayton State Collegium Vocale;
2/25, Christopher Lynch;
March 4, Mark Pacoe;
3/11, Jeremy McElroy and Clinton Miller;
April 8, Bryan Dunnewald;
4/15, Jason Roberts;
4/22, Stefan Kagl;
4/29, David Henning;
May 6, Georgia Boy Choir;
5/13, Caroline Robinson;
5/20, Bruce Neswick.
For information: www.stphilipscathedral.org.