Andrew Schaeffer is appointed adjunct instructor of music (organ) at Ripon College, Ripon, Wisconsin. Established in 1851, Ripon College is a small liberal arts school of nearly 800 students. In addition to pipe organs by Wicks and Bruce Case, the main teaching organ in Demmer Recital Hall is a four-manual, 30-stop, mechanical action organ built by the Bedient Organ Company and designed by Ripon’s former organ professor, Donald Spies, in consultation with Gene Bedient. Schaeffer succeeds Sarah Mahler Kraaz, who recently retired.
Schaeffer holds degrees from St. Olaf College, Yale University, and the University of Oklahoma, and will be continuing his full-time work as director of music at Luther Memorial Church in downtown Madison, Wisconsin, and as editor-at-large of The Diapason.
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