Robert Oldroyd, organist and director of music for First Presbyterian Church, Troy, Pennsylvania, organized, performed in, and led a rededication service following the renovation of the 1945 three-manual, 29-rank Aeolian-Skinner Opus 1084.
The renovation by Tim Smith of Smith & Gilbert Organs included cleaning, an upgraded console, and the addition of several new ranks. Randall Frye, Tim Smith, and Robert Oldroyd performed solo organ works, including a prelude, and a movement from an organ sonata written by Oldroyd. A 25-voice choir sang anthems and led the congregation in hymn singing. The dedication ceremony included a presentation of a plaque that listed the names of the donors who made the renovation work possible.
Other organ news:
Frederick Bahr promoted to president of John-Paul Buzard Pipe Organ Builders