Raven announces a new recording, In Times of Crisis (OAR-956, $15.98 postpaid worldwide, RavenCD.com), featuring Adam Brakel playing the 4-manual, 97-rank Rudolf von Beckerath organ built in 1962 at St. Paul Cathedral, Pittsburgh, and restored in 2009 by Taylor & Boody.
The disc includes works by Gade, Widor, Bruhns, de Grigny, Eben, Buxtehude, Bach, and Vincent Rone (b. 1980). Adam Brakel earned degrees from Duquesne University and the Peabody Conservatory, and is the winner of numerous competitions. He presently directs the music program at St. Frances Xavier Cabrini Parish in St. Petersburg, Florida.
For information: contact Bill Van Pelt, 804/355-6386, or visit RavenCD.com.