Aaron Travers’s Midnight Toccatas is the winning composition of the 2021 Composition Competition sponsored by the Ruth and Clarence Mader Memorial Scholarship Fund.
Midnight Toccatas is based on the names of Ruth and Clarence Mader (RCMADER) and was premiered by David Briggs during a concert February 12 at St. James in the City Episcopal Church, Los Angeles, California. Following the concert, which also featured Stephen Tharp, Travers was presented with the competition’s $10,000 top prize. The concert video is available at https://bit.ly/MToccatas.
Midnight Toccatas is published by Selah Publishing Company.Aaron Travers is associate professor of composition at Indiana University Jacobs School of Music, Bloomington.
The Mader Fund holds organ playing competitions, composition competitions, and provides grants to researchers in fields associated with the organ. Ruth and Clarence Mader, after whom the fund is named, were noted teachers and performers before their untimely deaths in a 1971 automobile accident; the fund seeks to honor their high ideals and artistic accomplishments.
For information: maderscholarshipfund.org.
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