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10th International Organ Composition Competition

1987 Mayer organ, Catholic parish church of Saarlouis-Lisdorf
1987 Mayer organ, Catholic parish church of Saarlouis-Lisdorf

The 10th International Organ Composition Competition 2023 of the Friends of the Ringing Church of the Catholic Parish of Saarlouis-Lisdorf eV, Germany, is organized in cooperation with the district town of Saarlouis and the Diocese of Trier.

Compositions for organ and one or two additional solo instruments are eligible for submission. Composition length should be eight to ten minutes and appropriate for the specification of the 1987 Mayer organ of mechanical action in the Catholic parish church of Saarlouis-Lisdorf.

The jury is chaired by Thomas Daniel Schlee of Vienna, Austria. First prize is €2,500 and a recording by Saarland Radio as part of the composition’s world premiere during Saarlouiser Organ Days 2023. The jury may also award a second prize of €1,500 and a third prize of €750. Application deadline is March 31.

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