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New Organs

May 31, 2003

Paul Fritts & Co. Organ Builders, Tacoma, WA, has built
an organ for the office and test kitchen of Jeff Smith, The Frugal Gourmet, in
Seattle, WA. Inspired primarily by the organ built by Esias Compenius in 1616
now located in the Frederiksborg Slotskirke, Denmark, the organ has ten stops,
all but one of wood. The front pipes (Quintadena 8') are made of vertical grain
maple with ebony inlay and are fitted with carved walnut mouths. The three reed
stops are closely modeled after the pipes of the Compenius organ and are also
primarily of wood. The Rankett 16' stands at the feet of the façade, the
Krummhorn 8' is inside at the rear of the case and the Geigend Regal 4' is
placed just above the keyboards behind the carved panel. Playing these three
reeds together makes a grand chorus that is satisfying in a relatively small
room. Wood helps the flues to produce a delicate yet full sound.

Inside the walnut casework also stand the wooden Pedal
Bourdon 16' pipes.

The organ is winded by a blower mounted in a soundproofing
enclosure that stands to the side of the case. The bellows is of the weighted
hinged type located in the base of the case. Tuning is modified meantone.

The commissioning of this organ was uncomplicated: we were
given a budget, the number of manuals and a ceiling height not to exceed. Every
other decision was left entirely to us. This kind of trust between builder and
client enabled the project to include worthwhile elements of organ building
seldom attempted today. We are grateful for the opportunity to build this

Stanford University has commissioned an organ of similar
design with one manual and 8 stops to be tuned in meantone temperament and
installed in Memorial Church.

--Paul Fritts


                        8' style='mso-tab-count:1'>                  Gedackt

                        4' style='mso-tab-count:1'>                  Blockflöte


                        2' style='mso-tab-count:1'>                  Gemshorn

                        16' style='mso-tab-count:1'>              Rankett

                        8' style='mso-tab-count:1'>                  Krummhorn


                        8' style='mso-tab-count:1'>                  Quintadena

                        4' style='mso-tab-count:1'>                  Geigend
Regal (wood)


                        16' style='mso-tab-count:1'>              Bourdon

                        8' style='mso-tab-count:1'>                  Gedackt

Manual II/Manual I

Manual I/Pedal

Manual II/Pedal

Variable Tremulant

Bedient Pipe Organ Co.,
Lincoln, NE, has built a new organ, opus 39, for Epiphany Episcopal Church,
Atlanta, GA: 9 stops, 11 ranks, 605 pipes; case of white oak; mechanical key
and stop action; pipe shades of red gum. Dedication recitalist was David Dahl;
organist of the church is Mark Matthews.


                        8' style='mso-tab-count:1'>                Rohrflute

                        4' style='mso-tab-count:1'>                Octave

                        2' style='mso-tab-count:1'>                Octave



                        8' style='mso-tab-count:1'>                Gedackt

                        4' style='mso-tab-count:1'>                Spitzflute

                        2' style='mso-tab-count:1'>                Flute



                        16' style='mso-tab-count:1'>            Subbass





The Faucher Organ Company of Biddeford, ME has recently completed their Opus #10 for St.
Malachy's Church, Sherburne, NY. The church's former 4-rank Buhl
organ was suffering from badly deteriorated electrical contacts and leather. It
was also handicapped by a limited tonal design whose few stop registers were
almost all at 8' pitch. Faucher added new chests and four additional
ranks: Trumpet, Rohrflute, Quint, and Tierce. Most of the original pipework was
rescaled, revoiced, and incorporated into the new tonal scheme. The console was
completely rebuilt and a new custom solid-state switching and coupling system
was built and installed by the Faucher firm. The ailing basement blower was
disconnected and a new blower was installed in the gallery chamber. The
organ's 8 ranks are distributed over 34 stop registers. Craftsmen on this
project included Larry Ouellette, shop foreman; Dan Labrie & Tom Kovacevic,
solid state; Steve Leighton, console; Kevin Lindsay, technician. Tonal
finishing was performed by Robert Faucher, president and artistic director.




                        8' style='mso-tab-count:1'>                Rohrflute

                        8' style='mso-tab-count:1'>                Dulciana

                        4' style='mso-tab-count:1'>                Octave

                        4' style='mso-tab-count:1'>                Rohrgedeckt

                        22/3' style='mso-tab-count:1'>      Twelfth

                        2' style='mso-tab-count:1'>                Principal

                        2' style='mso-tab-count:1'>                Piccolo

                        22/3' style='mso-tab-count:1'>      Sesquialtera II

                        11/3' style='mso-tab-count:1'>      Mixture IV

                        8' style='mso-tab-count:1'>                Trumpet



                        8' style='mso-tab-count:1'>                Stopped

                        8' style='mso-tab-count:1'>                Viol

                        8' style='mso-tab-count:1'>                Viol

                        4' style='mso-tab-count:1'>                Principal

                        4' style='mso-tab-count:1'>                Gedeckt

                        4' style='mso-tab-count:1'>                Violina

                        22/3' style='mso-tab-count:1'>      Nazard

                        2' style='mso-tab-count:1'>                Fifteenth

                        13/5' style='mso-tab-count:1'>      Tierce

                        11/3' style='mso-tab-count:1'>      Quintflute

                        1' style='mso-tab-count:1'>                Fife

                        8' style='mso-tab-count:1'>                Trumpet



                        16' style='mso-tab-count:1'>            Bourdon

                        8' style='mso-tab-count:1'>                Principal

                        8' style='mso-tab-count:1'>                Bass

                        8' style='mso-tab-count:1'>                Violoncello

                        51/3' style='mso-tab-count:1'>      Quintbass

                        4' style='mso-tab-count:1'>                Choralbass

                        4' style='mso-tab-count:1'>                Flute

                        22/3' style='mso-tab-count:1'>      Mixture III

                        8' style='mso-tab-count:1'>                Trumpet

                        4' style='mso-tab-count:1'>                Clarion

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