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New Organs

March 19, 2003

Taylor & Boody Organbuilders, Inc., of Staunton, VA, has built a new organ, the firm's opus 24, for Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church, in Staunton. The two-manual organ comprises 24 stops and 1,420 pipes with space prepared on the windchests for five additional stops. The choir and organ are situated at the rear of the sanctuary. The use of solid materials in the construction of the building (1959) including brick walls, tile on concrete floor, hardwood pews, glue-laminated beams, and redwood ceiling provides a favorable acoustical environment. The organ is housed in a solid cherry case with hand-carved cherry pipe shades. Stop and key actions are entirely mechanical. Compasses are 56/30. Wind is provided by three large single-fold wedge bellows that may be filled either with the blower or manually. The character of the wind is buoyant but unobtrusive. A wind stabilizer may be engaged to render the wind suitable for wind-hungry registrations. A ventil for the pedal reeds provides a means of easily adding or withdrawing these stops. A Schnitger-style tremulant affects the entire organ. Tuning is in Kellner's "Bach" temperament. The bond between customer and organbuilder was in this case closer than ususal. Not only is this the first local installation for the Taylor & Boody firm, but two of the organbuilders are also members of the church, and the wife of one is the minister of music. Bruce Shull designed the organ and was responsible for the project management and the organ's tonal finishing. Kelley Blanton led the construction of the case and designed and carved the pipe shades. The dedication service was held September 18, 1994. The dedicatory recital was played later that day by Sharon Porter Shull, minister of music at Christ Lutheran.


                  16'          Bourdon

                  8'             Principal

                  8'             Spillpfeife

                  4'             Octave

                  4'             Spitzflöte

                  22/3'      Quinte

                  22/3'      Nasat

                  2'             Octave

                  2'             Waldflöte (prep)

                                    Mixture IV-V

                  16'          Dulcian (prep)

                  8'             Trompet

                  8'             Clarín (horizontal, 27 pipes)


                  8'             Gedackt

                  8'             Quintadena

                  4'             Principal

                  4'             Rohrflöte

                  2'             Octave

                  11/3'      Quinte

                  II              Sesquialtera

                  III            Scharf (prep)

                  8'             Krummhorn


                  16'          Principal

                  8'             Octave

                  4'             Octave

                  V              Mixture (prep)

                  16'          Posaune

                  8'             Trompet

                  2'             Cornett (prep)



Pedal Reeds Off

Wind Stabilizer

Rieger-Kloss, Krnov, Czech Republic, has completed its first U.S. installation at the Church of St. Daniel the Prophet, Wheaton, IL. Negotations for the organ were handled by Matt Bechteler of Euro Musik Corp., Bloomingdale, IL, North American distributor for Rieger-Kloss, and Fr. Thomas White, founding pastor of the five-year-old Catholic parish. The tonal specification derives from the 18th-century Abbey organs of Southern Europe, with a selection of gently voiced foundation stops including both open flutes and strings. The console is equipped with a full MIDI interface; automatic pedal to manual couplers to accommodate non-organist keyboardists; a multi-key transposer; and multi-level computerized combination system. The organ's 17 registers are on electric slider chests. The pipes of the 16' Violonprestant facade are made from 70% polished tin; all other principals, strings, and reed resonators are also 70% tin. The moveable console is on a 150-foot detachable multiplex cable; the tracker touch keyboards have polished maple naturals and solid walnut sharps. Two identical dedication concerts were played by Merrill "Jeff" N. Davis III, director/consultant for the Rieger-Kloss North American operation. A video production of the organ's inauguration is available through either Euro Musik Corporation or St. Daniel's parish.

                                    GRAND ORGAN

                  16'          Violonprestant

                  8'             Principal

                  8'             Holzgedackt

                  8'             Spitzgambe

                  4'             Octave

                  2'             Blockflote

                  22/3'      Fourniture IV

                  8'             Trompete


                  8'             Flute Harmonique

                  II              Voix celestes 8' + 4'

                  4'             Flute Octaviante

                  22/3'      Sesquialtera II-III

                  2'             Principal

                  1'             Plein Jeux IV

                  8'             Hautbois



                  32'          Resultantbass III

                  16'          Violonprestant (GO)

                  16'          Subbass

                  8'             Geigenoctave

                  8'             Gedacktbass

                  4'             Choralbass

                  16'          Fagott

The Reuter Organ Company, Lawrence, KS, has built an organ for Heinz Memorial Chapel of the University of Pittburgh. The firm's opus 2176 comprises 73 ranks, 4,272 pipes, and three electronic pedal stops. The organ represents a trend in American organ building to re-use existing materials in an evironmentally friendly and musically sound manner. The project had two phases. The first phase rebuilt the two-manual console for the antiphonal organ in the rear gallery, added new stops, and revoiced others before the chancel organ was dismantled. The second phase rebuilt the chancel organ, culminating in the installation of a new three-manual console that controls the entire instrument, and included new principal choruses and mixtures. Most of the flute and string choruses were retained and revoiced. Several new solo voices were added to complete the organ. Of the 13 ranks of reeds, only three were retained. The Swell reed chorus is French in character, while the Choir and Great have more English influence. The English Tuba, on 25 inches of wind, is housed in its own expression chamber in the ceiling of the chapel, nearly 90 feet above the transept floor. Mechanical repairs were also included. Reuter made additions to the chest work and releathered the organ's 29 bellows along with all of the main organ's primaries and the individual pouch pneumatics of the Swell and Choir. The organ was completely rewired with the addition of a Peterson Orga-Plex switching system. New Swell and Choir expression louvers and motors were provided. Tonal finishing was done by David Salmen and Stephen Barnhart. University Organist Robert Sutherland Lord played the dedication recital on October 8, 1995.


                  16'          Rohrbourdon

                  8'             Principal

                  8'             Harmonic Flute

                  8'             Rohrbourdon (ext)

                  4'             Octave

                  4'             Harmonic Flute (ext)

                  2'             Fifteenth

                  IV            Fourniture

                  III            Cymbale

                  16'          Tromba

                  8'             Tromba (ext)

                  4'             Tromba (ext)

                  8'             Tuba




                  16'          Contre Gamba

                  16'          Flûte à Cheminée

                  8'             Flûte à Cheminée (ext)

                  8'             Viola da Gamba (ext)

                  8'             Voix Céleste

                  4'             Principal

                  4'             Flûte Harmonique

                  22/3'      Nazard

                  2'             Flûte à bec

                  13/5'      Tierce

                  IV            Plein Jeu

                  16'          Bombarde

                  8'             Trompette

                  8'             Hautbois

                  8'             Voix Humaine

                  4'             Clarion

                  8'             Tuba (Gt)



                  8'             Diapason

                  8'             Dolcan

                  8'             Dolcan Céleste

                  8'             Stopped Flute

                  4'             Octave

                  22/3'      Twelfth

                  2'             Recorder

                  13/5'      Seventeenth

                  11/3'      Nineteenth

                  III            Scharff

                  16'          Dulcian

                  8'             Tromba (Gt)

                  8'             Trumpet

                  8'             Shawm

                  16'          Tuba (TC, Gt)

                  8'             Tuba (Gt)

                  4'             Tuba (Gt)



                  32'          Untersatz (electr)

                  32'          Sub Bourdon (electr)

                  16'          Principal

                  16'          Bourdon

                  16'          Contre Gamba (Sw)

                  16'          Rohrbourdon (Gt)

                  16'          Flûte à Cheminée (Sw)

                  8'             Octave

                  8'             Bourdon (ext)

                  8'             Viola da Gamba (Sw)

                  8'             Spitzflute

                  8'             Rohrbourdon (Gt)

                  8'             Flûte à Cheminée (Sw)

                  4'             Choral Bass

                  4'             Bourdon (ext)

                  4'             Spitzflute (ext)

                  4'             Harmonic Flute (Gt)

                  2'             Nachthorn

                  III            Mixture

                  32'          Contra Posaune (electr)

                  16'          Posaune

                  16'          Tromba (Gt)

                  16'          Bombarde (Sw)

                  8'             Posaune (ext)

                  8'             Tromba (Gt)

                  8'             Bombarde (Sw)

                  4'             Posaune (ext)

                  4'             Bombarde (Sw)

                  8'             Tuba (Gt)


                                    ANTIPHONAL GREAT

                  8'             Prestant

                  8'             Hohflute

                  8'             Gemshorn

                  4'             Prinzipal

                  2'             Blockflote

                  11/3'      Quint

                  II              Sesquialtera

                  8'             Krummhorn



                                    ANTIPHONAL POSITIVE

                  8'             Holzgedeckt

                  4'             Koppelflute

                  2'             Weitprinzipal

                  1'             Sifflote

                  III            Zimbel

                  8'             Petite Trumpet

                  8'             Krummhorn (Ant Gt)


                                    ANTIPHONAL PEDAL

                  16'          Holzgedeckt (12 pipes)

                  8'             Prestant (Ant Gt)

                  8'             Holzgedeckt (Ant Gt)

                  4'             Prestant (Ant Gt)

                  8'             Krummhorn (Ant Gt)

                  4'             Krummhorn (Ant Gt)

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