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New Organs


Quimby Pipe Organs, Inc., Warrensburg, Missouri
James C. Coleberd residence, Hannibal, Missouri

Dr. James C. Coleberd, a retired osteopathic physician and currently president and CEO of the Mark Twain Cave, a family-owned enterprise in Hannibal, Missouri, has installed a five-rank, two-manual Quimby pipe organ, Opus 62, in his home overlooking the Mississippi River. The dedicatory recital was played on October 27, 2006, by Myles Criss and Norma Pettijohn, Coleberd’s classmates at the University of Kansas nearly 50 years ago. Criss, now retired, was a church organist in Oklahoma City and Topeka, Kansas. Pettijohn, also a church organist, is organ instructor and university organist at Washburn University in Topeka.
Coleberd’s organ study was with Elizabeth Campbell Shattuck, Richard J. Helms, and Laurel E. Anderson. At the age of 13 he became the organist at the First United Methodist Church in Liberty, Missouri, which houses Möller Opus 253 (1899).
The instrument comprises an Austin console and pipework from Austin, Möller, McManis (Stinkens), and Casavant as follows:

8' Stopped Flute (97 pipes)
8' Principal (85 pipes)
11⁄3' Quint (61 pipes)
8' Gemshorn TC (49 pipes)
8' Cromorne TC (49 pipes)

In his remarks to the 45 guests, builder Michael Quimby acknowledged the craftsmanship of all associates of Quimby Pipe Organs who were involved in the building of Opus 62. He reflected on his pleasure in working with James Coleberd and his wife Linda in creating a visual design that was appropriate for their new home. He added that the final tonal design was worked out considering the type of organ literature that the owner wanted to learn and play on this instrument. Finally, Quimby thanked them for the opportunity to build this instrument.

MANUAL I (Great)
16' Gedeckt
8' Principal
8' Gedeckt
8' Gemshorn
4' Octave
4' Gedeckt
4' Gemshorn
2' Super Octave
2' Gedeckt
11⁄3' Quint
8' Cromorne TC
4' Cromorne

8' Gedeckt
8' Gemshorn
4' Principal
4' Gedeckt
4' Gemshorn
22⁄3' Gedeckt Quint
2' Super Octave
2' Gedeckt
11⁄3' Quint
8' Cromorne TC

16' Gedeckt
8' Principal
8' Gedeckt
4' Octave
4' Gedeckt
2' Super Octave
4' Cromorne

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