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New Organs


In December 2003,
Levsen Organ Company, Buffalo, Iowa, started the rebuild of the 3-manual Wicks pipe organ at First United Methodist Church in Peoria, Illinois. As the church underwent changes during a remodeling project so did the organ. First United Methodist Church contracted Levsen Organ Company to rebuild and digitize the console and relays, add a 32' Contra Bourdon, an 8' polished copper Trompette en Chamade, and a Zimbelstern, bringing the organ to three manuals, 77 stops and 63 ranks. It is easily the largest and most versatile organ in the Peoria area. The organ contains many varied voices and ensembles. It is an excellent worship instrument and well suited for recitals. The additions made to the organ greatly increased its dynamic and tonal range. Levsen Organ Company was honored to do the rebuild and additions to the organ at First United Methodist Church.

—Rodney Levsen.

First United Methodist Church, Peoria, Illinois.

1977 Wicks, 3 manuals, 62 ranks, 72 stops.

2004 Levsen Organ Company rebuild, 3 manuals, 63 ranks, 77 stops.


16' Spitzflöte (12 pipes).

8' Spitzflöte*.

8' Principal.

8' Bourdon.

4' Octave.

4' Koppelflöte.

2' Super Octave.

IV Mixture (244 pipes).

8' Trumpet.

8' Trompette En Chamade (Pos).

4' Clarion.

Chimes (25 tubes).

16' Great to Great.

Great Unison Off
4' Great to Great.

*All manual stops 61 pipes unless indicated otherwise.


16' Contra Viola (12 pipes).

8' Montre.

8' Rohrflöte.

8' Viola Pomposa.

8' Flauto Dolce.

8' Viola Céleste.

8' Flute Céleste (49 pipes).

4' Prestant.

4' Nachthorn.

22/3' Nazard.

2' Octavin.

1' Sifflöte.

III–V Plein Jeu (226 pipes).

16' Bombarde (1–12, 5" wind).

8' Trompette

8' Trompette En Chamade (Pos).

8' Regal.

4' Clarion.


16' Swell to Swell.

Swell Unison Off.

4' Swell to Swell.


16' Erzähler (12 pipes).

8' Erzähler.

8' Erzähler Céleste (49 pipes).

8' Waldflöte.

4' Spitz Geigen.

4' Spillflöte.

22/3' Nasat.

2' Flachflöte.

13/5' Tierce.

8' English Horn.

8' Trompette En Chamade (Pos).

8' Clarinet.

8' Major Trumpet.

8' Trumpet (Gt).

4' Trumpet (Gt).



16' Choir to Choir.

Choir Unison Off.

4' Choir to Choir


16' Gemshorn T.C. (ext)

8' Gedeckt Pommer

8' Gemshorn

4' Principal

4' Gedeckt (ext)

2' Octave

11/3' Larigot

IV Cymbal (244 pipes)

8' Krummhorn


8' Trompette En Chamade


32' Subbass (12 pipes)

16' Principal*

16' Contra Viola (Sw)

16' Subbass

16' Spitzflöte (Gt)

102/3' Gross Quint (Sw)

16' Erzähler (Ch)

8' Bourdon

8' Viola (Sw)

8' Octave

8' Spitzflöte (Gt)

4' Flute (12 pipes)

8' Erzähler (Ch)

4' Choralbass

IV Mixture (128 pipes)

32' Contra Bombarde (12 pipes)

16' Bombarde (Sw)

16' Posaune

8' Trompette En Chamade (Pos)

8' Trumpet (Gt)

8' Trompette (12 pipes)

8' Krummhorn (Pos)

4' Klarine (12 pipes)

4' Clarion (Gt)

4' Krummhorn (Pos)

Chimes (25 tubes)

*All pedal stops 32 pipes unless indicated otherwise







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