The Kotzschmar Centennial Festival will mark the 100th birthday of the Kotzschmar Organ, August 17–24, at Merrill Auditorium, Portland, Maine. Friends of the Kotzschmar Organ present a six-day festival of pops, silent film, and classical concerts, masterclasses, and workshops presented by organists and artists, local historians, and architects. Concerts include:
August 17, 7:30 pm, silent film with Tom Trenney;
8/18, 10 am–3 pm, “Performathon” with Maine organists and organ tours;
8/18, 7:30 pm, pops concert with Walt Strony and Dave Wickerham;
8/20, 7:30 pm, the 3 H’s (Hell, Heywood, and Hohman);
8/21, 7:30 pm, masters concert with Fred Swann and John Weaver;
8/22, 7:30 pm, centennial concert with Ray Cornils, Peter Richard Conte, and Festival Brass.
For information: 207/553-4363;