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Hupalo & Repasky to rebuild 1968 Werner Bosch practice organ at Stanford


Stanford University Department of Music, Stanford, California, has contracted Hupalo & Repasky Pipe Organs, LLC of San Leandro, California, to consolidate, rebuild, and redesign their 1968 mechanical action Werner Bosch practice organ, opus 509.

Due to demand on the music department’s use of practice space, the redesigned organ will occupy half the floor space in a new configuration with new case and moldings of stained quarter sawn oak.

Two ranks will be added to the instrument, making it a 15-stop, 16-rank organ, playable on two manuals and pedals.

For information: 510/483-6905;

Manual I

8′ Principal

8′ Gedeckt

4′ Octave

2′ Principal (half draw)

III Mixture (half draw)

II Sesquialtera

Manual II

8′ Holtz flute

4′ Rohr flute

2′ Principal

11⁄3′ Quint

8′ Oboe


16′ Bourdon

8′ Bourdon

4′ Choral Bass

8′ Dulzian

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