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Diapason Review: Resurrectio—A Recording to Benefit the Restoration of the Kilgen Organ, Op. 5163, Our Lady of Refuge, Brooklyn, New York.

Charles Huddleston Heaton

Resurrectio—A Recording to Benefit the Restoration of the Kilgen Organ, Op. 5163, Our Lady of Refuge, Brooklyn, New York. 3m, 30r, 1933. JAV Recordings #182;

Many readers are already aware of the unique project presented here: namely, this two-CD set is made available by JAV Recordings, which has donated its services and receives no profit; instead, the money goes to the restoration of this Kilgen organ located in a gorgeous building. A donation of at least forty dollars is required to obtain the recording (see p. 26).
After being silent for a decade, the instrument was partially restored and made playable; hence, the first four tracks of the first CD were recorded live during a Mass on February 2, 2007 and include brief and intelligent remarks by Craig Whitney. Cleaning and voicing of the entire organ is yet to be done. The following six tracks were recorded in Our Lady of Refuge by Stephen Tharp, and give a teasing account of the noble sounds that will be available in this place.
Another six tracks, and the entire second CD are taken from JAV recordings by various organists in locations widespread. Altogether, thirteen organists, two choirs and twelve organs are used. In addition to these riches, a splendid accompanying booklet gives brief “Reflections on the Pipe Organ” by the various performers, which are most interesting.
Seven of the total tracks are improvisations by David Briggs, Daniel Roth, Olivier Latry (3), Philippe Lefebvre, and Jean-Pierre Leguay. Two, recorded in Notre Dame, also use the Maîtrise Notre-Dame de Paris choir to stunning effect.
This is a generous and imaginative concept; we can only wish it well! If you wish to support this worthy and unique endeavor, you may send your donation to Our Lady of Refuge Organ Fund, 2020 Foster Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11210; <;.

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