Mander Organs,
London, England
The Mansion House Organ
Mander Organs,
London, England
The Mansion House Organ
Although initially for the Mansion House, this instrument is destined to replace the Snetzler organ in the Lady Chapel at Westminster Abbey. It will move there towards the end of 2013. The organ is a gift to Her Majesty the Queen in celebration of her Diamond Jubilee from the Lord Mayor and the Corporation of London.
The case design is based loosely on case designs of 18th-century English chamber organs, but that is where any similarity to such instruments ceases. The dimensions of the organ were dictated by where it will reside in the Mansion House and Westminster Abbey. With exception of the blower, keys, and small action parts, the organ was constructed entirely in the Mander Organs workshops in Bethnal Green. It is built on a steel chassis (also made in the works), which has been fitted with four casters provided with suspension to make the instrument moveable. The design and manufacture of the instrument has taken six months and almost 5,000 man hours to construct. The front pipes are gilded using French Red gold leaf.
—John Mander
Mander Organs
The Mansion House Organ,
London, England
8′ Open Diapason
8′ Stopped Diapason
4′ Principal
2′ Fifteenth
1′ Mixture II
8′ Trumpet
Manual II to Manual I
8′ Gedackt
4′ Chimney Flute
2′ Recorder
22⁄3′ Sesquialtera II
8′ Trumpet
16′ Bourdon
Manual I to Pedal
Manual II to Pedal
Drum or Thunder Pedal
Nightingale with revolving birds
Kellner temperament