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A history of the Temple Church organs

Roger Sayer

Roger Sayer, a former organ student at St Paul’s Cathedral, was prizewinner at the 1989 St Albans International Organ Competition and won all the organ prizes at the Royal College of Music. His recent and upcoming highlights include recitals in Italy, Germany, Holland, and Denmark, a tour of Australia, a live recital at Temple Church broadcast on BBC Radio 3, and opening the 2018 Summer Organ Festival at Westminster Abbey. Sayer’s work as organist extends into the film world, with his most recent performance as organ soloist for Hans Zimmer’s Oscar nominated score for the motion picture Interstellar.

His latest recording, The Grand Organ of Temple Church (Orchid Classics), showcases the Harrison & Harrison Organ at Temple Church in London, UK.

The Temple Church, London, built by the Knights Templar in the late twelfth century, is set in the heart of the Inner and Middle Temple Inns of Court between Fleet Street and Embankment. The building itself comprises two distinct sections: the Round Church—a replica of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, which, according to tradition, was built over two of Christianity’s holiest places: Calvary and the empty tomb—and a rectangular church, built half a century later, which now acts as the chancel and sanctuary.

Throughout its history, the church has been home to outstanding music and musicians including organists John Stanley, Henry Walford Davies, and George Thalben-Ball. Indeed, Thalben-Ball was the first English pianist to perform Rachmaninov’s Third Piano Concerto, and famously recorded Mendelssohn’s beautiful Hear My Prayer with treble Ernest Lough in 1927, launching the church and its choir to worldwide fame. More recently, the church and its organ have been used to record the score for the 2014 science fiction film, Interstellar. The current organ is a four-manual Harrison & Harrison instrument, originally built in 1924 as a ballroom organ for Glen Tanar Castle in Scotland and installed in the church in 1954. Records show, however, that there has been an organ at the church since at least 1307. The Glen Tanar Harrison is just one of a number of fine instruments to have graced the north wall of the chancel.

Unusually for the time, the 1307 record of the Temple Church organ is quite detailed. It appears in an inventory made by the Sheriffs of London and states that “In the Great Church [are] two pairs of organs and in the quire a book for the organs and two cushions for the chanters chairs.” Ordinarily, twelfth- to fourteenth-century church accounts only record the presence of an organ, with the result that little is known about its construction beyond what can be gathered from contemporary art in manuscript illuminations and stained glass. The instruments at Temple were most likely positive organs: small, one-manual instruments with two to three stops (usually flutes at 8′, 4′, and 2′), with bellows operated either by the organist himself or by a bellows boy.

The next reference to a major organ at Temple occurs in 1683 when the treasurers of both Inner and Middle Temple commissioned a new organ from Bernhard Smith and Renatus Harris, at the time the two leading English organbuilders. On discovering that he was in fact competing for the commission and had not already obtained the contract, Smith wrote to the two Inns of Court to request that he be allowed to build his instrument in the church, rather than in Middle and Inner Halls, as planned. His request was granted but, shortly after, Harris obtained the same permission, and each organ was built on the north and south sides of the church.1 Both builders went to enormous expense to showcase their instruments, pushing the organ further than any other instrument before (Smith’s organ was the first three-manual instrument in the country) and employing highly accomplished organists to demonstrate their capabilities.

The competition drew to a close in 1688, and rumor has it that Smith and Harris both sabotaged each other’s instruments the night before the Inns’ final decision, including tampering with the reed stops and cutting the supply from the bellows to the organ. Lord Chief Justice Jeffreys made the final decision in favor of Bernhard Smith, and the organ was installed in the summer of 1688 for the sum of £1,000, an extraordinary figure for a relatively small organ. It was tuned to meantone temperament and featured a 6′ “Sadt of mettle,” thought to be a type of gemshorn and the only example of the stop in the world. A number of pipes from this organ survive in displays in the choir vestry and at the bottom of the organ loft staircase.

1685 “Father” Smith (61 notes on manuals)2


Gedackt wainescott 12

Hohlflute of mettle 6

A Sadt of mettle 6

Spitts flute of mettle 3

Violl and Violin 12

Voice humaine of mettle 12


Prestand 12

Hohlflute wood & mettle 12

Principall of mettle 6

Quinta of mettle 4

Super Octavo 3

Cornett of mettle 2

Sesquialtera of mettle 3

Gedackt of wainescott 6

Mixture of mettle 3

Trumpette of mettle 12

ECCHOS [sic]

Gedackt of wood 6

Sup. Octavo of mettle 3

Gedackt of wood 12 (from c1)

Flute of mettle 6 (from c1)

Cornett of mettle III ranks (from c1)

Sesquialtera III ranks

Trumpett 12 (from c1)

Under the direction of E. J. Hopkins, organist at Temple Church from 1843 to 1897, the organ underwent a number of changes, including the addition of thirteen stops by Edmund Schulze between 1857 and 1862, and the introduction of a hydraulic engine to power the bellows. Hopkins’s successor, Walford Davies, oversaw the organ’s renovation by Frederic Rothwell in 1910, where a substantial amount of new pipework was added to the original Bernhard Smith instrument, and the console received a complete rebuild to accommodate Rothwell’s stop-key control system.3 This organ survived just thirty-one years. On May 10, 1941, an incendiary bomb fell on the Round Church during an air raid. The fire spread from the Round to the chancel, completely destroying the organ and gutting the church, with the result that it would be thirteen years before another instrument took its place.

1896 Schulze, and Norman and Beard organ4

GREAT (56 notes)

16′ Double Open Diapason

8′ Large Open Diapason

8′ Small Open Diapason

8′ Stopped Diapason

8′ Hohl Flute

8′ Viol di Gamba

4′ Principal

4′ Octave

4′ Nason Flute

22⁄3′ Twelfth

2′ Fifteenth

III Full Mixture

V Sharp Mixture

8′ Large Trumpet

8′ Small Trumpet

4′ Clarion

SWELL (56 notes, enclosed)

16′ Bourdon

8′ Open Diapason

8′ Rohr Gedact

8′ Violin

8′ Salicional

8′ Voix Celestes

4′ Principal

4′ Rohr Flute

4′ Gambette

II Twelfth and Fifteenth

IV Mixture

16′ Double Bassoon

8′ Horn

8′ Oboe

8′ Vox Humana

4′ Clarion


CHOIR (56 notes)

16′ Lieblich Bourdon

8′ Violin Diapason

8′ Lieblich Gedact

8′ Spitz Flute

8′ Dulciana

4′ Gemshorn

4′ Lieblich Flote

4′ Flauto Traverso

4′ Violine

III Mixture

8′ Corno di Bassetto

SOLO (56 notes)

8′ Flute Harmonique

4′ Flute Octaviante

2′ Piccolo Harmonique

8′ Tuba Mirabilis (heavy wind)

8′ Clarinette

4′ Orchestral Oboe

PEDAL (30 notes)

32′ Sub Bass

16′ Major Bass (wood)

16′ Open Bass (metal)

16′ Violone (wood)

16′ Stopped Bass (wood)

102⁄3′ Quint (wood)

8′ Principal (metal)

8′ Violoncello (wood)

4′ Tenor Solo (metal)

2′ Treble Solo (metal)

16′ Trombone (metal)


Great to Pedal

Swell to Pedal

Choir to Pedal

Solo to Pedal

Pedal Octave

Swell to Great

Solo to Great

Choir Sub Octave to Great

Swell to Choir

The Glen Tanar Harrison & Harrison organ arrived by rail from Scotland in 1953. It had been built for the ballroom in 1927—its inaugural recital was given by Marcel Dupré—but after years of neglect, was gifted by Lord Glentanar to George Thalben-Ball, organist at Temple from 1923–1982. Thalben-Ball had frequently travelled to Scotland to give recitals and had admired the instrument for its power and wonderful blend of sounds, and intended the organ to retain these qualities in its new home on the north wall of the church. Due to the vast difference in acoustic—the ballroom at Glen Tanar is a magnificent but rather squat space with a wooden ceiling decorated with hundreds of antlers—a number of pipes needed revoicing to better suit the church.

The installation was completed in 1954, and services began again after the chancel’s rededication shortly afterwards. (The Round Church was rededicated in 1958.) Since then, the organ has received expert attention from Harrison & Harrison, from removing the shutters on the Pedal reeds and Solo tuba, to modernizing the action in 1976, to installing a modern piston system in 2000. The organ underwent a complete overhaul between 2012 and 2013. Most of the instrument was dismantled and taken to the Harrison & Harrison workshop in Durham, and it now accompanies services and concerts throughout the year. Despite many alterations, the organ has retained its Romantic power and color, and perfectly complements the vibrant and expressive sound of the Temple Church Choir.

2013 Harrison & Harrison organ5

GREAT (61 notes)

16′ Double Geigen

16′ Bourdon (Gt 2nd Division)

8′ Large Open Diapason

8′ Small Open Diapason

8′ Geigen (Gt 2nd Division)

8′ Hohl Flute

8′ Stopped Diapason (Gt 2nd Division)

4′ Octave

4′ Principal (Gt 2nd Division)

4′ Wald Flute (Gt 2nd Division)

22⁄3′ Octave Quint (Gt 2nd Division)

2′ Super Octave

2′ Fifteenth (Gt 2nd Division)

13⁄5′ Seventeenth (Gt 2nd Division)

IV Mixture (19–22–26–29)

III Mixture (12–19–22, Gt 2nd Division)

8′ Tromba

4′ Octave Tromba

SWELL (61 notes, enclosed)

16′ Quintatön

8′ Open Diapason

8′ Stopped Diapason

8′ Echo Salicional

8′ Vox Angelica (from FF)

4′ Principal

2′ Fifteenth

V Mixture (12–19–22–26–29)

8′ Oboe


16′ Double Trumpet

8′ Trumpet

4′ Clarion

CHOIR (61 notes, enclosed)

16′ Contra Dulciana

8′ Claribel Flute

8′ Lieblich Gedeckt

8′ Dulciana

4′ Salicet

4′ Flauto Traverso

2′ Harmonic Piccolo

III Dulciana Mixture (15–19–22)

16′ Cor Anglais (extra octave of pipes at top)

8′ Clarinet

8′ Tuba

SOLO (61 notes, enclosed)

16′ Contra Viola

8′ Viole d’Orchestre

8′ Viole Céleste (tuned sharp)

8′ Harmonic Flute

4′ Concert Flute

8′ Orchestral Hautboy


16′ Orchestral Trumpet (extra octave of pipes at top)

8′ Horn

8′ Tuba (not affected by octave couplers)

PEDAL (32 notes)

32′ Double Open Wood

32′ Sub Bourdon

16′ Open Wood

16′ Open Diapason

16′ Geigen

16′ Bourdon

16′ Violone

16′ Dulciana

8′ Octave Wood

8′ Flute

4′ Octave Flute

32′ Double Ophicleide

16′ Ophicleide

16′ Orchestral Trumpet

16′ Bassoon

8′ Posaune


Great to Pedal

Swell to Pedal

Choir to Pedal

Solo to Pedal

Swell to Great

Choir to Great

Solo to Great

Choir Suboctave

Choir Unison Off

Choir Octave

Swell to Choir

Solo to Choir

Great 2nd Division on Choir

Great Reeds on Choir

Swell Sub Octave

Swell Unison Off

Swell Octave

Choir on Swell

Solo to Swell

Solo Sub Octave

Solo Unison Off

Solo Octave

Great Reeds on Solo


8 General pistons

8 Great pistons

8 Swell pistons (thumb and toe)

8 Choir pistons

8 Solo pistons

8 Pedal pistons

General Cancel

2 Coupler pistons

Sequencer, operating general pistons

Great to Pedal reversible (thumb and toe)

Swell to Pedal reversible

Choir to Pedal reversible

Solo to Pedal reversible

Swell to Great reversible (thumb and toe)

Choir to Great reversible

Solo to Great reversible

Swell to Choir reversible

Solo to Choir reversible

Swell to Solo reversible

32′ Ophicleide reversible

Combination couplers

Great to Pedal pistons

Pedal to Great pistons

Pedal to Swell pistons

Generals on Swell foot pistons

256 general and 16 divisional memories

Balanced Choir expression shoe

Balanced Swell expression shoe

Balanced Solo expression shoe







Organists of the Temple Church:

Francis Pigott 1688–1704

John Pigott 1704–1737 (from 1729 for Middle Temple only)

From 1729 to 1814, the Inner Temple:

Obadiah Shuttleworth 1729–1734

John Stanley 1734–1786

Robert John Samuel Stevens 1786–1810

George Price 1810–1814

From 1729 to 1814, the Middle Temple:

John Pigott 1729–1737

James Vincent 1737–1749

John Jones 1749–1796

Emily Dowding 1796–1814

From 1814, both Inner and Middle Temple:

George Price 1814–1826

George Warne 1826–1843

Dr. Edward John Hopkins 1843–1897

Sir Henry Walford Davies 1897–1923

Sir George Thalben-Ball 1923–1982

Dr. John Birch 1982–1997

Stephen Layton 1997–2006

James Vivian 2006–2013

Roger Sayer 2014–present


Photo: Roger Sayer at the Temple Church organ (photo credit: Chris Christodoulou)

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A history of the organs of Saint John Cantius Catholic Church, Chicago, Illinois

Stephen Schnurr

Stephen Schnurr is editorial director and publisher of The Diapason, director of music for Saint Paul Catholic Church, Valparaiso, Indiana, and adjunct instructor in organ for Valparaiso University.

Casavant organ
1926 Casavant Opus 1130 (photo courtesy: St. John Cantius Church)

As one travels the John F. Kennedy Expressway on the north side of downtown Chicago, one can count the towers of five impressive church edifices that comprise the principal history of Chicago’s Polish Catholics. The heart of Chicago’s “Polonia,” the neighborhoods nearby, has been home to a large number of immigrants who came to the United States from Poland or are of Polish descent. In 1950, Chicago had the largest Polish population outside the city of Warsaw. Today, Polish is the third most frequently heard language in this city, behind English and Spanish.

This is a tale of a church founded for success with large numbers of faithful, only two generations later experiencing alarming decline. Scheduled to close, the parish managed to turn itself around and is now thriving once again, a jewel box of sacred art and architecture, a model of traditional liturgy, and a home for the performing arts, sacred and secular. While many churches have removed their organs or cannot afford to maintain them, here is a parish with no fewer than four pipe organs, all in regular use, for ritual or for concert, or both! Indeed, one could have an “organ crawl” at one address.

Saint John Cantius Catholic Church was founded in 1893 to relieve the overcrowded parish of Saint Stanislaus Kostka and other Polish parishes in this area of the city. Saint Stanislaus had become the largest parish in the world in 1892, and, thus, a division of the parish of 8,000 families had become necessary.  The mother parish was located approximately one mile away in its Patrick C. Keely-designed edifice constructed between 1877 and 1881 and housing Johnson & Son opus 553, a two-manual, thirty-three-rank organ.

The Reverend John Kasprzycki, C.R. (Congregation of the Resurrection), was appointed first pastor of Saint John Cantius, a congregation with an immediate roster of 2,000 families. In acquiring the present property on North Carpenter Street between West Fry and Chicago Avenues, some twenty residences were demolished for the new parish campus. The cornerstone of the church was laid by Archbishop Patrick A. Feehan on September 4, 1893. A crowd of an estimated 25,000 attended the event, with music provided by twenty-seven Polish singing societies. By November, the parish school was opened in the basement section of the building. The rectory, located at the corner of Carpenter and Fry, was blessed on December 20. The lower church was blessed by Feehan on Christmas Eve, and the first Mass was celebrated the following day, the traditional founding date of the parish. The upper church was completed and blessed by Archbishop Feehan on December 11, 1898. Construction cost was $130,000. The Romanesque edifice was designed by Adolphus Druiding. A German native then living in Chicago, Druiding designed Saint George and Saint Hedwig Catholic Churches in Chicago, as well. Seating 2,000 persons, Saint John Cantius Church measured 230 feet long, 107 feet wide.

Father Eugene Sedlaczek, C.R., was named second pastor of Saint John Cantius in 1899. Within two years, he oversaw the interior decoration of the church.

The Reverend Stanislaus Rogalski, C.R., was named fourth pastor in 1902. The following year, construction for the present school building commenced, completed in November. The school and the rectory were designed by Henry Schlacks of Chicago. A clock and bells were installed in the 130-foot tower and the church interior painted. Father John Kosinski, C.R., became fifth pastor in 1909. Under his leadership, magnificent stained-glass windows were installed in the church. The Reverend Stanislaus Siatka, C.R., became pastor in 1915. New concrete stairs of monumental proportions were created in front of the church, the basement was remodeled to become an auditorium, and a convent constructed. (At one point, the convent housed forty-seven School Sisters of Notre Dame.) By the parish silver jubilee on December 25, 1918, membership climbed to 23,000 persons, with 2,000 children enrolled in the school.

In the 1950s, numerous neighborhood homes were demolished to make way for what would become known as the Kennedy Expressway, a project that drastically changed the parish environs. Parish membership, which had been in decline, would drop even more drastically. The school closed in 1967. At one point, the parish itself was to be shuttered.

The decline of the parish was reversed in the late 1980s with the appointment of the Reverend C. Frank Phillips, C. R., as pastor, and the parish was soon vibrant and growing, with membership coming from great distances. The Canons Regular of Saint John Cantius, a religious community of men, was founded in the parish in 1998, and this organization now administers the parish. The church interior has been thoroughly restored and enhanced, complemented with countless religious artworks now on display throughout the entire parish campus.

The first organ of record in Saint John Cantius Church was A. B. Felgemaker & Son Opus 723, installed in the choir gallery (the upper of two balconies) in the rear of the nave in 1900.

1900 A. B. Felgemaker & Son Opus 723

GREAT (Manual I)

16′ Double Open Diapason 61 pipes (metal)

8′ Open Diapason (metal) 61 pipes

8′ Doppel Floete (wood) 61 pipes

8′ Viola da Gamba (metal) 61 pipes

8′ Dulciana (metal) 61 pipes

4′ Octave (metal) 61 pipes

4′ Flute d’Amour 61 pipes (wood & metal)

3′ Octave Quinte (metal) 61 pipes

2′ Super Octave (metal) 61 pipes

III Mixture (metal) 183 pipes

8′ Trumpet (metal) 61 pipes

SWELL (Manual II, enclosed)

16′ Bourdon 61 pipes (treble and bass, wood)

8′ Open Diapason 61 pipes (wood & metal)

8′ Stopped Diapason (wood) 61 pipes

8′ Salicional (metal) 61 pipes

8′ Aeolina (metal) 61 pipes

4′ Gemshorn (metal) 61 pipes

4′ Flute Harmonique 61 pipes (metal)

2′ Flageolet (metal) 61 pipes

III Dolce Cornet (metal) 183 pipes

8′ Oboe & Bassoon (metal) 61 pipes


16′ Double Open Diapason 30 pipes (wood)

16′ Bourdon (wood) 30 pipes

8′ Violoncello (metal) 30 pipes

8′ Floete (wood) 30 pipes


Great to Pedal

Swell to Pedal

Swell to Great in Sub-Octave

Swell to Great

Swell to Great in Super Octave


Forte Combination Great and Pedal Stops

Piano Combination Great and Pedal Stops

Forte Combination Swell and Pedal Stops

Piano Combination Swell and Pedal Stops


Great to Pedal Reversible

Balanced Swell Pedal

Balanced Crescendo Pedal

Bellows Signal

Wind Indicator

The January 1, 1919, issue of The Diapason noted that a W. W. Kimball Company organ was dedicated at Saint John Cantius in December of 1918. Further information on this instrument has not come to light, and it may not have been installed in the church. It is possible that it was placed in the lower church-auditorium or elsewhere.

In 1922, Geo. Kilgen & Son of Saint Louis, Missouri, installed a new three-manual organ in the upper balcony of the church, Opus 3118. In 1927, the builder added an Echo division, placed behind the main altar, as their Opus 3932.

1922/1927 Geo. Kilgen & Son Opus 3118/3932

GREAT (Manual II, enclosed?)

8′ First Open Diapason

8′ Second Open Diapason

8′ Gross Flute

8′ Doppel Flute

8′ Gamba

4′ Octave

4′ Harmonic Flute

2′ Octave

8′ Tuba

Great to Great 16

Great Unison Off

Great to Great 4

Swell to Great 16

Swell to Great 8

Swell to Great 4

Choir to Great 16

Choir to Great 8

Choir to Great 4

Echo to Great 8

SWELL (Manual III, enclosed)

16′ Lieblich Gedeckt

8′ Open Diapason

8′ Stopped Flute (ext 16′ Lieb Ged)

8′ Salicional

8′ Voix Celeste

8′ Muted Viole

4′ Violina

4′ Flute

16′ Fagotto

8′ Cornopean

8′ Fagotto (ext 16′ Fagotto)

8′ Vox Humana


Swell to Swell 16

Swell Unison Off

Swell to Swell 4

Echo to Swell 8

CHOIR (Manual I, enclosed)

16′ Quintadena

8′ Violin Diapason

8′ Melodia

8′ Quintadena (ext 16′ Quintadena)

8′ Dulciana

4′ Flute d’Amore

2′ Piccolo

8′ Clarinet


Choir to Choir 16

Choir Unison Off

Choir to Choir 4

Swell to Choir 16

Swell to Choir 8

Swell to Choir 4

Echo to Choir 8

ECHO (Manual IV, enclosed)

16′ Bourdon

8′ Open Diapason

8′ Bourdon (ext 16′ Bourdon)

8′ String

8′ Celeste (TC)

4′ Flute

2′ Zart Flute (ext 4′ Flute)

8′ Vox Humana




32′ Resultant

16′ Open Diapason (wood)

16′ Open Diapason (metal)

16′ Bourdon

16′ Lieblich Gedeckt (Sw 16′ Lieb Ged)

8′ Gamba (Gt 8′ Gamba)

8′ Bass Flute (ext 16′ Bourdon)

8′ Dolce Flute (Sw 16′ Lieb Ged)

16′ Trombone

16′ Fagotto (Sw 16′ Fagotto)

8′ Fagotto (Sw 16′ Fagotto)

Great to Pedal 8

Great to Pedal 4

Swell to Pedal 8

Swell to Pedal 4

Choir to Pedal 8

Choir to Pedal 4

Echo to Pedal 8

By the early 1990s, a one-manual, mechanical-action organ was relocated to the left balcony of the nave. The builder of this instrument was never ascertained, though interior evidence leads one to believe it was likely built around 1881 and perhaps in the New York City area. The organ has since been removed from the church and is now in storage at the retreat facility of the Canons Regular of Saint John Cantius in Lawton, Michigan. It has a 55-note compass (C–G, no high F#) and a Pedal compass of 27 notes (C–D).


8′ Principal

8′ Gamba

8′ Melodia

4′ Flute

2′ Open


16′ Subbass

Manual to Pedal Coupler

About 1996, the Kilgen organ in the rear gallery of the nave was rebuilt by Daniel Bogue and Associates of Downers Grove, Illinois, which closed in 1989. Some pipework was incorporated from an organ formerly in Alvernia High School of Chicago. This organ was removed in late 2011.

1996 Daniel Bogue and Associates organ

GREAT (Manual II, enclosed with Choir, south side)

8′ Principal

8′ Flute (stopped)

4′ Octave (5 basses in façade)

4′ Flute (harmonic from middle C)

2′ Principal (ext 4′ Octave)

IV Fourniture (1′)

8′ Trompette (harmonic from B3)

4′ Clarion (ext 8′ Trompette)

2 blank tabs

Great to Great 16

Great Unison Off

Great to Great 4

Swell to Great 16

Swell to Great 8

Swell to Great 4

Choir to Great 16

Choir to Great 8

Choir to Great 4

Echo to Great 8

SWELL (Manual III, enclosed, north side)

16′ Bourdon (wood)

8′ Principal

8′ Bourdon (ext 16′ Bourdon)

8′ Gamba

8′ Gamba Celeste (TC)

4′ Principal (ext 8′ Principal)

4′ Flute (open wood, harmonic from middle C)

2-2⁄3′ Nazard

2′ Principal

1-3⁄5′ Tierce

IV Plein Jeu

16′ Fagotto (1–12 half-length)

8′ Trumpet

8′ Fagotto (ext 16′ Fagotto)

4′ Clarion (ext 8′ Trumpet)


Swell to Swell 16

Swell Unison Off

Swell to Swell 4

Echo to Swell 8

CHOIR (Manual I, enclosed with Great, south side)

16′ Gemshorn (12 Quintaton basses)

8′ Violin Diapason

8′ Hohl Flute (wood, 12 stopped basses, remainder open)

8′ Gemshorn (ext 16′ Gemshorn)

8′ Gemshorn Celeste (TC)

4′ Principal (ext 8′ Violin Diapason)

4′ Gedeckt (wood)

2′ Flute (harmonic from tenor C)

1-1⁄3′ Larigot (ext 4′ Gedeckt)

III Cymbel

8′ Cromorne


1 blank tab

Choir to Choir 16

Choir Unison Off

Choir to Choir 4

Swell to Choir 16

Swell to Choir 8

Swell to Choir 4

Echo to Choir 8

ECHO (Enclosed, floating)

8′ Bourdon

8′ String

8′ Celeste (TC)

4′ Flute (ext 8′ Bourdon)

2′ Flute (ext 8′ Bourdon)

8′ Vox Humana

1 blank tablet




32′ Resultant (fr 16′ Bourdon)

16′ Double Open Diapason (wood, north side)

16′ Contra Bass (E1–E4 in façade, south side)

16′ Bourdon (north side)

16′ Lieblich Gedeckt (Sw 16′ Bourdon)

8′ Octave (ext 16′ Contra Bass)

8′ Bass Flute (ext 16′ Bourdon)

8′ Gedeckt (Sw 16′ Bourdon)

4′ Choral Bass (ext 16′ Contra Bass)

4′ Flute (Sw 16′ Bourdon)

2′ Octavin (ext 16′ Contra Bass)

16′ Contra Trumpet (ext Great 8′ Trompette, full-length)

16′ Contra Fagotto (Sw 16′ Fagotto)

8′ Trumpet (Gt 8′ Trompette)

4′ Clarion (Gt 8′ Trompette)

Great to Pedal 8

Swell to Pedal 8

Choir to Pedal 8

Echo to Pedal 8

ECHO PEDAL (enclosed with Echo)

16′ Bourdon (ext Echo 8′ Bourdon)

8′ Bourdon (fr Echo 8′ Bourdon)


10 General Pistons (thumb)

6 Great Pistons and Cancel (thumb)

6 Swell Pistons and Cancel (thumb)

6 Choir Pistons and Cancel (thumb)

6 Echo Pistons and Cancel (thumb)

6 Pedal Pistons and Cancel (thumb)

General Cancel (thumb)

Great to Pedal reversible (thumb and toe)

Swell to Pedal reversible (thumb and toe)

Choir to Pedal reversible (thumb and toe)

Balanced Swell expression shoe

Balanced Great/Choir expression shoe

Balanced Crescendo shoe (with indicator light)

Combination Lock (key)

Sforzando Reversible (thumb and toe, with indicator light)

Wind Indicator

In 2005, Saint John Cantius Church commissioned one of the last organs built by Oberlinger Orgelbau of Windesheim, Germany. The one-manual, mechanical-action instrument resides on the main floor of the nave. Manual compass is 51 notes (C–D). A lever transposes the organ one half-step down (A=415 Hz). The instrument was blessed on May 14, 2005, by the Most Reverend Basil Meeking, Bishop Emeritus of Christchurch, New Zealand.

2005 Oberlinger organ


8′ Traversflöte (tenor B, wood)

8′ Copula (stopped wood)

4′ Gedackt (30 basses stopped wood, remainder open metal)

2′ Principalflöte (18 capped metal basses, remainder open metal)

1-1⁄3′ Quinte (24 capped metal basses, remainder open metal)

1–2f Cymbel (1⁄2′)


H–C (transposer)

In August 2008, a two-manual, mechanical-action organ built in 1991 by Alfred Wild of Gottenhouse, France, was installed in the sanctuary of the church. It was on loan to the parish by a nearby resident who was a friend of Father Phillips. The stopknobs are unlabeled. Temperament is Kirnberger. Manual compass is 56 notes (C–G). In October 2015, the organ was moved to the lower balcony at the rear of the church, so that it could be used with the choir or instrumentalists when a small organ is desirable. In 2017 the instrument was returned to its owner.

1991 Alfred Wild organ


8′ Gedackt (wood)

4′ Chimney Flute

2′ Principal


8′ Gedackt (fr Manual I 8′ Gedackt)

8′ Regal


Manual I to Pedal

Manual II to Pedal

Manual II to Manual I

The lower balcony at the rear of the nave housed an organ installed in January 2007. The instrument was built by Allyn Hoverland for his residence and sold to the church in December 2006. Wind pressure is 21⁄2 inches. The console is recycled from an M. P. Möller organ. The organ was blessed by Auxiliary Bishop Thomas J. Paprocki on Sunday, February 11, 2007. When the upper gallery organ was removed in preparation for the restored Casavant organ described below, this instrument was the primary organ in the church for several years. This instrument was sold to Saint Mary Catholic Church, Iron Mountain, Michigan, and moved there in late 2014 by
J. L. Weiler, Inc., of Chicago.

Specification of the Allyn Hoverland organ


8′ Principal (B)

8′ Stopped Flute (A, 1–49; E, 50–61)

8′ Chimney Flute (A, 1–12; C, 13–61)

4′ Principal (B)

4′ Block Flute (A, 1–12; E, 13–61)

2-2⁄3′ Quinte (D)

2′ Block Flute (E)

III Mixture (D, F)

II Mixture (F)


8′ Block Flute (A, 1–24; E, 25–61)

8′ Chimney Flute (A, 1–12; C, 13–61)

4′ Chimney Flute (C)

2′ Principal (B, 1–49; E, 50–61)

1-1⁄3′ Quinte (D)


16′ Bourdon (A, 1–24; C, 25–32)

10-2⁄3′ Quint Flute (A, 1–17; C, 18–32)

8′ Principal (B)

8′ Chimney Flute (A, 1–12; C, 13–32)

5-1⁄3′ Quinte (A, 1–5; C, 6–12; D, 13–32)

4′ Principal (B)

4′ Chimney Flute (C)

2-2⁄3′ Quinte (D)

2′ Block Flute (E)

Mixture III [sic] (F)


10 General pistons (1–10, thumb; 1–5, toe)

5 Manual I pistons (thumb and toe)

5 Manual II pistons (thumb)

General Cancel (thumb)


A=16′ Bourdon, c. 1890, builder unknown, 61 pipes

B=8′ Principal, 12 basses c. 1980 M. P. Möller, remainder 1978 Casavant, 73 pipes

C=4′ Chimney Flute, c. 1870, builder unknown, 61 pipes

D=2-2⁄3′ Quinte, builder unknown, 61 pipes

E=2′ Block Flute, 1978 Casavant, 61 pipes

F=II Mixture (1′), 1978 Casavant, 122 pipes

The lower auditorium of the church building houses a 1927 Wurlitzer organ that was installed by Century Pipe Organs of Minneapolis, Minnesota. The Wurlitzer was built for the Terrace Theatre of New York City and, in 1935, moved by the builder to the studios of radio station WOR of the Mutual Broadcasting System in New York City. At Saint John Cantius, the two-manual, seven-rank, electro-pneumatic-action organ (Style “E”) was placed in a special chamber built on the stage of the auditorium. Manual compass is 61 notes (C–C); Pedal compass (concave, radiating pedalboard) is 32 notes (C–G). The project was completed in 2013.

The console has stop-tongue control, with the following colors: reeds in red; strings in mottled yellow; flues in white; couplers in black. Originally, the Tibia, Vox Humana, and Trumpet ranks were in a separate expression box, though the entire organ is now in one enclosure. There are today still two expression shoes.

In 2015, J. L. Weiler, Inc., of Chicago carried out work on the console, improving its overall appearance, fine-tuning the key regulation and response, revising atypical nomenclature as it applies to console controls, and tidying the wiring in the console. The existing solid-state control system was upgraded to its latest version.

1927 Wurlitzer Opus 1818


8′ Tibia Clausa 85 pipes

16′ Bourdon/Concert Flute 97 pipes

16′ Diaphone/Diaphonic Diapason 85 pipes

8′ Trumpet 61 pipes

8′ Violin 73 pipes

8′ Violin Celeste 73 pipes

8′ Vox Humana 61 pipes


8′ Trumpet

8′ Diaphonic Diapason

8′ Tibia Clausa

8′ Violin (Violin and Celeste)

8′ Concert Flute

8′ Vox Humana

4′ Octave

4′ Piccolo (Tibia Clausa)

4′ Viol (Violin and Celeste)

4′ Flute

4′ Vox Humana

2-2⁄3′ Twelfth (Bourdon)

2′ Piccolo (Bourdon)

Accompaniment Octave

Chrysoglott (G1–G5)

Snare Drum (reiterates)

Tambourine (reiterates)

Castanets (reiterates)

Chinese Block

Tom Tom

Jazz Cymbal


Sleigh Bells

Accompaniment Second Touch

8′ Trumpet

8′ Open Diapason

8′ Tibia Clausa

4′ Piccolo (Tibia)



Cathedral Chimes

Accomp Traps

SOLO (Manual II)

16′ Trumpet (TC)

16′ Diaphone

16′ Tibia Clausa (TC)

16′ Violone (TC, two ranks)

16′ Bourdon

16′ Vox Humana (TC)

8′ Trumpet

8′ Diaphonic Diapason

8′ Tibia Clausa

8′ Violin (Violin and Celeste)

8′ Concert Flute

8′ Vox Humana

5-1⁄3′ Fifth (Tibia Clausa)

4′ Octave

4′ Piccolo (Tibia Clausa)

4′ Viol (Violin and Celeste)

4′ Flute

2-2⁄3′ Twelfth (Tibia Clausa)

2′ Piccolo (Tibia Clausa)

2′ Fifteenth (Violin)

2′ Piccolo (Bourdon)

1-3⁄5′ Tierce (Tibia Clausa)

1′ Fife (Bourdon)

Solo Sub Octave

Solo Octave

Xylophone (C2–C5)

Glockenspiel (G2–C5)

Chrysoglott (G1–G5)

Sleigh Bells (C2–C4, tuned, reiterates)

Chimes (G2–C4) 18 tubes


16′ Diaphone

16′ Bourdon

8′ Trumpet

8′ Diaphonic Diapason

8′ Tibia Clausa

8′ Cello

8′ Flute

Accomp to Pedal

Bass Drum

Kettle Drum (reiterates)

Tap Cymbal

Crash Cymbal


Tibia Clausa Trem

Solo Tremulant

Main Tremulant

Vox Humana Trem


5 Accompaniment pistons (thumb), usable as divisionals or generals

5 Solo pistons (thumb), usable as divisionals or generals

Celestes Off

Accomp Perc/Pedal

Bell (right Accompaniment keycheeck)

Balanced Main expression shoe

Balanced Solo expression shoe

Balanced Crescendo shoe



Unlabeled toe studs for effects: Bird, Auto Horn, Train Whistle, Horses Hooves, Fire Gong

The former convent, now known as the Canonry, has a chapel named for Saint Joseph housing a two-manual, three-rank, electro-pneumatic-action Casavant organ, built for the chapel of the Servantes de Jesus Marie, Rimouski, Québec, Canada. This instrument was installed at Saint John Cantius in Autumn 2010 by Jeff Weiler and Associates of Chicago. The console of the organ is located in a balcony, while the pipework is in a free-standing case on the floor. Manual compass is 61 notes (C–C); Pedal compass (concave, radiating pedalboard) is 32 notes (C–G). The entire organ is enclosed.

1957 Casavant Opus 2403


16′ Bourdon 85 pipes

8′ Principal (TC, 12 basses 61 pipes from 8′ Flute at 8′ and 4′ pitches)

8′ Bourdon (ext 16′ Bourdon)

8′ Dulciane (TC, 12 basses 73 pipes from 8′ Flute)

4′ Violina (ext 8′ Principal)

4′ Dulcet (ext 8′ Dulciane)

4′ Flute d’Amour (ext 16′ Bourdon)

2-2⁄3′ Nazard (ext 8′ Dulciane)

2′ Doublette (ext 8′ Dulciane)

Recit au Grand Orgue

RECIT (Manual II)

8′ Principal (G.O. 8′ Principal)

8′ Bourdon (G.O. 16′ Bourdon)

8′ Quintaton (synthetic, Flute at 8′, Dulciane at 2-2⁄3′)

8′ Dulciane (G.O. 8′ Dulciane)

4′ Violina (G.O. 8′ Principal)

4′ Flute (G.O. 16′ Bourdon)

4′ Dulcet (G.O. 8′ Dulciane)

8′ Hautbois (synthetic, Principal at 8′, Flute at 2-2⁄3′, 12 basses from Flute at 8′ and 4′)



16′ Bourdon (G.O. 16′ Bourdon)

8′ Bourdon (G.O. 16′ Bourdon)

4′ Principal (G.O. 8′ Principal)

4′ Flute (G.O. 16′ Bourdon)

4′ Dulcet (G.O. 8′ Dulciane)

Gr. Orgue a la Pedale

Recit a la Pedale


3 Grand Orgue and Pedale pistons (thumb)

3 Recit pistons (thumb)

Balanced expression shoe

Balanced Crescendo shoe (with rotating indicator dial)

On Sunday, October 20, 2013, a historic pipe organ that has been part of Chicago’s history for more than three-quarters of a century was dedicated in its new home, Saint John Cantius Church. The afternoon and evening activities commenced with a blessing of the organ by His Eminence, the late Francis Cardinal George, OMI, Archbishop of Chicago, followed by a Pontifical Latin High Mass, celebrated by the Most Reverend Joseph N. Perry, Auxiliary Bishop of Chicago. Choral and organ works by Louis Vierne, Healey Willan, Charles-Marie Widor, and Marcel Dupré filled the nave with sound. An over-capacity crowd filled the church, including its side balconies, with additional faithful standing in the aisles. Following a dinner catered in the church’s lower level, the evening was capped with a dedicatory recital.

The event was the conclusion of a three-year restoration and relocation project for Casavant Frères opus 1130, built for Saint James Methodist Episcopal Church of the Kenwood neighborhood on the South Side of Chicago. Saint James, founded in 1896, was once attended by several of Chicago’s great commerce giants, including the Swift and Harris families of meatpacking and banking fame. In 1915, Gustavus F. Swift donated a four-manual Casavant organ built in the company’s South Haven, Michigan, plant. The Victorian Gothic church and its organ burned in 1924. The congregation commissioned Chicago’s Tallmadge & Watson to design an expansive new building, again in the Gothic style, completed in 1926. For this edifice, Tina Mae Haines, arguably Chicago’s finest female organist, lobbied the church’s leaders for a new, four-manual Casavant organ, despite pressure to purchase a Skinner organ, like many other wealthy churches. Miss Haines won her argument, and Opus 1130 was built to her specification, the funds again donated by the Swift family, $28,890. (M. P. Möller installed its Opus 4605, a two-manual, ten-rank organ costing $5,100 in the chapel.) The Casavant would be one of the South Side’s finest church and concert organs. Marcel Dupré gave a memorable program at Saint James in 1937 to a capacity crowd.

Sadly, Saint James United Methodist Church closed Sunday, December 26, 2010. The author was honored to be the last person to play the Casavant organ publicly in its original home, for an impromptu hymn festival at the conclusion of the church’s final service. Andrew Szymanski, a friend who had informed me of the church’s impending closure, joined church members as we all sang, concluding with “Abide with Me” and George Frederick Handel’s “Hallelujah Chorus.” It was the first time the organ had been used in many years. Several congregants present at Saint James’s closing were present for the rededication of their organ at Saint John Cantius.

That fateful phone call from my friend informing me the church was closing made the relocation of the organ possible. If not for that, the church would have silently ended its existence; instead, I was able to make phone calls that made the connections happen for the organ to be removed.

Then followed a restoration project for Opus 1130, carried out by J. L. Weiler, Inc., of Chicago, and the organ’s builder, Casavant, in Saint-Hyacinthe, Québec, Canada. The console of the organ is located in the lower west balcony, while the remainder of the main organ is in the upper west balcony with the Echo division in the north balcony (in a transept). Nearly ninety years after its initial installation, the organ began a new era of promise. It is fondly known as “Tina Mae.”

1926 Casavant FrПres, Limitée, Opus 1130

GREAT (Manual II, 4-inch wind pressure)

16′ Double Open (metal) 73 pipes

8′ I Open Diapason (metal) 73 pipes

8′ II Open Diapason (metal) 73 pipes

8′ Doppelflöte 73 pipes (wood and metal)

8′ Gemshorn (metal) 73 pipes

4′ Octave (metal) 73 pipes

4′ Harmonic Flute (metal) 73 pipes

Mixture IV (metal) 244 pipes

8′ Trumpet (metal) 73 pipes

Chimes (from Echo)

SWELL (Manual III, enclosed, 41Џ2-inch and 7-inch wind

16′ Bourdon (wood) 73 pipes

8′ Open Diapason (metal)* 73 pipes

8′ Violin Diapason (metal) 73 pipes

8′ Stopped Diapason 73 pipes (wood and metal)

8′ Salicional (metal) 73 pipes

8′ Viola di Gamba (metal) 73 pipes

8′ Aeoline (metal) 73 pipes

8′ II Voix Celeste (metal) 134 pipes

4′ Violina (metal) 73 pipes

4′ Flauto Trav. 73 pipes (wood and metal)*

2′ Piccolo (metal) 61 pipes

Dolce Cornet III (metal) 183 pipes

16′ Double Trumpet (metal)* 73 pipes

8′ Cornopean (metal)* 73 pipes

8′ Oboe (metal) 73 pipes

8′ Vox Humana (metal) 73 pipes

4′ Clarion (metal)* 73 pipes


Chimes (from Echo)

* 7-inch wind pressure

CHOIR (Manual I, enclosed, 6-inch wind pressure)

16′ Gamba (metal) 73 pipes

8′ Open Diapason (metal) 73 pipes

8′ Concert Flute 73 pipes (wood and metal)

8′ Dulciana (metal) 73 pipes

8′ Unda Maris (metal) 73 pipes

4′ Flute d’Amour 73 pipes (wood and metal)

2-2⁄3′ Nazard (metal) 73 pipes

2′ Flageolet (metal) 61 pipes

8′ Clarinet (metal) 73 pipes

8′ Cor Anglais (metal) 73 pipes


Celesta 61 bars

Celesta Sub (from Celesta)

SOLO (Manual IV, enclosed, 12-inch wind pressure)

8′ Stentorphone (metal) 73 pipes

8′ Gross Flute 73 pipes (wood and metal)

8′ Viole d’Orchestre (metal) 73 pipes

8′ Viole Celeste (metal) 73 pipes

8′ Tuba (metal) 73 pipes


ECHO (Floating, enclosed, 3-1/2-inch wind pressure)

8′ Echo Diapason (metal) 73 pipes

8′ Cor de Nuit 73 pipes (wood and metal)

4′ Fern Flöte (metal) 73 pipes

8′ Musette (metal) 73 pipes


Chimes (from tenor G) 25 tubes


32′ Double Open 12 pipes (resultant, 16′ Open Diapason, with independent quints)

16′ Open Diapason (wood) 44 pipes

16′ Bourdon (wood) 44 pipes

16′ Contra Gamba (Ch 16′ Con Gamba)

16′ Lieblich Gedeckt (Sw 16′ Bourdon)

8′ Flute (ext 16′ Open Diapason)

8′ Stopped Flute (ext 16′ Bourdon)

8′ Cello (metal) 32 pipes

16′ Trombone (metal) 32 pipes

Chimes (from Echo)


Great to Pedal 8

Swell to Pedal 8

Swell to Pedal 4

Choir to Pedal 8

Solo to Pedal 8

Solo to Pedal 4

Echo to Pedal 8

Great to Great 4

Swell to Great 16

Swell to Great 8

Swell to Great 4

Choir to Great 16

Choir to Great 8

Choir to Great 4

Solo to Great 16

Solo to Great 8

Solo to Great 4

Echo to Great 16

Echo to Great 8

Echo to Great 4

Echo On/Great Off

Choir to Choir 16

Choir to Choir 4

Swell to Choir 16

Swell to Choir 8

Swell to Choir 4

Solo to Choir 16

Solo to Choir 8

Solo to Choir 4

Swell to Swell 16

Swell to Swell 4

Solo to Swell 8

Solo to Solo 16

Solo to Solo 4

Great to Solo 8

Swell to Solo 8

Echo to Solo 16

Echo to Solo 8

Echo to Solo 4

Echo On/Solo Off

All Swells to Swell Pedal


10 General pistons (thumb and toe, originally 5, toe)

5 Great pistons (thumb)

7 Swell pistons (thumb)

5 Choir pistons (thumb)

3 Solo pistons (thumb)

3 Echo pistons (thumb)

5 Pedal pistons (thumb)

Sequencer Up (4 thumb, 1 toe)/Down (1 thumb)

300 memory levels

Memory + Up/ - Down (thumb, under Manual IV)

Great to Pedal reversible (thumb and toe)

Swell to Pedal reversible (toe)

Choir to Pedal reversible (thumb)

Solo to Pedal reversible (thumb)

Echo to Pedal reversible (thumb)

Swell to Great reversible (thumb)

Choir to Great reversible (thumb)

Solo to Great reversible (thumb)

Swell to Choir reversible (thumb)

Manual 16′ On/Off (thumb, with indicator)

Manual 2′ On/Off (thumb, with indicator)

General Cancellor (thumb)

Combination Adjustor (thumb)

Balanced Swell Expression Shoe

Balanced Choir Expression Shoe

Balanced Solo and Echo Expression Shoe

Balanced Crescendo Shoe (with indicator dial)

Full Organ Reversible (toe, with indicator)

Generator Indicator

Wind Indicator

The Casavant organ can be heard on a compact disc recorded by Andrew Schaeffer, St. John Cantius Presents The Nutcracker, available from Amazon and other resources. The disc includes movements from Tchaikovsky’s The Nutcracker Suite, along with selections of music appropriate for Christmas. Also available is St. John Cantius Presents Jonathan Rudy: Epic Music for Organ, similarly available from Amazon and other resources.

This year, a 32′ Contra Trombone extension of twelve full-length pipes will be added to the Pedal 16′ Trombone. A 16′ Bourdon of thirty-two pipes will be added to the Echo division to function as a pedal stop. The Bourdon pipes come from the Casavant organ that was built for Saint Paul of the Cross Catholic Church in Park Ridge, Illinois. Casavant will build the new components, and J. L. Weiler, Inc., will install everything onsite. Work is expected to be completed by August.


Saint John Cantius Catholic Church is once again the spiritual home to many Catholic families, most of whom drive a considerable distance on the same expressway that enticed so many parishioners to leave the parish a generation ago. The regenerated parish’s investment in music is exemplary, with multiple choirs presenting an auspicious schedule of selections. A full calendar of concert performances provides quality music to the community. Concert and theater organ programs are frequently presented. With over a century of record, the parish is poised for many more years serving the spiritual and cultural needs of the Chicago metropolitan community.


Koenig, Rev. Msgr. Harry C., STD, ed. A History of the Parishes of the Archdiocese of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, Archdiocese of Chicago, 1980, volume 1, pp. 487–491.

Lindberg, William Edward. The Pipe Organs of A. B. Felgemaker, Late Nineteenth Century American Organ Builder, dissertation, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1976, p. 262.

McNamara, Denis R. Heavenly City: The Architectural Tradition of Catholic Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, Liturgical Training Publications, 2005, pp. 50–52.

Saint John Cantius: 1893–1993, Chicago, Illinois, Saint John Cantius Catholic Church, 1993.

Schnurr, Stephen J., and Dennis E. Northway. Pipe Organs of Chicago, Oak Park, Illinois, Chauncey Park Press, 2005, volume 1, pp. 116–118.

For further information:

Cover Feature: Orgues Létourneau Opus 135

Orgues Létourneau, St-Hyacinthe, Québec, Canada; First United Methodist Church, Lubbock, Texas

Orgues Létourneau Opus 135
Orgues Létourneau Opus 135

Even when measured by expansive Texan standards, First United Methodist Church in Lubbock is extraordinary in scale. The church’s Gothic bell tower is visible from just about anywhere in downtown Lubbock. The church campus sprawls over two city blocks and includes spacious wings for music, Christian education, youth, and even physical fitness. Completed in 1955, the sanctuary seats over 1,800 people, and its spectacular rose window is reportedly among the eight largest in the world. Confronted with such a voluminous space, organ enthusiasts and builders alike would be forgiven if their thoughts gravitated towards grand schemes. Nonetheless, First Methodist’s sanctuary opened its doors in March of 1955 with M. P. Möller’s Opus 8530, a positively ascetic instrument of 38 ranks spread over seven divisions and located in all four corners of the sanctuary. The organ was played by a three-manual console. Having studied the original pipework and seen the original wind pressure markings as part of this project, the Forrest Memorial Organ was surely understated in its effect.

Möller added a new Great division to the instrument in 1980, introducing visible pipework set on cantilevered chests bracketing the rose window. The original Great was repurposed as a Positiv division, and the other divisions were revised in the fashion of the day, largely replacing foundation tone with new mixtures, cornets, and mutations. Towards the end of the same decade, Möller replaced the 1954 console with a new four-manual console, which allowed the addition of several digital voices by Walker Technical Company.

Möller’s Opus 8530 arrived at its final form a few years later when two new stops built by A. R. Schopp’s & Sons were added to the Swell division, a 4′ Blockflöte and an 8′ Tuba. Now at 54 ranks and supplemented by nearly a dozen digital voices, the instrument could fill the church with sound. The Möller pipework was nonetheless uniformly under-scaled for the space and sounded forced as it was inevitably “pushed” for maximum output. For such a large room, the Pedal division was also curiously limited to two dedicated ranks, a skinny wooden Contrabass and a generous Bourdon.

By the mid 2010s, parts of the instrument were failing. Some of the organ’s larger reed pipes were collapsing, wind reservoirs were audibly leaking, expression mechanisms were unreliable, and the instrument’s electro-pneumatic windchests were ciphering with regularity. The church’s organ committee, ably led by Mr. Danny Johnston, explored options to replace the obsolete Möller mechanisms while retaining as much of the pipework as was practical. The committee travelled to listen to various instruments in Texas, and four companies were invited to submit proposals. Two instruments convinced the committee that Létourneau was the right choice: our Opus 88 at Saint Andrew United Methodist Church in Plano (four manuals, 77 ranks) and our Opus 127 at Saint Mark’s School of Texas in Dallas (three manuals, 61 ranks).

After listening to the church’s aspirations for the project, studying the situation carefully, and surveying the Möller organ’s pipework, we developed a proposal for First United Methodist in several phases that retained nearly thirty ranks from the previous instrument. The project kicked off in the spring of 2019 with the replacement of the Antiphonal Great and Antiphonal Swell organs on either side of the gallery with new Antiphonal and Echo divisions totalling eleven ranks; the voicing was completed later that summer. Independently expressive, these two divisions served as a small but capable instrument for over a year, proving their ability to accompany the church’s adult choir of over seventy voices. With the completion of the chancel organ, these divisions draw sound from the chancel through the long nave, surrounding the congregation with sound without drawing attention to themselves.

As soon as the gallery organ and its two-manual console were ready for service, the dismantling of the chancel organ began. In all parts of the organ, pipes slated for reuse were repaired, cleaned, and in the case of the Möller pipework, liberally rescaled for the new instrument. For example, the scales of the Swell and Antiphonal 8′ Open Diapason stops were enlarged by three and four pipes, respectively. Two of the Möller’s narrow stopped basses were replaced with new wooden pipes for a fuller sound in the 8′ octave. After the addition of seven new pipes at various points in the tenor through soprano octaves, the Möller 8′ Harmonic Flute was completely transformed into the present Antiphonal 4′ Traverse Flute.

The first portion of the chancel organ arrived in Lubbock towards the end of 2019, and a second shipment arrived in early 2020. As the full extent of Covid-19 made itself known, how to continue the organ’s installation became a preoccupation as lockdowns and international travel restrictions sidelined our company’s Québec-based organ builders. After some logistical reshuffling, we engaged a crack team led by Samantha Koch and Daniel Hancock to continue the installation in Lubbock that included the talents of Ryan Boyle, Brian Seever, and Jon Lester. (Daniel and Samantha subsequently joined our team in Québec at the end of 2020.) This last phase of the installation included the Great division and the four 16′ tin façades with their oak casework around the church’s chancel area.

Our Opus 135 is playable from two new consoles. There is a large and traditional four-manual stopknob console in the chancel, and a two-manual console in the gallery with touchscreen controls. The gallery console offers the same stop controls as its larger brother at the other end of the sanctuary, giving organists complete control of the instrument in real time. Both consoles also share the same capture system, allowing the organist to move from one end of the building to the other without concern for registrations. The system boasts 999 levels of memory, as well as an independent sixteen levels of memory for the divisional pistons. Using Solid State Organ System’s powerful MultiSystem II platform, the switching system in all four organ chambers is linked by fiber optic cable for effortlessly rapid communication. Further, the organ has SSOS’s Organist Palette, an iPad interface allowing wireless record-playback throughout the sanctuary, a transposer, and a clock with stopwatch. The Organist Palette offers controls to adjust the General piston sequencer, the various Sostenuto functions, and the point of division for the Pedal Divide feature. Both consoles also use a programmable expression matrix, a concept we borrowed from Richard Houghten, which allows all five of the organ’s expressive divisions to be interchanged between any of the consoles’ three expression pedals.

The new organ’s tonal design took shape in a comfortably English mold, based on a large and noble Great division. Split between the two chancel façades, the Great offers colorful foundation stops, an elegant 16′ principal chorus topped with a six-rank mixture, and large-scale trumpets at 8′ and 4′ pitches. The 16′ Double Diapason is extended to play as the 8′ Open Diapason No. 2; the rank’s slotted pipes are voiced for a harmonically richer timbre to contrast with the larger, more foundational Open Diapason No. 1.

The Swell offers all the dynamic and tonal range one would expect for choral works or organ repertoire. Its specification is disciplined, containing the organ’s secondary principal chorus, a richly colored string and celeste, and a lighthearted chorus of flutes. The Swell foundations smooth the buildup between the Choir and Great divisions but equally reinforce the Great in orchestrally minded registrations. The Swell’s battery of trumpets with English shallots dominates the division without stretching above their station; they enrich the Great ensemble with nuance and color.

The Choir is the tertiary division, with a range of mezzo foundations, from its slotted principals to the open Concert Flute to the delicate Lieblich Gedackt rank. The organ’s softest stops, the Erzähler and Erzähler Celeste, possess more character than a typical Flute Celeste. When used in tandem with the Echo division, the effect is an ethereal shroud over the sanctuary, ideally proportioned to introduce solo colors from the Great, Swell, or Solo. With all the harmonic vibrancy and carrying power of a solo stop, the Choir’s cornet décomposé is still controlled in power such that its mutations can reinforce the principals for smaller contrapuntal works or in alternatim passages with other divisions. Möller’s 8′ English Horn from 1954 was thoroughly revoiced, and its hollow, peaky timbre contrasts beautifully with the Swell’s warm 8′ Oboe. The new Clarinet was fitted with teardrop shallots for a slightly bolder timbre than a prototypical English example without limiting its utility. Both reeds are balanced for use in dialogue with each other against the Swell, but they too can also be strengthened with elements from the cornet.

The Solo division stands out with a strong Doppelflöte and a pair of warm reverse-tapered gambas. The 8′ Tuba pipes by A. R. Schopp’s & Sons merit special mention for their resonators’ enormous scale, as well as their early jump to harmonic length at 4′ C. The Tuba rank was revoiced on nearly seventeen inches pressure with a round, fundamental tone that works beautifully as a solo voice—especially when employed in octaves—but can also buttress the whole ensemble. It will contrast magnificently as the darker foil to the future Trompette en chamade to be installed above the rear gallery. We also added a new 16′ octave to the Tuba using shallots and heavy zinc sheets supplied by Schopp’s for seamless cohesion. Intended to give the pedals the last word in extraordinary circumstances, the 16′ Ophicleide’s effect is especially astonishing from the chancel console!

The organ’s twelve-rank Pedal division features independent metal principals at 16′, 8′, and 4′. A five-rank mixture completes the Pedal chorus, with the mixture incorporating a soft tierce rank for a subtly distinctive timbre. The pedals are reinforced by a large 16′–8′ Open Wood rank and the restored Möller 16′–8′ Subbass, as well as a 16′ Trombone and 8′ Trumpet on nearly six inches pressure. The Pedal is also augmented by four digital 32′ stops provided by Walker, including a penetrating Contra Bass, a subtle Bourdon, a vibrant Contra Trombone, and a milder Contra Fagotto, with this last voice usefully enclosed within the Swell division.

As with any Létourneau instrument, a great deal of reflection went into how Opus 135 could best serve a host of musical needs, whether it is supporting a modern worship service, accompanying a grand choral anthem, or serving as the vehicle to present the organ’s repertoire. We believe the specification bears this out. With 75 ranks and five expressive divisions, there are endless possibilities for creative registration without having to turn the instrument on its head.  Each of the main divisions is based on foundations appropriate to the space, with incisive 16′ ranks that enhance their respective choruses without opacity. At the other end of the spectrum, great attention was paid to the role of upperwork with the happy result that the mixtures and higher pitches add presence and texture without overwhelming the balance of the chorus. The overall effect is one of grandeur, cohesion, and warmth.

We have thoroughly enjoyed working with so many fine people at First United Methodist Church during the course of this thrilling project, despite some unexpected twists and turns. Our work has been greatly helped at various points along the way by Danny Johnston, Dr. Seung-Won Cho, David Warren, Keith Bell, and the Reverend Todd Salzwedel. We are also grateful to Mrs. Mary Frances Baucum and the church’s Board of Trustees who were so supportive of the organ committee’s work and recommendations.

In the broader context of the Létourneau company, our Opus 135 for First United Methodist Church is the first instrument completed under the proprietorship of Dudley Oakes (Read about this here). This pipe organ is simultaneously the logical continuation of the artistic evolution that the company was already on and a first expression of our renewed pursuit of tonal excellence. Within the company, there is a growing sense of being in a strong position. The second generation of leadership has many lessons from the past to guide us into the future while still having the freedom to advance in new and exciting directions. With several exciting projects in the years ahead, we invite you to watch this space!

—Orgues Létourneau

Builder’s website

Church’s website

GREAT – Manual II – 95mm pressure

16′ Double Diapason, 12 pipes new, extension of Open Diapason No. 2

16′ Lieblich Gedackt — from Choir

8′ Open Diapason No. 1, 61 pipes new, 70% tin

8′ Open Diapason No. 2, 61 pipes new, 70% tin

8′ Harmonic Flute, 61 pipes new, 56% tin

8′ Salicional, 61 pipes new, zinc and 56% tin

8′ Chimney Flute, 61 pipes new, wood and 40% tin

4′ Principal, 61 pipes rescaled Möller pipes

4′ Open Flute, 61 pipes Schopp’s pipes

2-2⁄3′ Twelfth, 61 pipes new, 56% tin

2′ Fifteenth, 61 pipes new, 56% tin

1-1⁄3′ Mixture IV–VI, 306 pipes new, 56% tin

16′ Double Trumpet — from Swell

8′ Trompette, 66 pipes, new, 56% tin

4′ Clairon, 78 pipes, new, 56% tin

8′ Tuba — from Solo

Great Sub Octave

Great Unison Off

Great Octave

Chimes (from Solo)


ANTIPHONAL (enclosed) – Manual II – 115mm pressure

16′ Contra Geigen, 12 pipes new, extension of 8′ Geigen

8′ Open Diapason, 61 pipes rescaled Möller pipes

8′ Chimney Flute, 61 pipes Möller pipes with new wood bass

8′ Geigen, 61 pipes new, zinc and 56% tin

4′ Principal, 61 pipes rescaled Möller pipes

4′ Traverse Flute, 61 pipes rescaled Möller pipes

2′ Fifteenth, 61 pipes Möller pipes


Antiphonal Sub Octave

Antiphonal Unison Off

Antiphonal Octave

8′ Trompette en chamade — prepared for future addition

SWELL (enclosed) – Manual III –– 115mm pressure

16′ Contra Gamba, 12 pipes new, extension of 8′ Gamba

8′ Open Diapason, 61 pipes rescaled Möller pipes

8′ Gamba, 61 pipes Möller pipes

8′ Voix Celeste, 54 pipes from g8, Möller pipes with new zinc bass

8′ Bourdon, 61 pipes Möller pipes

4′ Principal, 61 pipes Möller pipes

4′ Harmonic Flute, 61 pipes new, 40% tin

2′ Piccolo, 61 pipes new, 40% tin

2′ Mixture III–V, 247 pipes new, 56% tin

16′ Double Trumpet, 61 pipes new, 56% tin, harmonic at c49

8′ Trumpet, 66 pipes new, 56% tin, harmonic at c37

8′ Oboe, 61 pipes new, 56% tin, capped resonators

8′ Vox Humana, 61 pipes new, 56% tin

4′ Clarion, 78 pipes new, 56% tin, harmonic at c25


Swell Sub Octave

Swell Unison Off

Swell Octave

ECHO (enclosed) – Manual III – 115mm pressure

16′ Bourdon, 12 pipes Möller pipes, extension of 8′ Bourdon

8′ Viole de gambe, 61 pipes Möller pipes

8′ Voix Celeste, 54 pipes from g8, Möller pipes with new zinc bass

8′ Bourdon, 61 pipes Möller pipes

4′ Violon, 61 pipes new, 56% tin

8′ Cor d’amour, 61 pipes Möller pipes, capped resonators


Echo Sub Octave

Echo Unison Off

Echo Octave

CHOIR (enclosed) – Manual I – 110mm pressure

16′ Lieblich Gedackt, 12 pipes new, extension of 8′ Lieblich Gedackt

8′ Geigen Diapason, 61 pipes Möller pipes

8′ Concert Flute, 61 pipes Casavant pipes with new treble

8′ Erzähler, 61 pipes Möller pipes

8′ Erzähler Celeste, 54 pipes from g8, new, zinc and 56% tin

8′ Lieblich Gedackt, 61 pipes Möller pipes with new wood bass

4′ Geigen Principal, 61 pipes new, 56% tin

4′ Koppelflöte, 61 pipes Möller pipes

2-2⁄3′ Nazard, 61 pipes rescaled Möller pipes

2′ Flageolet, 61 pipes rescaled Möller pipes

1-3⁄5′ Tierce, 61 pipes rescaled Möller pipes

1′ Fife, 61 pipes rescaled Möller pipes

8′ English Horn, 61 pipes Möller pipes

8′ Clarinet, 61 pipes new, 56% tin


Choir Sub Octave

Choir Unison Off

Choir Octave

8′ French Horn — from Solo

16′ Ophicleide — from Solo and Pedal

8′ Tuba — from Solo

4′ Tuba — from Solo

8′ Trompette en chamade — from Antiphonal

Harp — from Solo

SOLO (enclosed) – Manual IV – 255mm pressure

8′ Doppelflöte, 61 pipes new, wood and 40% tin

8′ Viola, 61 pipes new, zinc and 56% tin

8′ Viola Celeste, 54 pipes from g8, new, zinc and 56% tin


8′ French Horn, 49 pipes from c13, new, 56% tin, 425mm pressure

8′ Tuba, 85 pipes Schopp’s pipes, 425mm pressure

Solo Sub Octave

Solo Unison Off

Solo Octave

8′ Trompette en chamade — from Antiphonal

Chimes digital Walker Technical Co.

Harp digital Walker Technical Co.

Glockenspiel digital Walker Technical Co.

PEDAL – 105mm pressure

32′ Contra Bass, digital Walker Technical Co.

32′ Contra Bourdon, digital Walker Technical Co.

16′ Open Wood, 32 pipes new, wood

16′ Open Diapason No. 1, 32 pipes new, 70% tin

16′ Open Diapason No. 2 — from Great

16′ Subbass, 32 pipes Möller pipes

16′ Gamba — from Swell

16′ Lieblich Gedackt — from Choir

8′ Open Wood, 12 pipes new, extension of 16′ Open Wood

8′ Principal, 32 pipes new, 56% tin

8′ Subbass, 12 pipes Möller pipes, extension of 16′ Subbass

8′ Gamba — from Swell

8′ Lieblich Gedackt — from Choir

4′ Choral Bass, 32 pipes new, 56% tin

3-1⁄5′ Mixture V, 160 pipes new, 56% tin

32′ Contra Bombarde digital Walker Technical Co.

32′ Contra Fagotto digital enclosed with Swell, Walker Technical Co.

16′ Ophicleide 12 pipes new, zinc and 56% tin, ext. of Solo 8′ Tuba

16′ Trombone 32 pipes new, 145mm pressure

16′ Trumpet — from Swell

8′ Tuba — from Solo

8′ Trumpet 32 pipes new, 145mm pressure

4′ Tuba — from Solo

8′ Trompette en chamade — from Antiphonal

Chimes (from Solo)


16′ Geigen — from Antiphonal

16′ Bourdon — from Echo

8′ Geigen — from Antiphonal

8′ Bourdon — from Echo

97 total stops; 75 ranks; 4,233 pipes

Great Mixture IV–VI

c1 to b12 19 22 26 29

c13 to b24 15 19 22 26

c25 to f#31 12 15 19 22 26

g32 to b36 8 12 15 19 22

c37 to f#43 1 8 12 15 19 22

g44 to e53 1 5 8 12 15 19

f54 to c61 1 5 8 8 12 15

Swell Mixture III–V

c1 to e17 15  19 22

f18 to b36 12 15 19 22

c37 to e41 8 12 15 19

f42 to b48 1 8 12 15 19

c49 to c61 1 8 8 12 15

Pedal Mixture V

c1 to g32 17 19 22 26 29


Read about Létourneau Opus 132 here.

Ernest M. Skinner in Chicago: The first contracts

Stephen Schnurr

Stephen Schnurr is editorial director and publisher for The Diapason; director of music for Saint Paul Catholic Church, Valparaiso, Indiana; and adjunct instructor of organ at Valparaiso University.

Ernest M. Skinner
Ernest M. Skinner

Editor’s note: the information in this article was delivered as a lecture for the Ernest M. Skinner Sesquicentennial Conference on April 25, 2016, in Evanston, Illinois. The conference was sponsored by the Chicago, North Shore, and Fox Valley Chapters of the American Guild of Organists, the Chicago-Midwest Chapter of the Organ Historical Society, the Music Institute of Chicago, and The Diapason.

Ernest M. Skinner was a busy organbuilder from the time he first organized his own firm in 1901 in South Boston, Massachusetts. Most of the first 100 instruments were built for East Coast clients, though occasionally an organ would make its way further afield. In the Midwest United States, within a few years, Skinner organs would be sent to locations in Ohio, Minnesota, Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, and Indiana; however, it would take more than a decade before the first contract for a Skinner organ was inked for a destination in Illinois.

By the turn of the twentieth century, Chicago had fully recovered from the devastating fire of October 8–10, 1871. The city hosted the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition, centered where one now finds Jackson Park. Everything was new in Chicago, with resplendent churches, large fraternal lodges, educational institutions, and residences that drove a healthy, modern market for acquiring pipe organs of all sizes in the most up-to-date designs.

Breaking into the Chicago organ purchasing market must have become a priority for Skinner, for in 1913 a sudden flurry of four contracts was signed in quick succession in Chicago and Evanston for opuses 207, 208, 210, and 211. This breakthrough for the Skinner firm likely came with the assistance of the young and rising-star organist, Palmer Christian. Born in 1885 in nearby Kankakee, Illinois, Christian studied at Chicago’s American Conservatory of Music with Clarence Dickinson before traveling abroad to study with Karl Straube in Leipzig and Alexandre Guilmant in Paris. Upon his return to the United States in 1911, Palmer became organist of Kenwood Evangelical Church in the fashionable Chicago South Side neighborhood of Kenwood.

Kenwood Evangelical Church, Chicago

The city block bounded by 46th and 47th Streets and Greenwood and Ellis Avenues contains three monumental churches of significant architectural quality, all constructed between 1887 and 1926: the former Saint James United Methodist Church (46th Street and Ellis Avenue), Kenwood United Church of Christ (46th Street and Greenwood Avenue, just across the alleyway from Saint James), and Saint Ambrose Catholic Church (47th Street and Ellis Avenue). When these buildings were erected, Kenwood was a neighborhood of high society, as the likes of John G. Shedd of Marshall Field & Company fame belonged to Kenwood Evangelical Church. The Swift family of the meatpacking industry and the Harris family of banking belonged to Saint James Methodist Episcopal Church.

Kenwood Evangelical Church was organized on November 17, 1885, having grown from a Sunday school formed earlier that year. On November 26, 1887, the cornerstone of the present church was laid. The Romanesque Revival building was designed by William W. Boyington in association with H. B. Wheelock and dedicated November 18, 1888. (Boyington designed many important Chicago landmarks, most of which, like the old Chicago Board of Trade Building, are gone. His 1869 Chicago Water Tower and Pumping Station remain.) The edifice and the lot cost $65,423.92. The church is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. In 1888, Steere & Turner of Massachusetts installed its Opus 263, a two-manual, twenty-three-rank, mechanical-action organ costing $3,250. Portions of the gumwood case and the façade, including pipes from the Great 8′ Open Diapason, were retained to hide the new Skinner organ.

As mentioned above, in 1911 Palmer Christian was appointed organist to Kenwood Church. He soon led efforts to replace the Steere & Turner organ, and he specifically worked to have the contract awarded to the Ernest M. Skinner Company. This was to be the first Skinner contract in Illinois.

A specification was drawn for a three-manual organ in January 1913, and the contract was announced in the March issue of The Diapason. This was to be Opus 207, followed closely by three other Chicago-area contracts: Opus 208, First Church of Christ, Scientist, Evanston; Opus 210, Fourth Presbyterian Church, Chicago; and Opus 211, Hyde Park Baptist Church, Chicago.

Several changes would be made to the specification by the time the organ was installed the following year. On May 22, Christian wrote authorizing addition of the Great 8′ Philomela, extended from the Pedal 16′ Diapason, for an additional $150. Already, Christian and Skinner were at odds on just when the organ would be finished: 

Regarding the matter of time, I have only this to say, that, inasmuch as our church was the first to get you out here—and, if I must say it, this was entirely due to my “plugging” for you—we most certainly hope that you can make a special effort in our case, if need be, to be ready according to schedule.

On July 14, 1913, the church treasurer, John B. Lord, wrote to Skinner, authorizing several changes to the specification: elimination of the Choir 8′ English Horn and casework; addition of the Choir two-rank 8′ Dulcet; 8′ Posaune, 8′ Salicional, and 4′ Octave borrows from the Swell to the Great; addition of Chimes for $500; and a six-rank Echo division on a fourth manual for $1,800. The church could now claim it was to have a four-manual organ, not three, as another Chicago church had since signed a contract for a four-manual Skinner organ, Fourth Presbyterian Church.

Christian wrote Skinner on December 19, 1913, reminding him that he wanted Swell and Choir Unison Off couplers, five pistons for each manual except Echo (there were no General pistons), Swell to Pedal reversible, and a Choir to Pedal 4′ coupler. The old organ had been removed from the church, and Christian was complaining about the delay in completing the new organ, noting he had lost $100 in wedding fees, as there was no organ to play for the ceremonies. He asked if Skinner would be able to keep a February 1, 1914, completion date, as he wanted his former teacher Clarence Dickinson to play the dedicatory recital soon thereafter when he was in Chicago.

Dickinson did not play the dedicatory recital during this visit. The May 1, 1914, issue of The Diapason notes that Christian himself played the opening recital on April 16. Apparently, Mr. Skinner was present for the program. This was the first Skinner organ to be completed in Illinois, but not for long.

The Great, Swell, Choir, and Pedal divisions are housed behind the old Steere façade above the pulpit and choir loft at the front of the nave. The Echo division and Chimes are in a room located off the second-floor rear balcony. The console sits in the choir loft at the far right. The manual compass is 61 notes (C–C); pedal compass is 32 notes (C–G). (Opus 208 would have a 30-note pedalboard.) The unaltered organ has been unplayable for several decades.

The congregation is now known as Kenwood United Church of Christ. The church has experienced a renewal in numbers over the last several decades, mostly due to the leadership of Reverend Dr. Leroy Sanders.

First Church of Christ, Scientist, Evanston

Evanston’s First Church of Christ, Scientist, was founded in January 1895. The first worship site was probably a residence located on the present property, which was converted for use as a church. This building burned in 1897, and the members of the congregation set about building a new church costing $25,000.

Construction for the present church seating 900 commenced in 1912 and was completed the following year. It is an excellent example of Neo-Classical architecture that has been revered by Christian Scientists everywhere and by the denomination’s founder, Mary Baker Eddy. Mrs. Eddy became interested in this style of architecture while attending the 1893 World’s Fair in Chicago. Many of the exhibition buildings reflected this influence, including the Parliament of World Religions. First Church of Christ, Scientist, Chicago, now home to Grant Memorial African Methodist Episcopal Church, was among the first buildings of this type. The architect of First Church, Evanston, Solon Spencer Beman, also served as architect for First, Second, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Churches of Christ, Scientist, Chicago. He designed the mansion of the W. W. Kimball family on South Prairie Avenue, Chicago, as well as the entire “town” of Pullman on the South Side of Chicago. Beman became a personal friend of Mrs. Eddy, became a Christian Scientist, and served as a consulting architect for construction of the Mother Church Extension in Boston. First Church, Evanston, was Beman’s final commission, as he died the following year at the age of sixty-one. The church reportedly cost $100,000 to build.

The first organ that the congregation owned was apparently a reed organ built by Leonard Peloubet & Co. of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. In 1902, Lyon & Healy of Chicago built their Opus 105 (factory number 1357) for the congregation. This two-manual organ had mechanical key and stop action. When the present building was constructed, the Lyon & Healy was retained and installed in the Sunday school room of the lower level. In the 1990s, the then small congregation, unable to retain the organ, turned it over to the Organ Clearing House for eventual sale.

The organ in the new church auditorium, built by the Ernest M. Skinner Company, was completed on June 1, 1914, as Opus 208. The contract was signed in 1913. It is the oldest functioning Skinner organ in the state of Illinois. The Diapason announced the organ in July 1914:

The organ chamber is at the rear of the readers’ platform, and the tone comes into the auditorium through open ornamental lattice work, which conceals the pipes. The console is at the north (right) end of the platform, at the left of the readers.

Within the organ, the Great is centrally located with the Swell behind. The Choir and three Great additions are to the right. Interestingly, the pedal compass is 30 notes (C–F). During construction, the 4′ Octave was added to the Swell division, on its own chest with channel jumpers. Wind pressure was six inches throughout. The late Roy Kehl of Evanston has noted that Opus 208 was nearly identical to Opus 204, installed in Synod Hall of the Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine, New York, New York.

At a later date, three ranks were added to the Great. Additional tilting tablets above the Swell manual were added for these stops, which were not controlled by the combination action. This work is believed to have been carried out by La Marche of Chicago.

The congregation was served by several excellent organists. Rossetter Gleason Cole was appointed organist in 1909 and served through 1929. Cole was born in 1866. After study at the University of Michigan and in Berlin, he returned to the United States, settling in the Chicago area in 1902. For over fifty years, he served on the faculty of the Cosmopolitan Music School, and for a time served as dean of the school. He was twice dean of the Illinois (now Chicago) Chapter of the American Guild of Organists (1913–1914 and 1928–1930). On January 1, 1930, he became organist to Second Church of Christ, Scientist, Chicago. During his lifetime, over ninety of his compositions were published in many different forms. He died in 1952, at Hilltop, near Lake Bluff, Illinois.

One of the oldest community music schools in the state, the Music Institute of Chicago was founded in 1931 and has campuses in Downers Grove, Evanston, Highland Park, Lake Forest, Lincolnshire, Northbrook, and Winnetka. In 2001, Music Institute purchased its second Evanston campus, the former First Church of Christ, Scientist. First Church had recently merged with Second Church of Christ, Scientist, Evanston, moving to that congregation’s worship space.

First Church vacated its building in 2001, and renovations for the Music Institute began the following year. The building is registered on the National Register of Historic Places. In 2003, when renovations were complete, the prestigious Richard H. Driehaus Award was presented to the Music Institute for its creative reuse of this historic building. For the organ’s ninetieth birthday celebration, the Organ Historical Society presented its Historic Organ Citation #312 on June 13, 2004, during a recital by James Russell Brown.

Between 2005 and 2007, the organ received a historic restoration by J. L. Weiler, Inc., of Chicago. At the conclusion of this project, the organ was reinaugurated in recital by Thomas Murray on September 28, 2007.

Fourth Presbyterian Church, Chicago

The Fourth Presbyterian Church of Chicago is the merger of North Presbyterian Church (founded in 1848) and Westminster Presbyterian Church (founded in 1855); Fourth Church was formally organized February 12, 1871, thus celebrating its sesquicentennial in 2021. According to the church’s website: “The name ‘Fourth’ was selected not because it was the fourth Presbyterian church to be founded in Chicago, but because Fourth was the lowest number then not in use.”

Fourth Church refurbished the North Church building at the southeast corner of Wabash and Grand Avenues and dedicated it on October 8, 1871. Within a day, the church burned in the Great Fire of Chicago. North Church housed 1865 Pilcher Bros. & Chant Opus 65, which burned with the church.

The congregation built a new stone building at the northwest corner of Rush and Superior Streets and dedicated it in February of 1874. This building housed Johnson & Son Opus 436, a three-manual organ.

The cornerstone of the present building was laid on September 17, 1912. The English and French Gothic edifice was designed by Ralph Adams Cram, while the accompanying buildings were built to the designs of Chicago’s Howard Van Doren Shaw. This part of what is now North Michigan Avenue was then known as Lincoln Parkway.

The building was dedicated in May 1914. In the ensuing years, the sanctuary was adorned with stained glass windows by Charles J. Connick. At its dedication, it also featured a new, four-manual organ built by the Ernest M. Skinner Company, Opus 210. In the church archives, there is a letter from Ernest M. Skinner to Mrs. Emmons Blaine, 101 Erie Street, Chicago, dated February 13, 1913. Mrs. Blaine was the donor of the organ. Apparently, Skinner had come to the church during its construction, met with Mrs. Blaine, took measurements, and drew a preliminary specification for an organ while at her house. There must have been disappointment with what was perceived to be the size of the organ that could fit into the small main chamber. In the end, the chamber’s exceptionally large height allowed Skinner to stack the organ, providing a much larger instrument to be built. Skinner probably overdid it in this letter by stating:

When I say I am pleased with the result, I mean that the tone will have a perfect outlet, that the organ is not crowded in any way, that it is roomy and convenient of access for the tuners, and that it is a very large complete instrument, second to none in this country; that while there are several stops appearing in the Cathedral organ in New York that I did not put here, I did get in one or two stops that are not in the Cathedral organ, because they were not in existence when that was built. I have invented a new stop through my study over this case.

I wanted to put in a Flute Celeste of which I am very fond. It takes up considerable room, and I set about finding a way to take less. I wanted to make the stop softer than usual, so I had some pipes made to small scale from the model of my Erzahler. The result is a most beautiful combination. I think the most beautiful soft effect I have heard.

It is easy to make a soft tone. It is not easy to make a soft tone and fill it with significance. The sheer beauty of this stop gives me a very great asset and adds another to my list of original stops. I call it “Kleine Erzahler,” which means “little story tellers.” Erzahler means story-teller, it is a german [sic] word and is a stop I designed seven or eight years ago. The stop is so talkative, I have always said it named itself. This new one is a smaller scale of the same family and it takes two pipes to each note, and so becomes plural. They speak with a vibration, as a Violin. I feel very happy over it . . . .

I say without reservation, I am better pleased with this specifications [sic] than any other I have drawn. It is a fine church organ and besides has a wealth of orchestral color and it does not contain a stop of doubtful value. I have always hoped I should land in Chicago with a big one.

While Palmer Christian may have given Ernest Skinner his first organ in Chicago, and even a four-manual organ, it was Mrs. Blane who gave Skinner his first four-manual organ in Chicago that would definitively sow the seeds for more large contracts.

The first mention of Opus 210 in The Diapason occurred in the February 1, 1913, issue on the front page:

Ernest M. Skinner has been commissioned by the Fourth Presbyterian Church of Chicago to build for it a four-manual organ which will be one of the largest and most noteworthy instruments in the country. The organ is to be installed in the new edifice under construction by that church on the north side of the city. This will be probably the largest Presbyterian church in Chicago and the music here, which has always been of the best, is to continue so when the new building is occupied . . . . Expense is not to be spared, and Mr. Skinner is to incorporate every feature that could be of advantage when the size of the building is considered . . . . Mr. Skinner closed the deal when in Chicago about the middle of January. There was no competition for the contract.

The article also mentioned J. Lawrence Erb had been hired as the new organist for the church. The May issue provided the organ’s specification.

The June 1, 1914, issue of The Diapason noted the organ was played at the opening of the church on May 10, and that afternoon a recital was given by Eric DeLamarter, who by then had become the church’s new organist. The article noted the work on the organ had yet to be finished, and Mr. Skinner had made several visits to Chicago during installation. Voicing was done at night, “when the noises of the city were nearly enough stilled to permit them to get in their artistic touches.” Walter Binkemeyer and T. Cecil Lewis were assisting with voicing.

In 1946, Aeolian-Skinner would make some tonal revisions to the organ, adding six ranks. This project was paid for again by Mrs. Blaine. In 1971, the organ was rebuilt/replaced by the Aeolian-Skinner Organ Co. with its Opus 1516, among the last organs completed by the firm, with four manuals, 125 ranks. Goulding & Wood of Indianapolis, Indiana, renovated the organ in 1994 with slight alterations. In 2015, Quimby Pipe Organs completed for this church its Opus 71, the largest organ in Chicago, with five manuals, 142 ranks.

Hyde Park Baptist Church, Chicago

On May 9, 1874, the First Baptist Church of Hyde Park was founded. Hyde Park was a township annexed by Chicago in 1889. With the opening of the University of Chicago nearby on October 1, 1892, the congregation grew rapidly in membership. One of the congregation’s new members was Dr. William R. Harper, president of the new university. Under Harper’s influence, the church began discussions about a new plant in 1893. A new chapel-sized building was finished on the present property in 1896.

In November 1897, ideas about completion of the main church and the acquisition of a pipe organ took form. In 1901 the congregation received a generous gift in the amount of $15,000 from John D. Rockefeller, Jr., who was instrumental in the building of the nearby University of Chicago. Architect James Gamble was commissioned to design the church of Romanesque influence, seating some six hundred persons. In 1904, the congregation changed its name to Hyde Park Baptist Church. The new church was dedicated on January 7, 1906. The exterior is of red sandstone with limestone trim. Original plans called for construction entirely of stone, but this proved too costly. The interior is constructed of limestone, brick, and dark oak, crowned with massive cross beams. A brochure printed by the church notes that “the peaked ceiling is as high as the center aisle is long (some 76 feet).” A small pipe organ acquired a few years earlier at a cost of $1,000 was moved from the chapel to the new church, but it proved inadequate.

In 1914, a new organ was installed by the Ernest M. Skinner Company. The contract was dated January 31, 1913, at a cost of $8,000.00. By April 30, it was decided by mail to move the Swell 8′ French Horn preparation (knob only) to the Choir. It was stipulated: “Both kinds of Vox Humana pipes to be sent for the church to decide which it wants.”

Construction of the organ commenced in May 1914, and it was dedicated on October 22 of that year. This project corresponded with a general decoration of the church interior, designed by James R. M. Morrison. The three-manual, electro-pneumatic action organ, Opus 211, consisted of thirty-one stops, twenty-one ranks, with a total of 1,281 pipes. The console had a manual compass of 61 notes (C–C) and a pedal compass of 30 notes (C–F). The organ was powered by a 71⁄2-horsepower Spencer Orgoblo turbine. Several years later, a set of chimes was added in memory of T. B. Merrill.

This organ was rebuilt by M. P. Möller of Hagerstown, Maryland, in 1956, and is now a thirty-rank organ. The project retained seven ranks of Skinner pipework as well as most of the chests. A new three-manual, drawknob console with 32-note pedalboard was installed. The existing blower was reused. In 1965, the congregation again changed its name, becoming the Hyde Park Union Church, reflecting its affiliation with both the American Baptist Church and the United Church of Christ.


The year 1914 became an important and busy year for Skinner in Chicago. Opus 207 (Kenwood Evangelical) and Opus 210 (Fourth Presbyterian) had their first recitals within a month of each other (April 16 and May 10, respectively), and the First Church of Christ, Scientist, Evanston, organ (Opus 208) was finished the following month (June 1). Dedication for Opus 211 at Hyde Park Baptist was not that far behind (October 22). Once these instruments became known to organists of the region, the Skinner and Aeolian-Skinner firms would proceed to build dozens of additional organs for the area, continuing through to the end of the company’s work.

Kenwood Evangelical Church, Chicago

Specification of 1914 Ernest M. Skinner Organ Company Opus 207

GREAT (Manual II, 6″ wind pressure)

16′ Bourdon 61 pipes

8′ First Diapason (scale 42) 61 pipes

8′ Second Diapason (scale 45) 61 pipes

8′ Philomela 73 pipes

8′ Waldflote 61 pipes

8′ Salicional (fr Sw 8′ Salicional)

8′ Erzahler (“com”) 61 pipes

4′ Octave (fr Sw 4′ Octave)

4′ Flute (“Har #2”) 61 pipes

8′ Posaune (fr Sw 8′ Posaune)

Chimes (fr Echo)

SWELL (Manual III, enclosed, 7-1/2″ wind pressure)

16′ Bourdon (“#2”) 73 pipes

8′ Diapason (scale 44) 73 pipes

8′ Gedackt (“com”) 73 pipes

8′ Salicional (scale 64) 73 pipes

8′ Voix Celestes (scale 64) 73 pipes

8′ Aeoline (scale 60) 73 pipes

8′ Unda Maris (TC, scale 60) 61 pipes

4′ Octave 61 pipes

4′ Flute (“#2”) 61 pipes

2′ Piccolo (“com”) 61 pipes

[III] Mixture (“1 break”) 183 pipes

16′ Contra Posaune (“cc 4-1⁄2”) 73 pipes

8′ Posaune (“cc 4-1⁄2”) 73 pipes

8′ Oboe (“com”) 73 pipes

8′ Vox Humana (“com”) 73 pipes


CHOIR (Manual I, enclosed, 6″ wind pressure)

8′ Diapason (scale 50) 61 pipes

8′ Concert Flute 61 pipes

8′ Dulciana (scale 56) 61 pipes

8′ Dulcet 122 pipes

4′ Flauto Traverso (“#2”) 61 pipes

8′ Clarinet (“com”) 61 pipes

8′ French Horn (“com”) 61 pipes

8′ Orchestral Oboe (“com”) 61 pipes



ECHO (Manual IV, enclosed, 5″ wind pressure)

8′ Rohrflöte 73 pipes

8′ Quintadena 61 pipes

8′ Unda Maris (2nd rank TC) 110 pipes

4′ Flute 61 pipes

8′ Vox Humana 61 pipes


Cathedral Chimes 25 tubes


16′ Diapason (ext Gt 8′ Philomela)

16′ First Bourdon (Gt)

16′ Second Bourdon (Sw)

16′ Echo Bourdon (ext Echo 8′ Rohrfl)

10-2⁄3′ Quinte (fr Gt 16′ Bourdon)

8′ Octave (fr Gt 8′ Philomela)

8′ Gedackt (fr Gt 16′ Bourdon)

16′ Ophicleide (fr Sw 16′ Contra Pos)


Great to Pedal

Swell to Pedal

Swell to Pedal 4

Choir to Pedal

Choir to Pedal 4

Echo to Pedal

Swell to Great

Choir to Great

Echo to Great

Swell to Choir

Great to Great 4

Swell to Great 16

Swell to Great 4

Choir to Choir 16

Choir to Choir 4

Swell to Swell 16

Swell to Swell 4


5 Great Pistons (thumb)

5 Swell Pistons (thumb and toe)

5 Choir Pistons (thumb)

3 Echo Pistons (thumb)

5 Pedal Pistons (toe)

Combination Setter (thumb)

Pedal to Great Combination On/Off (thumb)

Pedal to Swell Combination On/Off (thumb)

Pedal to Choir Combination On/Off (thumb)

Pedal to Echo Combination On/Off (thumb)

Great Unison On/Off (thumb, left key cheek)

Swell Unison On/Off (thumb, left key cheek)

Choir Unison On/Off (thumb, left key cheek)

Balanced Swell expression shoe

Balanced Choir expression shoe

Balanced Crescendo shoe

Sforzando Reversible (toe, hitch-down)


First Church of Christ, Scientist, Evanston

Specification of 1914 Ernest M. Skinner Company Opus 208:

GREAT (Manual II)

16′ Bourdon (49 stopped wood, 12 open metal trebles) 61 pipes

8′ Diapason (leathered lips, metal) 68 pipes

8′ Philomela (wood) 80 pipes

8′ Erzähler (metal) 68 pipes

8′ Gedackt (fr Sw 8′ Gedackt)

8′ Dulciana (fr Sw 8′ Aeoline)

4′ Flute (fr Sw 4′ Flute)

8′ Cornopean (fr Sw 8′ Cornopean)

4′ Octave (addition, metal) 61 pipes

2-2⁄3′ Twelfth (addition, metal) 61 pipes

2′ Fifteenth (addition, metal) 61 pipes

SWELL (Manual III, enclosed)

16′ Bourdon (wood) 68 pipes

8′ Diapason (metal) 68 pipes

8′ Gedackt (wood) 68 pipes

8′ Salicional (metal) 68 pipes

8′ Voix Celestes (metal) 68 pipes

8′ Aeoline (metal) 68 pipes

8′ Unda Maris (TC, metal) 56 pipes

4′ Octave (metal) 68 pipes

4′ Flute (metal) 68 pipes

2′ Flautino (metal) 61 pipes

16′ Posaune (metal) 68 pipes

8′ Cornopean (metal) 68 pipes

8′ Flügel Horn (metal) 68 pipes

8′ Vox Humana (metal) 68 pipes


CHOIR (Manual I, enclosed)

8′ Geigen Principal (metal) 61 pipes

8′ Concert Flute (12 stopped wood basses, 25 open wood, 24 open metal trebles) 61 pipes

4′ Flute (metal) 61 pipes

8′ Clarinet (metal) 61 pipes



16′ Diapason (ext Gt 8′ Philomela)

16′ First Bourdon (Gt)

16′ Second Bourdon (Sw)

8′ Octave (fr Gt 8′ Philomela)

8′ Still Gedackt (fr Sw 16′ Bourdon)

16′ Posaune (Sw)


Great to Pedal

Swell to Pedal

Swell to Pedal 4

Choir to Pedal

Great to Great 4

Swell to Great

Choir to Great

Swell to Choir

Swell to Great 16

Swell to Great 4

Choir to Great 16

Swell to Swell 16

Swell to Swell 4


4 Great Pistons (thumb)

5 Swell Pistons (thumb)

4 Choir Pistons (thumb)

4 Pedal Pistons (toe)

Great to Pedal Reversible (toe)

Pedals to Great Combinations on/off (thumb)

Pedals to Swell Combinations on/off (thumb)

Pedals to Choir Combinations on/off (thumb)

Combination Setter (thumb)

Balanced Swell Expression Shoe

Balanced Choir Expression Shoe

Balanced Crescendo Shoe

Sforzando Reversible (toe)


Fourth Presbyterian Church, Chicago

Specification of 1914 Ernest M. Skinner Company Opus 210:

GREAT (Manual II, 6″ wind pressure, 16′ Diapason on 5″)

16′ Diapason 73 pipes

16′ Bourdon 61 pipes

8′ First Diapason 61 pipes

8′ Second Diapason 61 pipes

8′ Third Diapason 61 pipes

8′ Philomela 73 pipes

8′ Waldflöte 61 pipes

8′ Erzähler 61 pipes

4′ Octave 61 pipes

4′ Flute 61 pipes

2′ Fifteenth 61 pipes

16′ Ophicleide (10′′ wind pressure) 97 pipes

8′ Tromba (ext 16′ Ophicleide)

4′ Clarion (ext 16′ Ophicleide)

SWELL (Manual III, 7-1/2″ wind pressure, enclosed)

16′ Bourdon 73 pipes

16′ Dulciana 73 pipes

8′ Diapason 73 pipes

8′ Clarabella 73 pipes

8′ Gedeckt 73 pipes

8′ Spitzflöte 73 pipes

8′ Salicional 73 pipes

8′ Voix Celestes 73 pipes

8′ Aeoline 73 pipes

8′ Unda Maris (TC) 61 pipes

4′ Octave 73 pipes

4′ Flute 73 pipes

2′ Flautino 61 pipes

III Mixture (12-15-17) 183 pipes

16′ Contra Posaune 73 pipes

8′ Cornopean 73 pipes

8′ Oboe 73 pipes

8′ Vox Humana 73 pipes

4′ Clarion 73 pipes


CHOIR (Manual I, enclosed, 6″ wind pressure)

16′ Gamba 73 pipes

8′ Geigen Principal 73 pipes

8′ Concert Flute 73 pipes

8′ Quintadena 73 pipes

8′ Kleine Erzähler (2nd rank TC) 110 pipes

8′ Dulcet II 122 pipes

4′ Flute 73 pipes

2′ Piccolo 61 pipes

16′ English Horn 73 pipes

16′ Fagotto (So) 

8′ Clarinet 73 pipes

8′ Orchestral Oboe (So)

8′ Flügel Horn (So)


Celesta (61 bars)

SOLO (Manual IV, enclosed, 10″ wind pressure)

8′ Philomela (Gt)

8′ Gamba 73 pipes

8′ Gamba Celeste 73 pipes

16′ Fagotto 73 pipes

8′ Tuba Mirabilis (15′′ wind pressure) 73 pipes

8′ French Horn 73 pipes

8′ Flügel Horn 73 pipes

8′ Orchestral Oboe 73 pipes


ECHO (6″ wind pressure, enclosed)

8′ Diapason 61 pipes

8′ Gedeckt 61 pipes

4′ Flute 61 pipes

8′ Vox Humana 61 pipes

Tremolo (by Solo Tremolo knob)

PEDAL (5″ and 6″ wind pressure)

32′ Contra Violone 56 pipes

16′ Diapason (ext Gt 8′ Philomela)

16′ Violone (ext 32′)

16′ First Bourdon (Gt)

16′ Second Bourdon (Sw)

16′ Gamba (Ch)

16′ Dulciana (Sw)

8′ Octave (fr Gt 8′ Philomela)

8′ Gedeckt (fr Gt 16′ First Bourdon)

8′ Still Gedeckt (fr Sw 16′ Bourdon)

8′ Cello (So)

32′ Bombarde (ext Gt 16′ Ophicleide)

16′ Ophicleide (fr Gt 16′ Ophicleide)

16′ Posaune (Sw)

8′ Tromba (fr Gt 16′ Ophicleide)

4′ Tromba (fr Gt 16′ Ophicleide)


Great to Pedal

Swell to Pedal

Swell to Pedal 4

Choir to Pedal

Choir to Pedal 4

Solo to Pedal

Swell to Great

Choir to Great

Solo to Great

Swell to Choir

Choir Sub

Choir Super 

Swell Sub *

Swell Super *

Solo Sub *

Solo Super *

Echo to Solo

* “transferred to Great with Swell to Great”


3 Full pistons (draw manual and pedal combinations 5, 6, and 7, does not affect couplers)

7 Great pistons (thumb)

7 Swell pistons (thumb and toe)

7 Choir pistons (thumb)

7 Solo and Echo pistons (thumb)

7 Pedal pistons (toe)

Pedal to Swell Combinations on/off

Pedal to Great Combinations on/off (Great and Pedal combinations effect the other)

Pedal to Choir Combinations on/off

Pedal to Solo Combinations on/off

Combination adjuster (thumb)

Great to Pedal reversible (toe)

Balanced Swell expression shoe

Balanced Choir and Solo expression shoe

Balanced Crescendo shoe

Sforzando reversible (toe, hitch-down)


Hyde Park Baptist Church, Chicago

Specification of 1914 Ernest M. Skinner Company Opus 211:

GREAT (Manual II)

16′ Bourdon 61 pipes

8′ Diapason (17 basses in façade) 61 pipes

8′ Philomela 73 pipes

8′ Erzähler 61 pipes

8′ Gedackt (Sw)

8 Dulciana (Sw)

4 Flute (Sw)

8 Cornopean (Sw)

SWELL (Manual III, enclosed)

16′ Bourdon 61 pipes

8′ Diapason 61 pipes

8′ Gedackt 61 pipes

8′ Salicional 61 pipes

8′ Voix Celeste 61 pipes

8′ Dulciana 61 pipes

8′ Unda Maris (TC) 49 pipes

4′ Violin (knob only)

4′ Flute 61 pipes

2′ Piccolo 61 pipes

8′ Cornopean 61 pipes

8′ Flügel Horn 61 pipes

8′ Vox Humana 61 pipes


CHOIR (Manual I, enclosed)

8′ Geigen Principal 61 pipes

8′ Concert Flute 61 pipes

4′ Flauto Traverso 61 pipes

8′ Clarinet 61 pipes

8′ Orchestral Oboe 61 pipes

8′ French Horn (“knob only”)



16′ Diapason (ext Gt 8′ Philomela)

16′ First Bourdon (Gt)

16′ Second Bourdon (Sw)

8′ Octave (fr Gt 8′ Philomela)

8′ Gedackt (fr Gt 16′ Bourdon)

8′ Still Gedackt (fr Sw 16′ Bourdon)


Great to Pedal

Swell to Pedal

Choir to Pedal

Swell to Great

Choir to Great

Swell to Choir

Great 4

Choir to Great 16

Choir to Great 4

Swell to Great 16

Swell to Great 4

Choir 4

Choir 16

Swell 4

Swell 16


3 General Pistons (toe)

5 Great Pistons and Cancel (thumb)

5 Swell Pistons and Cancel (thumb)

5 Choir Pistons and Cancel (thumb)

5 Pedal Pistons (thumb)

Pedal to Great Combinations on/off (thumb)

Pedal to Swell Combinations on/off (thumb)

Pedal to Choir Combinations on/off (thumb)

Great to Pedal Reversible (thumb and toe)

Swell to Pedal Reversible (toe)

Choir to Pedal Reversible (toe)

Balanced Swell Expression Shoe

Balanced Choir Expression Shoe

Balanced Crescendo Shoe (with indicator)

Sforzando Reversible (toe)

Cover feature: Létourneau Opus 100

Létourneau Pipe Organs, Saint-Hyacinthe, Québec, Canada; Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah

The four-manual stage console in concert position (photo credit: Andrew Forrest / Létourneau Pipe Organs)
The four-manual stage console in concert position (photo credit: Andrew Forrest / Létourneau Pipe Organs)

From the builder

New pipe organs are certainly cause for celebration, and a new pipe organ in a concert hall setting is especially worthy. Its visual presence reminds concert goers of the organ’s existence outside the church walls and acknowledges the instrument’s pride of place when it comes to acoustic music. The concert hall also presents unique opportunities for organists to add magic to almost any kind of musical presentation. With their new 81-rank Létourneau instrument, Brigham Young University is poised to reap the benefits that only a pipe organ can provide.

Discussions began in 2019 between BYU and Létourneau Pipe Organs about a new pipe organ for their forthcoming concert hall. The design was largely complete at that time, and the hall today is the core of BYU’s new music building. Compared with the classic shoebox-shaped concert hall, this venue’s vineyard-style architecture places the stage closer to the center of the hall such that no seat is more than fifteen rows from the stage. Behind and above the stage is the organ chamber, within which now resides Létourneau’s Opus 100. Its 45-foot-wide wooden façade was made from rift-sawn oak and walnut with vertical maple accents. Nestled into the casework are 93 speaking tin pipes taken from the bass octaves of the Great 16′ Double Open Diapason, the Great 8′ First Open Diapason, the Pedal 16′ First Open Diapason, and the Pedal 8′ Principal stops.

The university’s organists, Don Cook and Neil Harmon, expressed a desire for an instrument in English Town Hall style. To explain, it became customary from the mid-nineteenth century into the early-twentieth century for cities and towns in the United Kingdom to install significant pipe organs in their civic auditoriums, as well as to engage civic organists to perform on them. These instruments—along with the technological advancements they ushered in—facilitated the development of complex orchestral transcriptions by organists W. T. Best, G. D. Cunningham, and Edwin H. Lemare, among others.

Many of these instruments still exist in places like Birmingham, Leeds, Liverpool, Rochdale, Reading, Sheffield, and Ulster, not to mention London’s Royal Albert Hall. While each reflects its builder’s distinct tonal approach, they are broadly similar in style and can comfortably present the organ’s core repertoire on their own terms. They are just as adept at presenting colorful orchestral transcriptions or at standing in for an orchestra to accompany massed choirs. With due care when registering, these instruments are at ease with a Bach fugue, a Mendelssohn sonata, a Franck chorale, a Vierne symphony, a transcription of a Wagner overture, or fulfilling the organ part in Holst’s The Planets.

Our tonal plan for Opus 100 follows an established recipe: The organ features two distinct open diapasons on the Great, as well as open diapasons in the Swell and Choir divisions. The Great principal chorus is based on a 16′ Double Open Diapason with multiple mixtures to suit the desired effect; the Great is completed by a battery of trumpets on eight inches of wind. The Swell duplicates the Great in many ways but on a smaller scale, while the instrument’s more delicate effects are found in the Choir. The Solo division offers a powerful wooden flute stop, a briny pair of narrow-scale violes d’orchestre, and two orchestrally inspired reed stops. Brawny might be a good adjective for the Pedal division, with its two 32′ flue stops, a 16′-8′ Open Wood rank, and a compelling reed chorus from 32′ through 4′.

With the certainty that the organ would be heard alongside one of BYU’s many symphony orchestras, wind ensembles, or choral ensembles, additional fortifications are present in the form of two high-pressure tuba ranks. The first, the 16′-8′-4′ Tuba unit stop in Solo division, is voiced at just under fifteen inches of pressure and, with its smooth golden tone, can serve as the ultimate chorus reed for the manuals and pedal to bulk up the instrument’s sonic presence. The other, the 8′ Tuba mirabilis in the Choir, speaks on nineteen inches of wind and contrasts with more “point” in its timbre.

One of the parameters established from the outset was that the instrument would feature a console attached to the façade with mechanical key actions, as well as another console at stage level playing the instrument through entirely electric actions. Because of the substantial wind pressures required to fill the auditorium and concerns about the weight of the key actions, the attached console has been provided with Kowalyshyn Servo Pneumatic Levers to ensure the key actions remain responsive and proportional. Ensuring flexibility, both consoles offer a full complement of sub octave, unison, and octave couplers and a comprehensive system of pistons for up to 99 users with 64 memory levels each.

The designation of this instrument as Létourneau’s Opus 100 merits explanation as it continues a company practice wherein significant opus numbers are reserved for grand instruments that represent something of a tour de force. The first such instrument was the company’s Opus 50 completed at the Francis Winspear Centre of Music in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, in 2002. There are similarities between Opus 50 and Opus 100: Both are large instruments that amply fill their respective concert hall with sound. In both cases, the pipe organ can be played from two consoles, with one attached to the instrument’s casework and the other moveable at stage level.

A pipe organ was always an integral part of BYU’s vision for its new concert hall, and we trust that this new and significant instrument will fulfill the university’s aspirations. It is humbling to think of the music that will come forth from Opus 100 from countless students, from BYU’s faculty, and from guest artists. Outside of solo presentations, there are also the many choirs that will be accompanied, or the orchestras and other ensembles that will be enriched, by the pipe organ’s unmistakable presence.

The entire Létourneau team is honored to have been selected to build this instrument and for our work to be associated with Brigham Young University into the future. It has been our pleasure to have worked with many fine people from BYU over the last five years, including Dean Ed Adams, Ray Bernier, Don Cook, Travis Dance, Jeremy Grimshaw, and Neil Harmon. We are grateful for their trust, for their patience, and for their unwavering support in our pursuit of artistic excellence.

—Andrew Forrest

From the musicians

Over many decades, the Brigham Young University organ program has enjoyed excellent practice facilities for organ majors and an organ lab for non-major organ study. However, access to a good concert organ has been difficult.

Moving to a new music building in 2023 created an opportunity to equip a 1,000-seat concert hall with a new pipe organ. The directors of our ensembles wanted an excellent instrument, and of course the organ faculty was poised to help bring a first-class organ to BYU.

A university organ committee was involved in the early stages of the new building’s design. We proposed an organ with two consoles—a tracker console in the façade and a movable console on the stage. An organ leaning in an English Romantic direction was proposed, to complement the French Romantic, Germanic, and American Classic organs in Salt Lake City.

Visits to several organs crafted by Létourneau in 2011 and 2019 led to a contract for a new four-manual, 81-rank instrument based on an English town hall scheme. The façade, designed by Létourneau with input from a BYU design committee, was to reflect the jagged-mountaintop theme echoed throughout the building. The terraced stage console allows easy view of the ensemble directors. The vineyard-style hall produces about two seconds of reverberation.

Organ alumni attended a conference underwritten by Marjorie Volkel following the organ dedicatory recital by Durham Cathedral organist Daniel Cook on October 25, 2024. One can imagine the joy they feel over their alma mater finally acquiring a concert organ that measures up to our active educational programs.

Current students are ecstatic over the new arrival and can access it regularly for practice, lessons, and performances. Although the new organ is located in a multi-use hall, administrators provide as much access as possible.

The inaugural season of performances includes solo recitals by faculty, alumni, and Salt Lake Tabernacle organists. Several choral and orchestral performances are scheduled, including the premiere of a new major work for women’s chorus and organ by Daniel Gawthrop. A community hymn sing is also scheduled.

The BYU community is set to enjoy the warmth, beauty, and power of this world-class organ for generations. We appreciate the university, the College of Fine Arts and Communications, the School of Music, and Létourneau Organs with Andrew Forrest for working together so nicely in the creation of this beautiful concert organ.

—Neil Harmon and Don Cook

Brigham Young University organ faculty


Builder’s website:

University website:

Inaugural season of events:

Cover photo: Nate Edwards / BYU Photo


GREAT – Manual II – 130mm pressure

16′ Double Open Diapason, 61 pipes, 70% tin

8′ First Open Diapason, 61 pipes, 70% tin

8′ Second Open Diapason, 61 pipes, 56% tin

8′ Harmonic Flute, 61 pipes, wood and 56% tin, harmonic @ g32

8′ Viola di gamba, 61 pipes, zinc and 56% tin

8′ Stopped Diapason, 61 pipes, wood and 40% tin

4′ Principal, 61 pipes, 56% tin

4′ Open Flute, 68 pipes, 40% tin

2 2⁄3′ Twelfth, 61 pipes, 56% tin

2′ Fifteenth, 61 pipes, 56% tin

1 3⁄5′ Seventeenth, 61 pipes, 56% tin

2 2⁄3′ Grand Mixture II–III, 159 pipes, 12-15, 56% tin

1 1⁄3′ Mixture IV, 244 pipes, 19-22-26-29, 56% tin

1⁄2′ Sharp Mixture 183 pipes, 29-33-36, 56% tin

16′ Contra Posaune 61 pipes 56% tin, harmonic @ f#43, 205mm pressure

8′ Trumpet 68 pipes 56% tin, harmonic @ f#31, 205mm pressure

4′ Clarion 68 pipes 56% tin, harmonic @ f#19, 205mm pressure

Great 16, Great Unison Off, Great 4

8′ Tuba mirabilis (Choir)



SWELL (enclosed) – Manual III – 140mm pressure

16′ Contra Gamba, 61 pipes, zinc and 56% tin

8′ Open Diapason, 61 pipes, 56% tin

8′ Concert Flute, 61 pipes, wood and 56% tin

8′ Gamba, 61 pipes, zinc and 56% tin

8′ Voix Celeste, 54 pipes from g8, zinc and 56% tin

8′ Bourdon, 61 pipes, wood and 40% tin

4′ Principal, 61 pipes, 56% tin

4′ Flauto Traverso, 61 pipes, 40% tin

2′ Fifteenth, 61 pipes, 56% tin

2′ Piccolo Harmonique, 61 pipes, 40% tin

11⁄3′ Mixture III–IV, 232 pipes, 19-22-26, 56% tin

16′ Double Trumpet, 61 pipes, 56% tin, harmonic @ c49

8′ Trumpet, 66 pipes, 56% tin, harmonic @ c37

8′ Oboe, 61 pipes, 56% tin, capped resonators

8′ Vox Humana, 61 pipes, 56% tin, capped resonators

4′ Clairon, 78 pipes, 56% tin, harmonic @ c25


Swell 16, Swell Unison Off, Swell 4

CHOIR (enclosed) – Manual I – 115mm pressure

16′ Lieblich Gedact, 61 pipes, wood and 40% tin

8′ Geigen Diapason, 61 pipes, 56% tin

8′ Rohr Flute, 61 pipes, wood and 40% tin

8′ Dulciana, 61 pipes, zinc and 56% tin

8′ Vox Angelica, 54 pipes from g8, zinc and 56% tin

4′ Fugara, 61 pipes, 56% tin

4′ Koppel Flute, 61 pipes, 40% tin

2 2⁄3′ Nazard, 61 pipes, 40% tin

2′ Gemshorn, 61 pipes, 56% tin

1 3⁄5′ Tierce, 61 pipes, 40% tin

1 1⁄3′ Larigot, 61 pipes, 40% tin

1′ Mixture III, 183 pipes, 22-26-29, 56% tin

16′ Contra Fagotto, 61 pipes, 56% tin

8′ Trumpet, 66 pipes, 56% tin

8′ Cremona, 61 pipes, new, zinc and 56% tin


Choir 16, Choir Unison Off, Choir 4

8′ Tuba mirabilis, 61 pipes, 56% tin, harmonic @ f#19, 495mm pressure

Great Reeds on Choir

SOLO (enclosed) – Manual IV – 280mm pressure

8′ Flauto mirabilis, 61 pipes, wood

8′ Viole d’orchestre, 61 pipes, zinc and 70% tin

8′ Viole Celeste, 54 pipes from g8, zinc and 70% tin

8′ Clarinet, 61 pipes, 56% tin

8′ English Horn, 61 pipes, zinc and 56% tin


16′ Contra Tuba, 12 pipes ext of 8′ Tuba, 56% tin, 400mm pressure

8′ Tuba, 61 pipes, 56% tin, 400mm pressure

4′ Tuba Clarion, 24 pipes ext of 8′ Tuba, 56% tin, 400mm pressure

Choir 16, Choir Unison Off, Choir 4

8′ Tuba mirabilis (Choir)

Chimes 37 notes Walker digital voice

Harp 61 notes Walker digital voice

Glockenspiel 61 notes Walker digital voice

Great Reeds on Solo

PEDAL – 150mm pressure

32′ Double Open Diapason, 12 pipes ext of 16′ Open Diapason, wood, Haskell construction

32′ Contra Bourdon, 12 pipes ext of 16′ Bourdon, wood

16′ Open Wood, 32 pipes, wood

16′ First Open Diapason, 32 pipes, 70% tin

16′ Second Open Diapason (Great)

16′ Bourdon, 32 pipes, wood

16′ Gamba (Swell)

16′ Lieblich Gedact (Choir)

10 2⁄3′ Grand Quint, 32 pipes, 56% tin

8′ Open Wood, 12 pipes ext of 16′ Open Wood, wood

8′ Principal, 32 pipes, 70% tin

8′ Spitz Flute, 32 pipes, 56% tin

4′ Choral Bass, 32 pipes, 56% tin

2 2⁄3′ Mixture IV, 128 pipes, 19-22-26-29, 56% tin

32′ Contra Posaune, 12 pipes ext of Gt 16′ Contra Posaune, zinc and 56% tin, 225mm pressure

16′ Tuba (Solo)

16′ Trombone, 32 pipes, 56% tin, 205mm pressure

16′ Fagotto (Choir)

8′ Tuba (Solo)

8′ Trumpet, 32 pipes, 56% tin, 205mm pressure

4′ Tuba Clarion (Solo)

4′ Clarion, 32 pipes, 56% tin, 205mm pressure

8′ Tuba mirabilis (Choir)

Great Reeds on Choir

Pedal Divide

82 stops; 81 ranks; 4,608 pipes



Great to Pedal 8, 4

Swell to Pedal 8, 4

Choir to Pedal 8, 4

Solo to Pedal 8, 4

Swell to Great 16, 8, 4

Choir to Great 16, 8, 4

Solo to Great 16, 8, 4

Swell to Choir 16, 8, 4

Solo to Choir 16, 8, 4

Solo to Swell

Great to Solo

Swell to Solo

Choir to Solo



• One four-manual and pedal console in the en fenêtre position with mechanical key actions and Kowalyshyn Servo Pneumatic Lever machines.

• One four-manual and pedal moveable console at stage level with electric actions.

• Common combination action between consoles for up to 100 users and 64 levels of memory per user. 8 Great pistons, 8 Swell pistons, 8 Choir pistons, 6 Solo pistons, 8 Pedal pistons and 16 General pistons, as well as multiple Next and Previous pistons.

Mixture Compositions

Great Grand Mixture II–III

c1 to b12 12 15

c13 to b24 8 12

c25 to b36 1 5 8

c37 to f#43 -5 1 5

g44 to c61 -8 -5 1

Great Mixture IV

c1 to b12 19 22 26 29

c13 to f#19 15 19 22 26

g20 to f#31 12 15 19 22

g32 to f#43 8 12 15 19

g44 to c61 1 8 12 15

Great Sharp Mixture III

c1 to g#9 29 33 36

a10 to f18 26 29 33

f#19 to d27 22 26 29

e28 to b36 19 22 26

c37 to g#45 15 19 22

a46 to e53 12 15 19

f54 to c61 8 12 15

Swell Mixture III

c1 to b12 19 22 26

c13 to b24 15 19 22 26

c25 to e41 12 15 19 22

f42 to d51 8 12 15 19

d#52 to c61 1 8 12 15

Choir Mixture III

c1 to a10 22 26 29

a#11 to g20 19 22 26

g#21 to f30 15 19 22

f#31 to d#40 12 15 19

e41 to c61 8 12 15

Pedal Mixture IV

c1 to g32 19 22 26 29

Pipe Organs of La Grange, Illinois, Part 8: Grace Lutheran Church

Stephen Schnurr

Stephen Schnurr is editorial director and publisher of The Diapason, director of music for Saint Paul Catholic Church, Valparaiso, Indiana, and adjunct instructor in organ for Valparaiso University.

Grace Lutheran Church, La Grange, IL
Grace Lutheran Church, La Grange, IL

This article is the final installment of a series in the August 2015, June 2016, July 2017, February 2018, June 2018, March 2021, and May 2021 issues of The Diapason. The information was delivered as a lecture for the Midwinter Pipe Organ Conclave on January 19, 2015, in La Grange, Illinois. The research for this project provides a history of a number of pipe organs in the village, but not all. For instance, organs in residences and theaters are not surveyed.

Grace Lutheran Church of La Grange was organized on April 14, 1887, as the Swedish Lutheran Church, the sixth congregation founded in the village. The lot at the southeast corner of Ogden and South Kensington Avenues was purchased the next month for $600. In June, an architect’s plan for a church measuring twenty feet by fifty feet was accepted, and ground was broken. The basement portion of the church was dedicated on September 25, 1887. The remainder of the structure was completed for dedication on October 8, 1895. This church was served by a reed organ.

Reverend Alfred Ostrom was called as first resident pastor in 1897 at a salary of $600 per year, plus a Christmas Day collection. A musician, he served as an editor of the first English hymnal of the Augustana Synod in 1901. In 1904, the congregation took the name Swedish Evangelical Lutheran Emmaus Church of La Grange. Reflecting the change of language for services from Swedish to English, the congregation became known as Emmaus Evangelical Lutheran Church in 1922.

In 1926, a committee was formed to plan for much-needed larger facilities, to be built on newly acquired property across Ogden Avenue. That year, the congregation became known as Grace English Lutheran Church, though “English” was dropped in 1927.

On the church’s fortieth anniversary in April 1927, a campaign was announced for the new structure. Ground was broken in October 1928, with the cornerstone laid the following month for a redbrick Gothic edifice with stone trim. Architects were Harry K. Culver and Walter C. Eden, the latter a member of the church. The nave seated 350 persons, and sliding doors to the adjoining hall provided overflow for an additional 125. Dedication occurred on June 2, 1929, with three services. Additions were made to the building in 1950 and 1966. The sanctuary was renovated to its present configuration in preparation for the congregation’s 125th anniversary celebration in 2012.

The original church still stands and was for some time home to another congregation, Grace and Truth Gospel Chapel. It has since been converted into a private residence.

For the present sanctuary, M. P. Möller of Hagerstown, Maryland, provided its opus 5522 costing $4,200. The contract was dated January 30, 1929, with completion set for June 1 of that year. An addition was typed onto the standard Möller contract stating that the builder “guarantees the workmanship, material, and tone qualities of this organ to be equal or superior to any organ built.” Wind pressure was five inches. The Echo division, never installed, was to be in a chamber provided near the rear of the nave, at second-floor level. A second tonal opening was located in the ceiling of an adjoining dining room. The organ was dedicated in service on June 4, 1929, two days after the church itself.

1929 M. P. Möller Opus 5522

GREAT (Manual I, enclosed)

8′ Open Diapason 73 pipes (scale 40, wood bass)

8′ Concert Flute 73 pipes

8′ Dulciana (scale 56) 73 pipes

4′ Solo Flute (ext 8′ Concert Flute)

4′ Dulcet (ext 8′ Dulciana)


Chimes (“Silent stop”)

SWELL (Manual II, enclosed)

16′ Bourdon 97 pipes

8′ Stopped Diapason (ext 16′ Bourdon)

8′ Salicional (scale 60) 73 pipes

8′ Voix Celeste (TC, scale 62) 61 pipes

4′ Flute d’Amour (ext 16′ Bourdon)

4′ Violina (ext 8′ Salicional)

2-2⁄3′ Nazard (ext 16′ Bourdon)

8′ Cornopean (“Small scale”) 73 pipes

8′ Vox Humana 61 pipes (scale 40, wood bass)


ECHO (Manual I, prepared at console)

8′ Echo Flute 73 pipes

8′ Muted Viole 61 pipes

8′ Vox Angelica 61 pipes

4′ Wahl [sic] Flute (ext 8′ Echo Flute)



16′ Sub Bass 44 pipes

16′ Lieblich Gedeckt (Swell, 16′ Bdn.)

8′ Bass Flute (ext 16′ Sub Bass)


Great to Pedal

Swell to Pedal

Great to Great 16

Great Unison Off

Great to Great 4

Swell to Great 16

Swell to Great 8

Swell to Great 4

Swell to Swell 16

Swell Unison Off

Swell to Swell 4

Echo to Great

Echo On/Great Off

Adjustable Combinations

3 Full Organ

4 Great and Pedal and Cancel

4 Swell and Pedal and Cancel

3 Echo Organ


Great to Pedal reversible (toe)

Balanced Swell expression shoe

Balanced Great expression shoe

Balanced Crescendo shoe (with indicator light)

Sforzando reversible (toe)

The congregation began to consider rebuilding and enlarging the organ or replacing it entirely in early 1957. A committee focused on proposals from the Aeolian-Skinner Organ Co., Casavant Frères, Limitée, and M. P. Möller, Inc. The initial concept was to expand the existing organ chambers to either side of the chancel, involving small additions to the building. An initial proposal from Möller, June 7, 1957, called for a modest instrument with Great, Swell I, Swell II, Antiphonal, Pedal, and Antiphonal Pedal divisions, showing the influence of Ernest White’s tonal direction. The Aeolian-Skinner, Casavant, and Möller proposals were sent (without builder identification) to several Chicago area organ experts, with opinions and comparisons received from Edward Eigenschenk (American Conservatory and Second Presbyterian Church), Heinrich Fleischer (University of Chicago and DePaul University), Austin Lovelace (First Methodist Church and Northwestern University, Evanston), and Stanley Martin (Emmanuel Episcopal Church, La Grange, and the Chicago Sunday Evening Club). The overwhelming response was in favor of the Möller proposal, though several had caveats.

A revised Möller proposal dated February 24, 1958, abandons the divided Swell plan and enlarged the Antiphonal division, so that it would be more useful in leading the congregation from the rear of the nave. An 8′ Principal was also added to the Great specification. By May of that year, Grace Church was contemplating placing most of the organ in the rear gallery. With this change of focus, the chambers in the chancel would be reused for an antiphonal organ for the gallery instrument.

A contract dated September 11, 1958, was signed for Möller Opus 9325, in the amount of $45,400, with completion set for December 1, 1959. Perhaps recalling a certain condition of the 1929 contract, this one stated, “The organ shall be a distinctive work of the builder, a product of his factory, and in no way an assembled instrument.” A three-manual gallery organ was provided, and the old organ was rebuilt as a two-manual chancel instrument, played from the gallery console. The church’s choirs moved from the chancel to the gallery. For the gallery organ, wind pressures were three-and-a-half inches for the Great, four inches for the Swell, Choir, and Pedal.

1959 M. P. Möler opus 9325

GREAT (Manual II)

16′ Quintade 73 pipes (scale 46, 24 zinc basses, remainder spotted metal)

8′ Principal 61 pipes (scale 46, 24 zinc basses, remainder spotted metal)

8′ Holzgedackt 61 pipes (“Reg. Stopped Flute Bass & Treble,” wood and metal)

8′ Quintaton (ext 16′ Quintade)

4′ Octave 61 pipes (scale 58, spotted metal)

2′ Waldflöte 61 pipes (scale 68, 3⁄4 taper, spotted metal)

III Rks. Fourniture 183 pipes (spotted metal)


Chimes 20 tubes (“present Antiphonal,” from tenor A)

SWELL (Manual III, enclosed)

8′ Rohrpfeife 61 pipes (scale 56, 12 zinc basses, remainder spotted metal)

8′ Viola 61 pipes (scale 52, 12 zinc basses, remainder spotted metal)

8′ Viola Celeste 54 pipes (from low G, scale 54, 5 zinc basses, remainder spotted metal)

4′ Suavial 61 pipes (scale 60, spotted metal)

2′ Zauberflöte 61 pipes (scale 62, spotted metal)

III Rks. Plein Jeu 183 pipes (spotted metal)

16′ Cor Anglais 61 pipes (half length, 4″ scale, “English Horn Pattern”)

8′ Trompette 61 pipes (12 basses half length)

4′ Hautbois 61 pipes (3″ scale, “Reg. Oboe Full Length”)


CHOIR (Manual I, enclosed)

16′ Gemshorn 73 pipes (scale 40, 1⁄3 taper, 24 zinc basses, remainder spotted metal)

8′ Bordon 61 pipes (scale 56, 12 zinc basses, remainder spotted metal)

8′ Gemshorn (ext 16′ Gemshorn)

4′ Koppelflöte 61 pipes (scale 64, spotted metal)

2′ Doublette 61 pipes (scale 72, spotted metal)

II Rks. Sesquialtera 122 pipes (spotted metal)

8′ Krummhorn 61 pipes (1″ scale, “Brass Treble”)



16′ Sub Bass  32 pipes (“Large Pedal Bdn., Low Lip, Large Ears”)

16′ Quintade (Great, 16′ Quintade)

16′ Gemshorn (Choir, 16′ Gemshorn)

8′ Geigen 44 pipes (scale 45, 17 zinc basses, remainder spotted metal)

8′ Quintaton (Great, 16′ Quintaton)

8′ Gemshorn (Choir, 16′ Gemshorn)

4′ Oktav (ext 8′ Geigen)

4′ Quintaton (Great 16′ Quintaton)

II Rks. Grave Mixture 88 pipes (5 zinc basses, remainder spotted metal)

II Rks. Rauschquinte (ext II Rks. Grave Mixture)


8′ Harfenprinzipal 73 pipes (new pipes, old action, scale 50, 12 zinc basses, remainder spotted metal)

8′ Concert Flute 73 pipes (old pipes and action, “Reg. Concert FLT,” wood and metal)

4′ Octave (ext 8′ Harfenprinzipal)

4′ Flute (ext 8′ Concert Flute)

III Rks. Mixture 183 pipes (new pipes, old Diapason action, spotted metal)


16′ Gedeckt 85 pipes (old pipes and action, “Reg. Man. Bdn.”)

8′ Gedeckt (ext 16′ Gedeckt)

8′ Salicional 61 pipes (old pipes and action, scale 60, 12 zinc basses, remainder spotted metal)

4′ Spitzprinzipal 73 pipes (new pipes, old action, scale 60, 3⁄4 taper, spotted metal)

4′ Gedeckt (ext 16′ Gedeckt)

2′ Octavin (ext 4′ Spitzprinzipal)

1-1⁄3′ Nasat 61 pipes (new pipes, old Vox Humana action, scale 80, 2⁄3 taper, spotted metal)

8′ Fagotto 61 pipes (new pipes, old Cornopean action, 2-1⁄4′′ scale, half length, “Open Oboe”)



16′ Bourdon 44 pipes (old pipes and action, “Reg. Ped. Bdn.”)

16′ Gedeckt (Chancel Swell, 16′ Gedeckt)

8′ Bourdon (ext 16′ Bourdon)

8′ Gedeckt (Chancel Swell, 16′ Gedeckt)

4′ Gedeckt (Chancel Swell, 16′ Gedeckt)


Great to Pedal 8

Swell to Pedal 8

Swell to Pedal 4

Choir to Pedal 8

Choir to Pedal 4

Chancel Great to Pedal 8

Chancel Swell to Pedal 8

Chancel Swell to Pedal 4

Great Unison Off

Swell to Great 8

Swell to Great 4

Choir to Great 8

Choir to Great 4

Chancel Swell to Great 8

Chancel Swell to Great 4

Choir to Choir 16

Choir Unison Off

Choir to Choir 4

Great to Choir 8

Swell to Choir 8

Swell to Choir 4

Swell to Swell 16

Swell Unison Off

Swell to Swell 4

Chancel Swell Unison Off

Chancel Swell 4 to Swell 4

Adjustable Combinations

8 General pistons (thumb, 5–8 toe)

6 Great Organ pistons (thumb)

3 Chancel Great Organ pistons (thumb)

6 Swell Organ pistons (thumb)

3 Chancel Swell Organ pistons (thumb)

6 Choir Organ pistons (thumb)

6 Pedal and Chancel Pedal pistons (toe)

General Cancel (thumb)

Combination adjustor (thumb)


Great to Pedal reversible (thumb and toe)

Swell to Pedal reversible (thumb and toe)

Choir to Pedal reversible (thumb and toe)

Balanced Swell and Chancel Swell expression shoe

Balanced Choir expression shoe

Balanced Chancel Great expression shoe

Balanced Crescendo shoe (with 3 indicator lights)

Gallery-Both-Chancel thumb pistons

Chancel Swell to Chancel Great expression shoe reversible (with indicator light)

Tutti reversible (thumb and toe, with indicator light)

Cancel tabs over stop groups

In 1993, the Möller organ was thoroughly rebuilt by Dan Vaughan of Phoenix, Arizona. The organ’s action was converted to all-electric. Much of the Möller pipework was retained for the new instrument. In 2001, Ericksen, Christian, and Associates of Glen Ellyn, Illinois, replaced the Great 8′ Principal, 4′ Octave, and 2′ Fifteenth with new pipes supplied by Rieger-Kloss of the Czech Republic.

1993 Dan Vaughan organ

GREAT (Manual II)

16′ Quintaten 61 pipes

8′ Principal 61 pipes

8′ Holz Gedeckt 73 pipes

4′ Octave 61 pipes

4′ Gedeckt (ext 8′ Holz Gedeckt)

2′ Fifteenth 61 pipes

III Fourniture 183 pipes

8′ Trompette 61 pipes

Chimes (tenor A) 21 tubes


SWELL (Manual III, enclosed)

8′ Principal 61 pipes

8′ Rohr Flute 73 pipes

8′ Viola 61 pipes

8′ Viole Celeste (low G) 54 pipes

4′ Octave 61 pipes

4′ Rohr Gedeckt (ext 8′ Rohr Flute)

2′ Flautina 61 pipes

III Plein Jeu 183 pipes

16′ Cor Anglais 73 pipes

8′ Trumpet 61 pipes

8′ Trompette (Great, 8′ Trompette)

8′ Hautbois (ext 16′ Cor Anglais)

4′ Clarion 61 pipes


CHOIR (Manual I, enclosed)

8′ Bourdon 61 pipes

8′ Gemshorn 61 pipes

4′ Koppelflote 61 pipes

2-2⁄3′ Nazard 61 pipes

2′ Principal 61 pipes

1-3⁄5′ Tierce 61 pipes

1′ Twenty-Second (fr 2′ Principal)

8′ Krummhorn 61 pipes


Choir Unison

Choir to Choir 4


32′ Resultant (fr 16′ Bourdon)

16′ Principal 56 pipes

16′ Sub Bass 32 pipes

16′ Bourdon 12 pipes (ext Choir 8′ Bourdon)

16′ Gedeckt (Chancel Swell, 16′ Bourdon)

16′ Gemshorn 12 pipes (ext Choir 8′ Gemshorn)

8′ Principal (ext 16′ Principal)

8′ Bourdon (Choir 8′ Bourdon)

8′ Gedeckt (Chancel Sw 16′ Gedeckt)

4′ Octave (ext 16′ Principal)

4′ Bourdon (Choir 4′ Koppel Flote)

2′ Super Octave (fr Great 4′ Octave)

III Cornet 96 pipes

16′ Bombarde (Swell 16′ Trumpet)

8′ Trumpet (Swell, 8′ Trumpet)

4′ Hautbois (Swell, 8′ Hautbois)


8′ Bauerflote 85 pipes

4′ Lieblich Flote (ext 8′ Bauerflote)

2′ Bauerflote (ext 8′ Bauerflote)

1′ Lieblich Flote (fr 8′ Bauerflote)

III Cymbal 183 pipes

CHANCEL SWELL (Manual III, enclosed)

16′ Gedeckt 97 pipes

8′ Gedeckt (ext 16′ Gedeckt)

8′ Salicional 61 pipes

4′ Spitz Principal 73 pipes

4′ Gedeckt (ext 16′ Gedeckt)

2-2⁄3′ Nazard (ext 16′ Gedeckt)

2′ Flute (ext 16′ Gedeckt)

1-1⁄3′ Larigot (ext 4′ Spitz Principal)

8′ Fagotto 61 pipes


Swell to Swell 4

Inter-divisional Couplers

Great to Pedal 8

Great to Pedal 4

Swell to Pedal 8

Swell to Pedal 4

Choir to Pedal 8

Choir to Pedal 4

Swell to Great 16

Swell to Great 8

Swell to Great 4

Choir to Great 16

Choir to Great 8

Choir to Great 4

Swell to Choir 16

Swell to Choir 8

Swell to Choir 4


8 Full Organ pistons (thumb), 1–4 and 8 (toe)

6 Great pistons (thumb)

6 Swell pistons (thumb)

6 Choir pistons (thumb)

3 Chancel Great pistons (thumb)

3 Chancel Swell pistons (thumb)

2 Pedal pistons (toe)

General Cancel (thumb)

Comb. Adjuster (thumb)

Midi 1–8

Great to Pedal reversible (thumb and toe)

Swell to Pedal reversible (thumb and toe)

Choir to Pedal reversible (thumb and toe)

Gallery/Chancel/Both (thumb)

Balanced Swell expression shoe

Balanced Choir expression shoe

Balanced Chancel Swell expression shoe

Balanced Crescendo shoe (with three green indicator lights)

Tutti reversible (thumb and toe, with red indicator light)

Wind indicator (white)

Memory Level/Show/Player/Gt.-Ch. Rev./Transp. Up/Transp. Down (thumb)

Cover Feature: Quimby Pipe Organs, First United Methodist, Athens, GA

Quimby Pipe Organs, Inc., Warrensburg, Missouri; First United Methodist Church, Athens, Georgia

Quimby Opus 77
Quimby Pipe Organs, Inc., Opus 77

First United Methodist Church of Athens, Georgia, is home to the newest instrument by Quimby Pipe Organs, Inc., of Warrensburg, Missouri. The four-manual, 68-rank pipe organ, Opus 77, was created through the collaboration of Michael Quimby, president and tonal director, and T. Daniel Hancock, former president and designer, Quimby Pipe Organs; James F. Mellichamp, president and professor of music, Piedmont College, Athens, Georgia, consultant; Stephen Mitchell, director of music; and Janis Maxwell, organist.

The instrument is designed primarily to fulfill its first job of leading worship and then to serve a variety of musical functions. The tonal design is not intended to copy any one particular school or period of organbuilding; however, Michael Quimby does draw his inspiration from the great builders of the past, such as Aristide Cavaillé-Coll, Father Willis, Ernest M. Skinner, and the Aeolian-Skinner Organ Company, as well as renowned English organbuilder T. C. Lewis, among many others. His goal is to build an instrument with its own identity and character that will embrace the needs of the client and to provide an instrument that not only serves as a recital instrument but can also be used in the wide variety of musical genres found in the worship practices of the twenty-first century.

The tonal concept of this instrument was carefully conceived and notably avoids the redundancies that are often found in large organs. Each stop is designed and voiced to provide sounds that not only work well within the ensemble but are also intriguing and beautiful on their own, making the organ tonally diverse, while at the same time cohesive and easy to register.

The instrument is unusual in a number of ways. First, it has four enclosed divisions. Second, the 32′ and 16′ Pedal reed stops and all other manual 16′ reeds are full length. Third, the instrument contains certain features of the symphonic style of organ that were sought after in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Michael Quimby and his team have striven to play a leading role in reviving and developing this style of building over the last two decades. Fourth, departing from the symphonic tradition, each division of the instrument, excluding the Solo, contains a completely developed Diapason chorus. This has proven to increase the versatility of the instrument in classical, romantic, and symphonic styles of music. One thing that sets these Diapason chorus ranks apart is the unusual use of substantial metal thicknesses incorporating antimony and trace elements for stability. Over the last twenty-five years Quimby Pipe Organs has discovered that using thicker metal allows the pipework to be voiced to its full potential—for stability in pipe speech and achieving the optimum in harmonic development.

Another feature is the chorus of trumpets and orchestral reeds, including the Tuba, French Horn, Oboe, English Horn, and Corno di Bassetto, all voiced by head reed voicer, Eric Johnson. Of particular interest are two contrasting solo reeds, the Tuba in the Solo division and the Hooded Trumpet in the Antiphonal division, voiced on twenty inches wind pressure and ten inches wind pressure, respectively. Over his many years of study Eric has developed a technique and sound that sets him apart as one of the premier reed voicers in the world today.

Mechanically, Quimby instruments feature the use of our version of the Blackinton slider windchest, distinguished by a pneumatic pallet design and absence of slider seals, allowing for the flue pipes in each division to speak without the “explosive attack” experienced by individual valves since each note shares a common note channel with the other ranks. The reed ranks, Solo, Pedal, and offset pipes are on electro-pneumatic, pouch-style windchests.

As with most instruments, the console is seen as the crown jewel of the installation. Made of solid mahogany, in the Aeolian-Skinner style, with walnut drawknob jambs, coupler rails, and accents, the console incorporates the Virtuoso control system, provided by Integrated Organ Technologies of Alpharetta, Georgia. The solid mahogany case, designed by T. Daniel Hancock, and built by Southern Elegance Custom Cabinetry of Crawford, Georgia, incorporates design features from both the existing grillwork and the sanctuary, achieving an aesthetically elegant display. Located in the twin chancel façades are notes 1–21 of the Great 16′ Double Open Diapason and notes 1–12 of the Pedal 8′ Octave.

It is with great gratitude that Quimby Pipe Organs wishes to thank all of those at First Methodist who made their stay in Athens an enjoyable one: Chuck Hodges, senior pastor; Dave Walton, business administrator; Bob Winstead, executive director of administration and project manager; Steven Mitchell, director of music; Janis Maxwell, director of youth music; Ron Young, facilities manager; and all those in the congregation who showed the love of Christ by supplying treats and meals throughout the installation.

On Sunday, August 1, Joe Russell, a student of both Alan Morrison of the Curtis Institute of Music and Ken Cowan of Rice University, began his tenure as associate director of music ministries and organist. Bradley Welch played the inaugural recital on Sunday, August 29, after a one-year delay due to Covid restrictions. The recital was live-streamed and is available on the church’s website:

Current associates of Quimby Pipe Organs, Inc., who took part in the construction and installation of this instrument include Michael Quimby, Eric Johnson, Chris Emerson, Dan Sliger, Brian Seever, Chuck Ford, Chirt Touch, Anthony Soun, Bailey Tucker, Mahoney Soun, Joseph Nielsen, Kevin Kissinger, Ruth Anne Parrott, Dwight Parrott, Joe Lambarena, and Jim Schmidt.

—Chris Emerson, Administrative Assistant, and Daniel Sliger, Project Lead


Builder’s website:

Church’s website:


Cover photo: Chris Emerson

Other photos: Chris Emerson and Daniel Sliger


Quimby Pipe Organs, Inc.

208 Marshall Street, P. O. Box 434

Warrensburg, MO 64093

GREAT–Manual II, unenclosed

16′ Double Open Diapason 61 pipes

8′ Open Diapason 61 pipes   

8′ Hohl Flute 61 pipes

8′ Violoncello 61 pipes

4′ Octave 61 pipes

4′ Stopped Flute 61 pipes

2-2⁄3′ Twelfth 61 pipes

2′ Fifteenth 61 pipes

1-3⁄5′ Seventeenth 61 pipes

1-1⁄3′ Mixture IV 244 pipes

16′ Double Trumpet (Swell)

8′ Trumpet 61 pipes

8′ Tuba (Solo)

8′ Tromba (Pedal)

8′ Hooded Trumpet (Antiphonal)

Chimes 25 tubes

Great to Great 16-UO-4

SWELL–Manual III, enclosed

16′ Contra Gamba 73 pipes

8′ Open Diapason 61 pipes

8′ Stopped Diapason 61 pipes

8′ Viola da Gamba (ext 16′ Contra Gamba)    

8′ Voix Celeste (CC) 61 pipes

4′ Octave 61 pipes

4′ Harmonic Flute 61 pipes

2′ Super Octave (from Mixture IV–V)

2′ Mixture IV–V 252 pipes

16′ Double Trumpet 61 pipes

8′ Trumpet 61 pipes

8′ Oboe 61 pipes

4′ Clarion 61 pipes


Swell to Swell 16-UO-4

CHOIR–Manual I, enclosed

16′ Gedeckt 73 pipes

8′ Geigen Diapason 61 pipes

8′ Chimney Flute (ext 16′ Gedeckt)

8′ Erzähler 61 pipes

8′ Erzähler Celeste (TC) 49 pipes

4′ Principal 61 pipes

4′ Night Horn 61 pipes

2-2⁄3′ Nazard 61 pipes

2′ Flageolet 61 pipes

1-3⁄5′ Tierce 61 pipes

1′ Mixture III–IV 191 pipes

16′ Contra Fagotto 73 pipes

8′ Fagotto (ext 16′ Contra Fagotto)


8′ Corno di Bassetto (Solo)

8′ Tuba (Solo)

8′ Hooded Trumpet (Antiphonal)

Choir to Choir 16-UO-4

SOLO–Manual IV, enclosed

8′ Harmonic Flute 61 pipes

8′ Gamba 61 pipes

8′ Gamba Celeste 61 pipes

8′ Corno di Bassetto 61 pipes

8′ English Horn (GG) 56 pipes

8′ French Horn 61 pipes


16′ Double Trumpet (Swell)

16′ Contra Fagotto (Choir)

8′ Fagotto (Choir)

8′ Tuba 61 pipes

8′ Tromba (Pedal)

8′ Hooded Trumpet (Antiphonal)

Solo to Solo 16-UO-4

Chimes (Great)

ANTIPHONAL–Manual IV, enclosed

8′ Open Diapason 61 pipes

8′ Lieblich Gedeckt 61 pipes

8′ Flauto Dolce 61 pipes

8′ Flute Celeste (TC) 49 pipes

4′ Octave 61 pipes

2′ Fifteenth 61 pipes


8′ Hooded Trumpet 61 pipes

8′ Tuba (Solo)

Antiphonal to Antiphonal 16-UO-4

PEDAL–10 ranks, unenclosed

32′ Double Open Wood Diapason (Resultant, 10-2⁄3′ stopped pipes and 16′ Open Wood) 12 pipes

32′ Contra Bourdon 56 pipes

16′ Open Wood Diapason 44 pipes

16′ Open Metal Diapason (Great)

16′ Bourdon (ext 32′ Contra Bourdon)

16′ Violone 44 pipes

16′ Gedeckt (Choir)

16′ Contra Gamba (Swell)

8′ Open Bass (ext 16′ Open Wood)

8′ Octave 44 pipes

8′ Bourdon (ext 32′ Contra Bourdon)

8′ Violone (ext 16′ Violone)

8′ Erzähler (Choir)

8′ Gedeckt (Choir)

4′ Super Octave (ext 8′ Octave)

4′ Solo Flute 32 pipes

2-2⁄3′ Grave Mixture II 64 pipes

1-1⁄3′ Sharp Mixture II 64 pipes

32′ Contra Trombone 85 pipes

32′ Harmonics VII (derived)

16′ Trombone (ext 32′ Contra Trombone)

16′ Double Trumpet (Swell)

16′ Contra Fagotto (Choir)

8′ Trombone (ext 32′ Contra Trombone)

8′ Trumpet (Swell)

8′ Fagotto (Choir)

8′ Oboe (Swell)

8′ Clarion (ext 32′ Contra Trombone)

8′ Fagotto (Choir)

8′ Tuba (Solo)

ANTIPHONAL PEDAL–1 rank, enclosed

16′ Bourdon 44 pipes

8′ Octave (Antiphonal 8′ Open Diap)

8′ Bourdon (ext 16′ Bourdon)



Great to Pedal 8

Great to Pedal 4

Swell to Pedal 8

Swell to Pedal 4

Choir to Pedal 8

Choir to Pedal 4

Solo to Pedal 8

Solo to Pedal 4

Antiphonal on Pedal 8

Swell to Great 16

Swell to Great 8

Swell to Great 4

Choir to Great 16

Choir to Great 8

Choir to Great 4

Solo to Great 16

Solo to Great 8

Solo to Great 4

Antiphonal on Great 8

Swell to Choir 16

Swell to Choir 8

Swell to Choir 4

Solo to Choir 16

Solo to Choir 8

Solo to Choir 4

Great to Choir 8

Pedal to Choir 8

Antiphonal on Choir 8

Solo to Swell 16

Solo to Swell 8

Solo to Swell 4

All Swells to Swell

Combination Action

Great Organ divisional pistons 1–8

Swell Organ divisional pistons 1–8

Choir Organ divisional pistons 1–8

Solo Organ divisional pistons 1–8

Antiphonal Organ divisional pistons 1–8

Pedal Organ divisional pistons 1–8 and 1–8 toe studs

General Pistons 1–12 (duplicated on toe studs) and 13–18 pistons only

Next Piston Sequencer: 3 pistons and 1 toe stud

Previous Piston Sequencer: 3 pistons and 1 toe stud

Set Piston

General Cancel Piston

Crescendo & Expression

General Crescendo pedal, 60 positions, three adjustable and one standard

Swell expression pedal

Choir expression pedal

Solo expression pedal

Antiphonal expression pedal


Great to Pedal - thumb and toe paddle

Swell to Pedal - thumb and toe paddle

Choir to Pedal - thumb and toe paddle

Solo to Pedal - thumb and toe paddle

Swell to Great - thumb and toe paddle

Choir to Great - thumb

Swell to Choir - thumb

32′ Contra Bourdon - thumb and toe paddle

32′ Contra Trombone - thumb and toe paddle

Sforzando - thumb and toe paddle

Manual Transfer - thumb and indicator light


Great Organ 14 ranks

Swell Organ 15

Choir Organ 14

Solo Organ 7

Antiphonal Organ 7

Pedal Organ 10

Antiphonal Pedal Organ 1


Total number of ranks 68

Total stops 97

Total pipes 3,867

Current Issue